Background and Purpose: Violence against reproductive age women harms other health priorities و such as family planning and maternal health. This study aimed to identify the determinants of violence among reproductive age women. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 182 married women, 15-49 years old in Sarab City, Iran, through simple random sampling in 2018. Data were collected by a selfdesigned questionnaire including demographic characteristics, physical, psychological, verbal, economic, and sexual violence. Then, it was analyzed using an independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and multivariate linear regression. Results: The prevalence of physical, psychological, sexual, economic and verbal violence in women was 11(6%(, 14(7. 7%), 18(9. 9%), 24(13. 2%), and 37(20. 3%), respectively. Husband's older age and husband's older age of marriage increased (B= 0. 14, 95% CI= 0. 00 to 0. 28) and decreased (B=-1. 17, CI=-0. 27 to-0. 06) verbal violence against women. Illiteracy in spouses reduced physical violence (B=-2. 43, CI=-4. 58 to-0. 27) and sexual violence (B=-1. 62, CI=-3. 08 to-0. 16) and in women, it reduced psychological violence (B=-2. 63, CI=-4. 81 to-0. 45). Spousal smoking reduced physical (B=-0. 97, CI=-1. 78 to-0. 17), psychological (B=-1. 17, CI=-2. 01 to-0. 33), and verbal (B=-1. 22, CI=-1. 96 to-0. 48) violence,however, women's alcoholism (B= 7. 31, CI= 0. 27 to 4. 43) and having children from a previous marriage of the woman (B= 0. 06, CI= 0. 04 to 1. 16) increased physical violence. The highest economic violence was seen in female employees (B= 1. 31, CI= 0. 35 to 2. 27). Psychological (B=-4. 92, CI=-7. 89 to-1. 49) and sexual (B=-2. 16, CI=-4. 09 to-0. 22) violence was less experienced in men's second marriage. Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of verbal violence and related factors, conducting the necessary screenings to recognize it in time, teaching communication skills and anger management to husbands seems essential.