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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Spatial Planning

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    1 (20)
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Improving the quality of life for individuals and specific groups, in any given location, has always been the main focus of attention for planners. Besides, for everyone in our society, housing takes the main priority to meet one of their vital needs, therefore, in recent decades, in an effort to keep the population at their rural areas, governments have significantly tried to provide better housing for villagers. Using a descriptive-analytical method and carrying out spatial analysis, this study aimed to identify those factors of life quality variable, which affect the quality of housing. According to field studies conducted in 11 villages of at least 100 households in Shandiz District, 8 villages were randomly selected. Bases on Cochran formula and the error rate of %0.065 for households in the sample villages, the sample size was comprised of 217 villagers. In this study, "life quality variable", with 10 indexes and 3 economic, social and environmental dimensions; and the "housing quality variable" with 10 indexes and 4 dimensions -i.e. physical, environmental, livelihoods and economic - were selected. In this study, the unit of analysis was "household". Data collected from the questionnaires, were analyzed using the statistical analysis methods in SPSS, and path analysis in EQS software. Results obtained by Spearman correlation test and multiple regression show that among dimensions of the quality of life, just the "social dimension" was not correlated with the variable of "housing quality", and the economic -livelihoods dimensions (of the housing quality variable) were not correlated with the life quality variable, and other dimensions were significantly correlated with the study variables. Out of 10 indexes of "life quality", 5 indexes of economic justice, access satisfaction, personal well-being, quality of both environment and housing, entered our model, which explained 46% of changes related to dependent variable. Also, among the indexes of life quality, economic justice with 0.55 correlation and the impact factor of 0.57 had left the greatest impact on changes in rural housing quality.

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Spatial Planning

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  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
  • Pages: 

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Land is the place of interactions, transactions and the node of conflicts between various social groups. It is through the land, the way of using it, and realization of forces that encounter on it (constructing the artificial environment), which the spatial organization shapes. There are lots of factors influence the land-use change, but it is human activities that generally form these changes, and subsequently changing the spatial configurations of region. The concrete crystallization of these uncontrolled activities is unequal accumulation of capital in the metropolitan region, and increasing the regional imbalances more and more. Thus it is essential that through studying the driving forces of changes in land-use, and related spatial factors, one think about the possible future processes. Then, the objective of this study is forecasting land-use changes in Mashhad metropolitan region, using Cellular Automata (ca) and Artificial Neural Network algorithm. The research method was quantitative, and using land maps in the years 1993 and 2011, land-use changes for the years of 2030, 2048, 2066 and 2084 will be simulated in Q Gis2.4 environment. The conclusions show that first, future land-use changes will lead to consuming more and more agricultural lands and grasslands, so that, deteriorating rural settlements. Secondly, the continuing of present development of urban settlements and land-use changes, may cause environmental disasters and consequently leaving irreparable socio-economic damages in the region. According to the results, it is necessary for the planning and management system of the region, to adopt a comprehensive approach in order to prevent the future environmental problems, also to control horizontal expansion of settlements.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
  • Pages: 

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Today, mass media play a multi-dimensional role –either positive or negative- in the evolution of communities. cultural dimension is one of thes dimensions, being intensely under the impact of television programs. Cultural development shapes the foundation of rural development, that enjoys diverse indexes in skills' system, knowledge system, ability system, promoting social capital, preserving and promoting cultural identity, and improving the culture of using cultural goods and places. The purpose of this study is explaining Identifying the role of television programs on promoting the cultural development of rural women, in west Chiar district. The research is descriptive- analytical, and conducted through survey. The study sample composed of all over 15 years old rural women, in West Chiar districts, 359 ones finally selected as the sample population, using Cochran formula. To evaluate the reliability of the research, we conducted a guide-study with 30 questionnairs. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was obtained more than 0.7, that confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire. T-test, regression and cluster analysis in SPSS were used for data analysis. Results showed that although women in rural districts of Western Chiar, spend in average 4 hours a day for Watching TV, the impact of these programs on cultural development of these rural women, was the mean 2.9 (lower than the average). Also, the results showed that 10 reserch variables, explained totally %73.4 of the variance of television effects on the cultural development of women in the rural districts of West Chiar. The most important of which, are respectively: considering the problems and challenges facing women, showing program with the subject of modern culture (low attention to the culture and demands of rural women), programs to promote women's rights and strengthening villagers' participation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
  • Pages: 

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Today, one of the important urban challenges is undesirable parks site selection that pay attention to this factor can be Promote Livability and Vitality in urban space. The purpose of this study is assessment Affecting Factors on urban park site selecting and Its Optimal Site Selection due to lack of them. Analytical Research method is Descriptive and Analytical methods with an emphasis on practical aspects. So classify and analyze the data, Analytical Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network Models, is used. For weighting layers used, 10 experts, professors and urban planning opinions. This research after the distribution of existing parks And determine the radius of standard performance using network analysis that 53.18 percent of the city area are beyond access to parks The criteria consistent, inconsistent, population density and a key communications network for locating, as the main criteria considered in the optimal location That in Incompatible layers Distance from existing parks whit Coefficient 0.598 Rated first The compatibility layer as well as access to culture land use whit Coefficient 0.600 Rated first. And final weight criteria was calculated by using network analysis model also that the population density layer whit Coefficient 0.395 Rated Second place and Compatible layers whit Coefficient 0.300 Rated Second place. Finally, according to the present investigation by combining several layers of impressive land uses the final map of the optimal areas in five categories from compatible to incompatible divided. 117.39 Hectare of the land city is compatible for construction of new parks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
  • Pages: 

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Regarding the increasing approach to living in residential complexes, the necessity of paying attention to the design and decision making about these spaces becomes serious. Also, one of the problems that we face it today, is the matter of amount and type of people’s social interaction in the residential places, having increasingly been weakened recently, due to the gradually fading concept of neighborhood. Accordingly, the hypothesis of present study is based on the principle that, the way of organizing elements and blocks in residential complexes –due to its effect on factors like legibility, permeability, flexibility, and domain- can influence the formation of public and semipublic spaces, and consequently affect the social interaction of residents. Thus, after description of effective factors on interaction and its concepts, the impressionability of this variable (interaction) -from the underlying factors of organization- has been investigated through questionnaire. This study has been done in four residential complexes of Shiraz, that are representative of four kinds of organization of residential complexes. SPSS software has been used for quantitative analysis. The results indicate that the amount of residents’ social interaction has a strong correlation with organization type of environment. But among the declared components for organization, only the permeability, flexibility, and domain had effected the amount of interaction, and the legibility doesn’t play a significant role in this relation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
  • Pages: 

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Weekly cyclical markets traditionally existed in various towns and cities, were known as one of the main characteristics of cities. In recent decades, these markets -as one of the emerging phenomena in social & economic geography- have been rapidly extended to rural areas. Regarding the importance of these markets in the life of rural setellers, not only our perceptions of their evolutions, and relationships with surrounding rural stricts, but also their compatibility potencial with upper-hand regions. So, the goal of our research is knowing and analyzing the rural cyclical markets in Aq Qala county, considering their locating compliance level with rural settlements hierarchical system. This research, has a developmental and applicational goal _and in terms of the methodology, is an exploratory, descriptive-analytic research. Data and information gathering was done according to documentary-field methods. In this regard, the main instrument of the study, was a researcher made questionnaire, that given the state of our statistics population, consisted of two groups (buyers-sellers), finally 342 questionnaires were completed. To analyze the gathered information and data, we benefited descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney tests). According to the results of this study, based on different models (the shortest distance, population and weightening the services), those rural weekly markets, having been set up at the center of rural areas, have been more compatible with rural Centers and systems; and considering the government's attention and the existing population, enjoy a vaster performance radius. On the other hand, markets having been formed in ordinary villages, and in compliance with rural centers, show a weaker performance, due to less population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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