In analyzing the relationship between tradition and modernity, while focusing on traditional and modern values, certain researchers believe that in the process of modernization some of the traditional values would break down and collapse. This happens because, it is said that, these two kinds of values cannot stay together in the process of modernization. Our society has taken the path of modernization and development with a rapid pace since several decades ago, this is why at this juncture, a discussion of the fate of the values seems necessary. We launch our basic question as “What will happen to the family and religion in the process of modernity?” This is dealt with at a micro level, and for the analysis of different values in the contemporary Iranian situation, we use the integrative perspectives (modernization and postmodern perspectives), and also utilize data produced by the World Values Survey about different societies, which is being treated at a macro level. Among all values, we have focused on family and religious ones and have compared these values with those of other countries. We have reached several results such as: 1) the elderly, lowly educated, and the poor care more for these values than do the young, the intellectuals, and the rich. 2) Among different issues, the level of education is more directly related to religiosity of people. 3) Among the challenges of tradition and modernity in Iran, religiosity is more important than the family. 4) At the macro level, there is negative relationship between values and human development in different countries.