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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Mādayān ī Hazār dādestān is a juridical book in Pahlavi (=Middle Persian) which has been written in Sasanian era. Mādayān ī Hazār dādestān is the only book remained from the juridical tradition of Zoroastrianism. This book is dedicated to juridical issues such as slavery, tutelage, bailment/ warranty, partnership, marriage, divorce and etc. This article studies the juridical law related to warranty expressed by the terms ''pāyandānīh'' and ''ham- pāyandānīh''. This report is divided into two parts; the first part defines ''pāyandānīh'' and ''pāyandān'' and analyzes the related laws. For example who chooses ''pāyandān'' and how is it qualified, when can the claimant refer to it and what can be ''pāyandān''. The second part ''ham-pāyandānīh'' and its related rules are studied, such as like what are the features of ''ham-pāyandānīh'' and what commitments does it impose and the differences between the two.

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The conceptual metaphor program firstly launched by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) in Metaphors We Live By book. The theory attempt to describe conceptual metaphors as mental chart that idealize in the language metaphorically. Most of the studies of conceptual metaphors are limited to speech and writing. However studying of conceptual metaphors especially emotional metaphors in pictures can expand the conceptual metaphor model. Forceville (1996, 1999, and 2002) for the first time studied metaphor mapping in images and movies. The current paper analyzes anger metaphors in 10 congenital blinds’ language metaphors in comparison with their sighted peers based of Forceville model. According to the result, there are some differences and similarities in understanding of anger and anger metaphors in the language of two groups. one can see the effect of language on shaping the mental images of the absolute congenital blind that do not have any visual notion of their environment.

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Using linguistic patterns in studying the style of different texts can help Persian stylistics to get out of repeating traditional methods and getting in a new way. A way which make this field more dynamic and more applied. For this purpose, in the present article we have tried to use Hallidayan functional grammar, specially textual metafunction, in order to study the style of the tales of Tafsire Soureye Yousof. To do this we analyzed 16 tales of the book and found that although at first glance the prose of the tales is simple (morsal) because of using unmarked and simple themes more than marked and multiple ones, and using reference more than other cohesive devices, but relative use of long sentences, marked and multiple themes, and also low frequency of ellipsis and substitution in order to create Rhyme and balance, shows that the tales have somewhat rhymed prose.

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زبان شناخت

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علم فراست که در متون دوره اسلامی با عناوین علم قیافه و قیافه شناسی نیز آمده است، یکی از اقسام علوم غریبه است که اکثر دانشمندان اسلامی آن را ذیل فروع حکمت طبیعی قرار داده اند. فراست، دانشی است که به کمک آن می توان از نشانه های ظاهری و علائم صوری فرد به باطن و سیرت او راه یافت، دانشی که پیشینه آن را به قرن پنجم و چهارم پیش از میلاد و به دوره بقراط و ارسطو رسانده اند. موضوع این مقاله، فراست نامه ای فارسی منسوب به آذرکیوان است که در میان فراست نامه های فارسی و عربی نظیری ندارد. در این فراست نامه، آذرکیوان علائم و نشانه های ظاهری پادشاهان ایران باستان را توصیف کرده و آنها را با اخلاق و منش ایشان تطبیق داده است. توصیفات ظاهری شاهان و پهلوانان ایرانی اغلب بر محور اعتدال می چرخد و در برابر، اجزای چهره و اندام شاهان و پهلوانان انیرانی یا بسیار درشت و بزرگ اند یا باریک و نزار. بدترین و ظالم ترین پادشاهان، ضحاک و تور و گرسیوز و شغاد و ماهوی سوری اند که تقریبا همه صفات شخصیت های بد و ظالم را دارند.

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The present article, in the experimental phonetics framework, investigates whether speakers of standard Persian deliberately control the secondary feature of vowel duration correlating with vowel height or if this feature merely results from primary features and therefore can be explained by biomechanical factors. Vowel durational differences among high, mid and low vowels across changes in different speech rates (slow, normal and fast) and in two place of articulations (front and back) were analyzed in standard Persian. The results show that the duration of vowels differing in height is not actively controlled by speakers. These results also shows that durational differences in vowels differing in height cannot be explained by biomechanical factors.

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In the 12th paragraph of the 33rd Zand of Yasna, the name of the god “Bahman” has been followed by the adjective griftār and another word whose spelling and meaning are not so clear. griftār has been rendered “acceptor” and “recipient”. In this article, with respect to the meanings of griftan and griftār, it is suggested that griftār is a passive participle and its meaning is “perceivable”. The connection between this adjective and Bahman will be demonstrated by surveying sentences and phrases from Middle Persian texts. At the end, it will be proved that this word and that one which follows it, should be read griftārōmand and this latter one be rendered as “perceivable”.

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