Wind erosion due to lack of rainfall is one of the most significant desertification processes in many parts of the world Iran, because of its latitudinal location geographically and lack of rainfall, is faced with this dilemma. Recent droughts in Hormozgan Province have destroyed sparse desert vegetation and increased the process of desertification, which resulted in wind erosion in the vulnerable areas, causing destruction of shrubs and trees in East Jask. The increase in sand dunes have threatened area villages, causing villagers to immigrate. Remediation which has been taken in Iran until now was related to stabilization of the shifting sand by oil mulch. We have examined the possibility of replacing oil mulch, which is more expensive, with polymer polylatiseto stabilize the shifting, wind driven sand taking into consideration the climate (humidity) of Hormozgan Province. To do this, we chose three plots, each 1000 m2 located in Gahrdo plains, Sirik, Hormozgan Province.The plots consisted of two treatment plots and a control plot. In the first and second treatment plots, we placed measured indicators and planted and irrigated seedlings, followed by spraying polylatise as mulch. Supplemental irrigation was the difference between the first and second treatment plots. Supplemental irrigation seedlings were planted at the end of the test period, in order to determine the effect of manual irrigation in protecting polylatise against soil erosion. The third plot had no mulching and installation of measured indicators as the control plot. During the five-month test period, the existing indicators were measured in ten different periods. After data collection, the distribution was selected according to the data. Then, analysis of various parameters by using Excel software was performed to determine significance of the collected data. Results showed that the ratio of index change from the beginning to the end of the study in the control (no mulch) plot constantly fluctuated. However during this period in the mulched areas the index number was maintained at baseline (zero) and no changes were noticed.