Conducting parenting role is to enter to social role, which reflects a significant change in person life and identity. In recent years, many programs are designed in field of parents training that are different in philosophy, method and effectiveness.In this article, positive parenting program is introduced that is based on social learning theory and behavioral, cognitive and emotional principles.Also, it emphasizes on efficacy of mothers in behavior management and control. This program is based on five principles: healthy and attractive environment, positive learning environment, strict discipline, realistic expectations and pay attention to their role as parents. Increase of knowledge and skill, problem solving instruction, entertainment and safety development, enhance of behavioral, intellectual, linguistic, emotional and social effectiveness are specific objectives of positive parenting programs. This program has five levels, which had formed based on different levels of performance and behavior disorder of children, as well as different needs in their parents. In this paper, after introducing parenting programs, it had paid to positive parenting programs and have been investigated principles, goals, levels and its contents thoroughly.