Distress tolerance seems to be one of the factors that can have a significant impact on mental health and quality of life in the elderly. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the role of experiential avoidance, rumination and mindfulness in predicting distress tolerance in elderly of Isfahan province (Isfahan and Kashan). The method of the present study was correlational and the statistical population included all elderly people aged 60 to 75 years living in Isfahan and Kashan nursing homes in 2020, of which 380 were selected using convenience sampling. Used to collect data were Simmons and Gaher’, s distress tolerance, Bond et al. ’, s acceptance and practice, Nolen-Hoxma and Moro’, s ruminant response style and Bauer et al. ’, s mindfulness questionnaires. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis in SPSS software version 22. The results of correlation test showed that distress tolerance is negatively associated with experimental avoidance and rumination as well as positively associated with mindfulness (p≤, 0. 05). Moreover, the results of enter regression analysis also showed that experimental avoidance (β, =-0. 11), rumination (β, =-0. 45) and mindfulness (β, =0. 11) can predict distress tolerance in the elderly. According to the results of the present study, promoting distress tolerance through the training of mindfulness skills and appropriate coping styles, we can empower the elderly against such problems as loss of physical strength, illness, loneliness and disability.