Molla Sadra and Plantinga, the former from Islamic philosophy tradition and the latter from the western tradition, each has studied the important problem of evils on his own principles and views.Relying on principality and goodness of existence, God's attributes of omnipotence, omniscience and wisdom and the world order's state of being the best, evil's state of being non-existential, explaining cognitive evil, non-truthfulness of evils, superiority of goodness over evil and rejecting humanistic tendency in the field, Sadra has solved the problem.However, centering on reformed epistemology, some Christian theological and humanistic principles, describing the possible world and the relationship between human will and Divine Omnipotence, Plantinga has proved that reasonable problem of evil never contradicts the existence of God. Moreover, Plantinga has agreed that Divine omnipotence does not include J. L. Mackie; the two scholars think the same with belief in God, His being omnipotent, omniscient and goodness, though they differs in such fields as facing the problem, essential commenting and designation of the answer in the fields of ethics, nature and in defending Divine Justice, bestness of the world of existence and superiority of logical view.