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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Spatial Planning

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    1 ( 32)
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An integrated approach to the key elements of rural spatial policy-making-including places, people and activities-in the formulation of laws, programs and policies; promotes sustainable rural development. Lack of integrated vision, while having a sectorial approach, in the process of formulating rural development programs in Iran, has caused serious challenge to the sustainable development of these areas. The aim of this paper is analyzing the qualitative content of spatial policies of rural development in Iran. The present paper is a fundamental research in terms of nature; and a developmental research, in terms of purpose. Data analyzing method in this paper is based on qualitative-content-oriented Analysis. Spatial policy subjects, include place-based policies, physical sustainable development, and the institutionalization of sustainable development policies. These categories include 11 indicators (subcategories), constituting the conceptual framework of the research. Qualitative-content Analysis of spatial policies, based on the 11 indicators or sub-categories of the research, 143 codes were obtained, after extracting the unit of meaning, compressing the sentences, and encoding. These codes were categorized in different categories (categories and indicators), respecting their conceptual and thematic relationship. Results showed that of total of 143 codes extracted, the index of planning nature, budgeting, and making Sustainable Development National Strategy, with 21 codes (14. 68%) ranked in the first; three indicators of economic dimensions, physical-infrastructural dimensions, and coordination of sectors and Different levels (national and local), ranked the second place with 18 codes (12. 58%); and finally the indicator of backwarded-regions protection, with 15 codes (10. 48%) ranked the third place. Therefore, the orientation of spatial policies for rural development is towards planning and budgeting factors, physical-infrastructural dimensions, economic, and backwarded regions supporting, while the share of social and environmental factors and the participation of NGOs and the private sector in the formulation of these policies, is little. The Innovational aspect of this paper is its comprehensive analysis of policy-making documents-including five-year development plans, general policies of these plans, general laws and system policies (33 related documents)-using spatial policy indicators.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 ( 32)
  • Pages: 

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Problem statement: As a major architectural and civil treasury in Iran, Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex is characterized by numerous capacities and capabilities. Today, lack of proper attention to perceptive contexts, values, and significances; and valuing it based on its material aspect, has led to unprecedented decrease in meaning and perception weight. This problem leaves visitors frustrated in receiving meaningful messages, leading to decreased place attachment, and reduced loyalty; making them liable to abandon or feel less socially committed. Absence of customers, would make the Bazaar of Tabriz functionally and structurally erroted; having adverse effects on its life. Research goal: This research is to determine the effects of perceptive contexts, and the demensions of place attachment, on tourists’ place-satisfaction, and active loyalty in Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex. Methodology: This is an applied research with a descriptive-analytical nature and method. Research data were collected from library and field studies. We bnefited from questionnaires, the validity of which were approved in a facial way, and their reliability, using Cronbach's alpha (0. 808). In addition, the research sample was determined using Cochran Formula with 5% error and 95% confidence level. Research sample includes 364 subjects. Spearman's coefficient, and multivariate regression model were employed to analyze the data. Findings and results: Research findings show that all the studied variables are powerful in determining the variance of place attachment in the Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex in tourists’ eyes. Accordingly, all variables are significant if Coefficient of Determination (R2) were near 1; t-value, greater than 2. 33; and β or beta coefficient were at Ƥ 2=0. 127)-is highly affective in directly determining active loyalty of the tourist in this Bazaar. Innovation: Attention to the perceptive contexts and features of place attachment-with respect to its significance in terms of tourists' satisfaction and active loyalty-can affect protection methods; leading to effective and targeted presence of tourists and endurance and persistence of Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex; being considered as points of innovations in the present research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 ( 32)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: weather conditions of each region play an important role in the dispersion of diseases; leishmaniosis dispersion is also affected by climatic elements. This disease in Iran also creates important health issues in some geographic areas of the country. Therefore, in this study, we make a comparison review of the effects and changes in temperature, precipitation and relative humidity, on the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniosis in two Gilan-e-Gharb and Kermanshah counties in Kermanshah province. Method: This research is an applied one. Meteorological data related to temperature, precipitation and relative humidity variables have been collected from the Weather Administration of the province. Also, the data on the leishmaniosis disease during the statistical period of 2006-2016, were provided from Kermanshah Health Center. All statistical calculations were done using SPSS software, and the ARC GIS software being used to indicate infected areas. Research aim: The main purpose of this research is the Spatial-temporal analysis of cutaneous leishmaniosis in Kermanshah province; while, its sub-aims are to identify the main centers and the time course of the disease, and reviewing the relationship between climatic elements and of ' distribution in Kermanshah province. Results: findings of this study showed that temperature, precipitation and relative humidity affects differently on the incidence of leishmaniosis disease in Gilan-e-Gharb and Kermanshah counties. In a way that in the city of Gilan-e-Gharb, temperature, precipitation and relative humidity affects the incidence of the factors of this disease. Such that there is a significant negative correlation between mean of minimum temperature and the incidence of disease with correlation coefficient (r = 0. 246) at 99% level. But in Kermanshah, they have no effect on the disease appearance. Also, in case of the disease incidence process, it showed that these two cities are different in terms of the incidence of disease. Gilan-e-Gharb is a region wherein, the sandflies of the disease lives locally, while in Kermanshah it is not able to transmit the disease. resultantly, Climate changes and different seasons, affect on the growth and distribution of adult mosquitoes. This is why the of human infection pattern in the two cities of Gilan-e-Gharb and Kermanshah are different climatically.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 ( 32)
  • Pages: 

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problem statement: Today, ICT is considered as one of the most effective approaches to sustainable rural development; having undoubtedly brought widespread changes in different aspects of human life. The impact of ICT on human societies is such that it is rapidly converting the contemporary world to an informational society. In the recent decade, this approach is widely spread in rural areas, especially in the form of rural ICT offices, and evaluating the performance of this offices is a major step forward in their productivity improvement. Purpose: The present research has been performed with the aim of investigating the performance of rural ICT offices and their distribution pattern in Lenjan Township. Method: The research method is descriptive-analytic and the data collection is done through documentary and field methods. The statistical population of the study includes all villagers benefiting from rural ICT offices in the County of Lenjan. The research field information is achieved through completing 294 questionnaires from villagers in 5 villages, based on the Cochran formula. The reliability of the questionnaire is 0. 824, confirming the validity of the research tool. In data analyzing, two descriptive and inferential methods were used on spss software. The spatial distribution of rural ICT offices has been measured using two models of entropy and concentration index Results: The significance level of less than 0. 05, and the negative high (6. 60) and low (8. 40) margins, indicate the unsuccessful performance of communication services offices in the studied area villages. Results of using the entropy model (with a coefficient of 0. 65), and the concentration index model (with a value of 0. 01) in assessing the distribution pattern of offices, also indicate the unsuitable distribution of offices. Innovation: In various researches, although studied the performance and satisfaction of rural ICT offices, but their geographic distribution pattern was not considered. In this study, not only all functional dimensions, with all strengths and weaknesses; but also the spatial distribution pattern-that it is a geographic attitude-was concidered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 ( 32)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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Problem statement: The preparation and implementation of a guide plan, is one of the most important dominant strategies of rural development. These plans, with a wide range of measures, have a particular importance in globalization of the characteristics of rural areas. Purpose: The present study aims to study the effects of this plan on globalization of the rural area's characteristics in the central district of Darab County. Methodology: This is a descriptive-analytic research in which, necessary field data are provided througth observation, interview and completion of the questionnaire. To determine the sample population, in the first step, using the Cochran formula, 370 families were selected, then the samples were selected using simple random sampling. Also, for analyzing the data, descriptive-inferential sttistics, Topsis model, and Super Decisions, SPSS and ArcGIS softwares were used. Results: results of ANOVA test with repeated sizes, confirm that there is a significant difference between various village globalization variables; while, the highest level of globalization components, being related to living conditions in the villages. On the other hand, the Pearson correlation test showed a positive relationship between the level of actions of the guide plan, and the globalization situation in the villages. And, based on the linear regression test, it was also found that the actions of the guide plan with a beta value of 0. 596, affect the globalization of the characteristics of the villages. Innovation: Considering that previous academic studies on globalization in Iran, have mainly been carried in cities, and rural areas have been considered less; also, there has been no research on the effects of guide plans on villages' globalization, this research will be considered important, as a new step in rural research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 ( 32)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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problem statement: One of the greatest Urban challenges, is the formation and focusing of poverty phenomenon. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the spatial distribution of indicators and measures of urban poverty, in the Qaa'emshahr city. Methodology: The method of the present research is descriptive-analytic, and in terms purpose, is applied. The data related to the theoretical foundations of the research, were prepared using documentary sources; while, the raw data of the research were extracted from the statistical urban blocks, based on the 1390 National Census. We benefited from Fuzzy Method for unscaling the indicators of urban poverty, and factor analysis method, to measure the poverty situation in Qaa'emshahr. We used Excel software, to measure urban poverty indicators. Then, we used in SPSS software for factor analysis. For Spatial Analysis, we used hot spots Method and Moran spatial autocorrelation in Gis software environment. Results: results show that poverty in the city of Qaa'emshahr has cluster distribution and spatial autocorrelation. Most of hot spots are in outer and peripheral parts of Qaa'emshahr city, and most of cold spots are in the central, east, as well as parts of the south west parts of the city to parts of the city. Based on the foundings, 46. 7% of the area, and 35. 1% of the population of the city of Qaa'emshahr, are discerned as poor and very poor. Also, the central parts of the city are covered by the very affluent and affluent blocks, and in the outer and peripheral parts of the city, there are blocks of poor and very poor; showing a massive gap in different parts of the Qaemshehr city. Innovation: Among the innovations of this research, are the use of new indicators such as the percentage of unmarried people, the percentage of immigrants entered, and the percentage of sigle-room residential units; as well as using fuzzy method for non-scaling of urban poverty indicators.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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