According to Hegel, beauty is appearance of the notion in the world of sensuous. The appearances of the beauty also both in the word of nature and the realm of the art have a sensuous aspect. However, the beauty itself recognized as a concept rather than a sensible characteristic. Furthermore, the beauty of the nature just created to whom that could be aware of it. In other words, the beauty of the beautiful elements does not catch by the sense. It could be appear when the thought provided the relevant possibility for the unity
among the beautiful elements. The natural beauty could be perceived by mind during three stages: first encounter to the natural beauty in the form of inner harmony within the shape of visible creation e.g. the natural crystal. Next, the natural beauty could be perceived as an inner life with its substantial difference. Last, we can identify the natural beauty within the self-consciousness. Nevertheless, the beauty of the nature is imperfect. Since the existence of the external reality is in contrast to the soul, has an undetermined and abstract inner being.
Yet, the beauty of the nature is abstract and is not concert. Hegel discussed on crone point of the abstract beauty in three approaches: 1. Abstract beauty in the respect of its form. 2. Abstract beauty in the respect of its abstract unity of the sensuous material and 3. Abstract beauty in the respect of the limitation of its immediate individual being.