As soon as Abu Bakr b. Abi Qahafa received the news on gathering of Khazrajid Ansars in the Saqifa of Bani Sâ ida under Saad b. Ubada, went there along with his assistants-Umar b. al-Khattab and Abu Ubayda al-Jarrah without any hesitation. The absence of his Hashimid rivals-Ali and Abbas-, paved the way for him to intrigue the Arab sense-in the shadow of tribal logic-for taking aliegeance by emphasizing on relation with the Prophet Muhammad(p. b. u. h. ) and attribution to the Quraysh tribe. The main question which is in the focal point of the current study, is: Did it incite any reaction by Imam Ali? The findings of this study-which is under the descriptive and analytic method and rely upon Nahj al-Balagha sermons and historical datas show that Imam Ali rejected the logic of Saqifa trenchantly but adopted the “ Strategy of forbearance” and avoiding of unrest intelligently for the protection of Islam from any possible danger.