The Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution as one of the institutions that has been created in the first years of the revolution, has always posed challenges in the Iranian legal system. One of the most important issues related to the activities of the institution is violating the jurisdiction of legal institutions of the country and in particular three branches of government. In the field of entry into legislative competence, we can say about the legislation, policymaking, demarcation of freedom of the press, ratification of international treaties and interpretation of the constitution. And among the violation of executive competence, entering into budgeting and violating the qualifications of ministries are more important. Finally, regarding the violation of the judiciary's independence, violation of the right to fair procedure, the jurisdiction of the administrative justice court and the general inspection organization have been struck by this council and also council enacted provisions in the field of judicial formation, bills and prisons which led to the limitation of the legislative competence. The most prominent consequences of violation of these qualifications are spending founds, parallelism, bureaucracy, government authority, deprivation of individual initiatives, preventing citizens from participation in decision-making and denial of representation theory. In this article, we intend to provide necessary grounds in order to amend the current situation by reviewing council's regulations, and identify social pathologies regarding council's activities.