According to quasi- experimental study, and as thinkers emphasize, each government is obliged to prepare and regulate its communicating policies in order to make interaction between its constructive elements of each political structure including law and rankings and its people. Thus, reviewing the command of Imam Ali (AS) to Malik al-Ashtar, through documentary research and the framework of social communication sciences literature, reveals that Imam Ali (AS) somehow insisted that no fair government can act truly without having communication with its citizens and there should be continuous flow of information, guidelines, ideas, etc. between the government (governor, institutions and governmental systems) and its people and vice versa. Within this field, one can find some guidelines for all of the human societies in some parts of Malik al-Ashtar's treaty. Such as equal care and respect for all citizens, clarifying the social groups and providing interaction between government and different social groups, providing chances for direct communication, discussion and dialogue of citizens with the highest government authorities, providing channels for the weaker social groups in order to access the power centers and also communicating their needs, and providing different communication chances in order to talk about the criticisms and citizen's views toward the authorities.