To Perceived economic position in the model, in running a national system, it is necessary to consider the foundations of strategic and economic thought. From this perspective, explaining the “paradigm” as an essential precondition for economic philosophy and strategic thinking course is a first and major step. Through four general available paradigms of thinking in four areas of thoughts including: “Economy” in Latin thought, “Kad’amay” in Persian thought, “Eghtesad” in Arabic thought and “Bai” in Quran thought; inclusion criteria were Bai on the Iranian economy, and accordingly, the presentation of the National Doctrine of Economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the perspective 2035 were confronted with a paradigm shift from the current global economic paradigms to the Quran economy.Therefore, four options including: “Mobaye’e Basis”, “Khollat basis”, “Enfagh basis” and “Barakat basis” were expected in explaining the gateway of Bai as an exitgate to the considered destination. And since for planning the gateway, three general approaches including: “product basis approach”, “process basis approach” and “function basis approach” were assumed, afterthe recognition and determining each gateway according to one of the four exitgates was plannedusig one, two or three mentioned approaches. Based on these three approaches, paves the way for making the foundation of Bai Strategic plan for strategic planning, and then the gateway and the entrance of this thesis is selectedeccording to one of the exp.