Religious endowment has served as an institution whose social, cultural, and religious impact can be felt throughout our society. Especially, when governments did not considered themselves responsible to provide welfare for their citizens, religious endowment was able to fill in those voids, and provide amenities were needed for the comfort and betterment of the society. This custom was even practiced by the ruling class, not as a fulfillment of their governing obligations, but as charitable gesture for their society.Moreover, religious endowment had the ability improve the cultural and religious areas of the society, and with its support, shape the direction of the nation. During the Safavid period by recognizing Shi’ism as the official religion of the state, the practice of this custom [backed by the support of the state] grew substantially. As a result of this growth, the increase in popularity of religious endowment cauldn’t be separated from the increase in popularity of Shi’ism. This increase provided much comfort for the society and increased the social welfare and even urban development of that time.This paper tries to examine the practice of religious endowment during the Safavid period, and analyze its impact from various religious, cultural, and societal dimensions. In addition to using some of its era primary sources and documents, several endowment contracts of the period have been studied and analysed.The much discussed question of the article is: How the religious endowment could able to leave its mark on religious, cultural, and societal dimensions of the Safavid period? It is believed that religious endowment, through establishing various cultural and educational hubs, such as schools and mosques, expanded and increased the popularity of the Shi’ism. This religious practice, also left its mark in other facets of the society. By initiating and constructing bridges, water reservoirs, carvanserais, health centers, public baths, and other institutions for public works, this practice was responsible for creating many positive changes in the society.