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Due to the contemporary interactions in the world shaping the global village, any nation that does not provide a definition of itself by means of its native language and culture would probably lose its identity and fade under the most dominating alien and unfamiliar cultures and civilizations. In this regard, the Supreme Leader of Iran outlined a perspective of Persian language turning it into a global scientific language. The issue has also entered in the upstream documents of the national planning. Considering language a soft technology, this article seeks to investigate the requirements of the realization of this perspective. The study is mostly intended to realistically reorganize the findings of the previous studies. The main finding of the present study is that the preservation of the Persian language thesaurus and its development without considering the digital requirements (including adapting Persian to the computer environments and emphasizing the production of capable computer machine translators) is impossible. Due to the development of the artificial intelligence, cognitive technologies and digital translators, in the future, the access to the scientific contents may not necessarily depend on knowing a dominant foreign language. Although we cannot expect Persian (or any other language) to attain the current position of English in the near future, this does not mean that Persian cannot be considered as a scientific language after about five decades. In other words, our country, due to the science production incentive policies, may reach a position for Iranians to generate a considerable portion of science productions, and consequently, the scientific contents in Persian become considerably sizeable. Thus, the present study aims to provide evidence that prove the mentioned ideal to be attainable. However, the world scientists may not have to acquire Persian to gain access to the science developed by Iranians. At the end of the article, there is an attempt to reflect and summarize the result of the research achievements in a fuzzy cognitive map.

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Throughout history human life has changed and improved. Along with this developments and changes the way of the war has also changed. Cyber war is one of the most important transformations. By modifying the type of battles, weapons also have changed. With the development of virtual space, governments have set their eyes on cyberspace. State and non-state actors in cyberspace are working together but with no clear identity. In this context, computer attacks are increasing, however, there are no regulations to investigate cybercrimes. Attacks are increasing in cyberspace and they influence not only political conflicts but also impact negatively on the economy of civilians. As these attacks are capable of hitting civilians, so the application of international humanitarian law is mandatoryin this area.

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This paper examines the effect of energy price changes of oil, gas and gasoline on their consumption during 1350-1390 in Iran using vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The results obtained from Impulse Response Functions (IRF) reveal that the consumption of gas and gasoline initially decreases by increasing their prices but would start to rise after a short period. These results suggest that changes in energy prices alone do not have a noticeable effect on the consumption of these products. Therefore, it is suggested that in order to decrease the consumption of energy products in the country we shouldn’t apply pricing policies (increasing the price of oil, gas, and gasoline) as the only policy-making tool. Also, the result obtained by Granger causality shows that there is a unidirectional causality from consumption of energy products to their prices. Moreover, Granger causality test results also show that consumption reduction of oil, gas and gasoline cannot be achieved byonly pricing strategies and in order to reduce the consumption of energy products it is needed to apply non-pricing strategies such as revision of households’ consumption patterns.

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In asking the question “What happens in the process of policy-making the result of which is not intended?”, studies have not tried to find the relevant answer. They have tried to come up with a model to keep policy-making away from plausible risks. Suchresponsescan befoundinvarious conceptual forms. In this study, it is classified under four categories of cohesion policy, the totalitarian government, integration policy, and network ruling. Each concept has examined policy-making from different perspectives in different countries. This study aims to use thes trategy of data-driven theorizing to extract a descriptive hypothesis. A new concept of policy-making has been offered with its definition, typology, and occurrence. The result of the study defines policy-making as the interference of human or non-human factors arising from the native culture leading the top policy-maker not to achieve the intended outcomes. Two varieties of conceptual and procedural gaps are offered. Moreover, two different viewpoints are put forward on the reasons of such a phenomenon. The former discusses the reasons of the gap and the latter discusses the relevant factors. The reasons of policy gapcan be presented in three sections including culture ecology, policy structure and policy-making process. Also, human and non-human factors are known to cause policy gap and forming process of these factors are explained and demonstrated.

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This article is aimed to “design and perform a method for assessment of regulations”. The method consists of three steps: recognition of regulations’ flaws in the field of study precisely and comprehensively, enumerating and categorizing these flaws (in order to determine the frequency and burden of each category) and eventually determination of the force (burden) of each mentioned flaw.In the present research, using the early method, “laws and regulations of Tender holding in the public sector of Iran” are checked as a case study. Categorizing flaws is accomplished based on the method suggested by Svein Eng. In this assortment, flaws of laws and regulations are divided into three main categories as “technical”, “Means-end” and “Substantial”.Determination of the paradoxes and conflicts of the regulations is done by using a method which is known as FMEA in the industry. FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) determines the weight of each flaw based on three indexes as “magnitude of hazard or severity of risk” (Severity), “frequency or probability degree of the occurrence” (Probability or Occurrence) and “ability of detection or eliminating the risk” (Detection). Therefore, it is possible to determine relative weight (regulatory burden) of each flaw in a given legal environment and compare all the weights. Finally, the origin or the main reason of flaw occurrences in the field of study is identified.

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Relative prices determine resource allocation and economic decisions. Now by increasing trade and financial transactions, exchange rate plays an effective role in the decision-making of Economic Agents and affects macroeconomic variables. This paper studies the effects of Exchange rate depreciation on Iran’s macroeconomic variables during 1973-2008. We use Vector auto Regressive Modeland the Pesarn and Shin (1998) approach. The impulse response functions show Positive Exchange rate shocks reduce non oil GDP and increase the price with respect to equilibrium levels. High dependency of domestic products on intermediate and capital input enhance cost channel exchange rate at least in the short run.

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The lack of consensus on the role of government size and democracy on corruption has caused it to remain unclear and unresolved. In order to remove these ambiguities, this paper examines the effect of government size, democracy and their interaction on corruption for OPEC members. In fact, it is expected that the effect of government size on corruption is dependent on the level of democracy. To achieve the stated objective, we used Dynamic Panel Data technique based on Generalized Method of Moment from 1996 to 2011. The result shows that government size with the coefficient of -.30 leads to an increase in corruption and democracy with the coefficient of 1.54 leads to a decrease in corruption, which represents a considerable role of democracy in reducing the level of corruption. In addition, the results show that the interaction effect of democracy and government size has a significant impact on the level of corruption. In other words, simultaneous increase of government size and democracy can reduce the level of corruption. Thereby the large government size provides stronger checks and monitoring over the institutions and an increase in the level of democracy via channels such as citizens’ participation in selecting their government and Parliament and free media provides accountability of authorities.

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The current paper with an analysis of the contestable and none contestable markets, deals with the legal aspects and effects of this division and examine their interaction. It also examines their place under competition law and private law rules. It further conclude that as market is the context of the private ownership and economy and natural monopoly, if it does not come under the ownership of the state, leads to the none contestable markets, then the legal regime for the control and regulation of the contestable markets is competition law while sector regulation is for the control and regulation of the none market sector. As such an understanding of the competition law and private law implication of this distinction helps to understand the implications of each legal regime. This approach also illustrates the differences between private and state owned economies and offers a better perception regarding laws and regulations of the contestable and none contestable markets, the scope of the private contracts, the scope of competition law and ultimately defines the sanctions and supervision methods in this respect.

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To Perceived economic position in the model, in running a national system, it is necessary to consider the foundations of strategic and economic thought. From this perspective, explaining the “paradigm” as an essential precondition for economic philosophy and strategic thinking course is a first and major step. Through four general available paradigms of thinking in four areas of thoughts including: “Economy” in Latin thought, “Kad’amay” in Persian thought, “Eghtesad” in Arabic thought and “Bai” in Quran thought; inclusion criteria were Bai on the Iranian economy, and accordingly, the presentation of the National Doctrine of Economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the perspective 2035 were confronted with a paradigm shift from the current global economic paradigms to the Quran economy.Therefore, four options including: “Mobaye’e Basis”, “Khollat basis”, “Enfagh basis” and “Barakat basis” were expected in explaining the gateway of Bai as an exitgate to the considered destination. And since for planning the gateway, three general approaches including: “product basis approach”, “process basis approach” and “function basis approach” were assumed, afterthe recognition and determining each gateway according to one of the four exitgates was plannedusig one, two or three mentioned approaches. Based on these three approaches, paves the way for making the foundation of Bai Strategic plan for strategic planning, and then the gateway and the entrance of this thesis is selectedeccording to one of the exp.

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In iran’s legal system, transaction subject is divided to specified original, in specified place and general, in an adjective and logical division and sanctions of specific performance, termination and contractual responsibility is predicted for it. Many of authors directly has implied to inefficiency of present form of sanctions without objection to above mentioned executions and suggested some strategies in order to modify this procedure.In this research, it is explained that the present state of the above mentioned sanctions is the natural result of formal division of transaction subject. On this basis, it seems that on appropriate analysis of transaction subject and replacement of economical view is a solution of raising practical and economical difficulties of this way of sanctions. Economical analysis of transaction indicate that material originals have not “ends in themselves” in transactions, but the subject of transactor commitment is accomplishment of "expected contractual position" of obligee. This position which has various components has material value independently in present common and it could be accomplished in various ways such as mentioned material original in contract and it’s substitute, thus transaction subject in no way appointed in special material original and specific performance will be subjectively negated, the contract is also execuble in various ways and there is no reson for breach of contract and resorting to termination. Furthermore, since the obligee has no right for obligation of obligor, he is charged to behave conventionaly and supposedly he could prevent damage or it’s increase through performing of transaction subject he should behave conventionally, unless he is in charge and is deprived of this part of damage.

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