The Most of papers and theories in the field of motivation have been tested and are effective in a certain range and They cannot be used as a single document in other countries; Similarly, the factors motivating employees in the public and private sectors Due to the different requirements of various factors would be involved. In this study, after studying the existing literature in the field of public service motivation, a comprehensive list of the scale of the incentives were collected in 8 categories. From among these, according to the 17-member panel of experts (academic and administrative), two factors tend to "Willingness to participate in policy-making (interest policy)" and the "desire for public participation" were excluded from the list of factors And finally by the majority of experts and expert-based modeling method of interpretation, resulting model, was designed based on the ranking of the six factors. In a hierarchical system designed to democratic governance, first level, second level of self-sacrifice and compassion, civic duty and social justice at the third and fourth level of commitment to the public interest.