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We are in the ninth year of the publication of the Journal of SALĀ, MAT-I IJTIMĀ, Ī,(Community Health). Thank you for the support of dear faculty members, writers, and readers. The journal has been a quarterly so far, although the review and acceptance of the journal is done quickly. . . .

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Background and Objective: Drug avoidance self-efficacy is an essential factor in substance abuse treatment and relapse prevention. The aim of this study was to predict the self-efficacy of drug avoidance among people with addiction undergoing treatment with methadone based on psychological capital, sleep disorders, and coping strategies. Materials and Methods: The research method was among the correlation schemes. The statistical population of the study included all people with addiction who were being treated with methadone in addiction treatment centers of Shiraz in 2019. As many as 175 addicts were selected by the available sampling method for the study. The research measuring instruments included the Luthans Psychological Capital Questionnaire, the Questionnaire on Automated Material Avoidance, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire, and the Short Form of Stressful List. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software at both descriptive and inferential levels, and Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis tests were used to test the research hypotheses. Results: The components of psychological capital, the component of hope, optimism, and the component of flexibility could positively and significantly predict the self-efficacy of substance abuse (P<0. 01). In addition, sleep disturbances could negatively and significantly predict the self-efficacy of substance abuse (P<0. 001). Concerning coping strategies, the problem-oriented strategy could predict the self-efficacy of substance abuse prevention positively and significantly. However, emotion-oriented strategy and avoidance strategy negatively and significantly could predict drug self-efficacy prediction (P<0. 01). Conclusion: Psychological capital and problem-focused strategy were positively, and sleep disorder, emotional and avoidant strategy were negatively associated with the score of abstinence self-efficacy.

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Background and Objective: Establishing relationships outside the framework of marital life, also known as infidelity, is one reason for couples' problems, separation and divorce. The aim of this study was to determine the role of resilience, conflict resolution strategies and sensation seeking in predicting attitudes toward marital infidelity Materials and Methods: The present study was descriptive-correlational. The study's statistical population consisted of all married female students of Islamic Azad University of Lahijan in the academic year of 2019-2019, 351 of who were selected by convenience sampling method. Data collection tools were attitude toward infidelity questionnaire, resilience questionnaire, conflict resolution strategies questionnaire and emotional seeking questionnaire. Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data using SPSS software version 22 and AMOS software version 22. Results: The mean (SD) age of participants was 31. 4 (8. 7). The results showed that the correlation coefficient between resilience and attitude toward marital infidelity was-0. 46 and significant. That is, with increasing resilience with a mean (SD) of 55. 4 (18. 8), positive attitude to marital infidelity decreased by 37. 1 (10. 2) (P<0. 01). The correlation coefficient between constructive conflict resolution strategies and attitude toward marital infidelity was-0. 4 and significant. That is, by increasing constructive conflict resolution strategies with the mean (SD) 48. 9 (15. 2) positive attitude to marital infidelity decreased (P<0. 01). The correlation coefficient between counterproductive conflict resolution strategies and sensation seeking with attitude toward marital infidelity was 0. 48 and significant. That is, by increasing counterproductive conflict resolution strategies with a mean (SD) of 32. 4 (11. 3) and sensation seeking with a mean (SD) of 53. 3 (15. 1), positive attitude to marital infidelity increased (P<0. 01). Regression analysis also showed that resilience, conflict resolution strategies, and sensation seeking predicted a result of 0. 27, 0. 30, and 0. 24 of the variance of attitude toward marital infidelity. Conclusion: It could be concluded that with increasing resilience and constructive conflict resolution strategies, a positive attitude to marital infidelity decreases. Also, by increasing counterproductive conflict resolution strategies and sensation seeking, a positive attitude to marital infidelity increases.

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Background and Objective: Several therapeutic methods have been proposed for the treatment of children and adolescents with conduct disorder. Therefore, this study aimed to compare cognitive-behavioral therapy's effectiveness with emotional intelligence training on reducing aggression among adolescents with conduct disorder Materials and Methods: The present study was an applied and semi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population of this study consisted of all adolescents with conduct disorder who were selected purposefully in Tehran Education Reform Center in 2019, among whom 90 were randomly assigned to three groups of cognitive-behavioral therapy, emotional intelligence training, and a control group. Data were collected using an aggression questionnaire in two periods before and after the intervention. Cognitive-behavioral therapy was performed in eight sessions of 60 minutes weekly for the first experimental group for two months. Emotional intelligence therapy was performed in eight 75-minute weekly sessions for two months for the second experimental group. The control group did not receive any treatment. Inferential analysis, univariate analysis of covariance was used, which was performed by SPSS software version 22. Results: The mean (SD) aggression score in the cognitive-behavioral group decreased from 93. 8 (7. 1) in the pre-test to 63. 3 (7. 6) in the post-test (P<0. 001). Also, in emotional intelligence group it decreased from 93. 2 (8. 8) in the pre-test to 69. 0 (7. 4) in the post-test (P<0. 001). A comparison of cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotional intelligence training showed that there was no difference in anger. In physical anger, hostility, and total aggression in the cognitive behavioral therapy group, there was a significant decrease compared to the emotional intelligence group, but in the verbal anger component, this decrease was more evident in the emotional intelligence group. Conclusion: The study showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotional intelligence training reduced aggression in adolescents with conduct disorder problems. In comparison with the two interventions, cognitive behavioral therapy was more effective in reducing aggression and components of physical anger and hostility than emotional intelligence training. At the same time, it was more effective in reducing the verbal anger component of emotional intelligence training.

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Background and Objective: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders that reduce the quality of life of patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group therapy based on acceptance and commitment to disease severity, quality of life, and psychological well-being of patients with IBS. Materials and Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design and 4-month follow-up. The statistical population included 160 patients with IBS referred to a subspecialty gastroenterology clinic in Rasht from September 2019 to February 2020. Using purposeful sampling method, 60 patients were selected based on the diagnostic criteria of Rome III and the opinion of the treating physician. They were randomly assigned to two groups of experimental and control, each including 30 people. Data collection tools were Rome III diagnostic criterion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms Severity Questionnaire, Quality of Life Short Scale, and Psychological Well-Being Scale. Also, the acceptance and commitment group therapy intervention was performed in 8 sessions of 90 minutes (one session per week) according to Hayes and Strosahl instructions. Data were analyzed using a univariate analysis of covariance by SPSS software version 22. Results: The mean (SD) age of participants in the experimental group was 38. 5 (7. 7) and in the control group was 39. 6 (8. 1). The results showed that the mean (SD) severity of symptoms in the experimental group was 183. 4 (4. 1) in the pre-test, which decreased to 171. 4 (1. 4) in post-test and 171. 3 (1. 5) in follow-up (P<0. 001). However, the mean (SD) of the control group in the pre-test (1. 8) was 179. 8, which was 178. 8 (1. 6) in the post-test and 178. 6 (1. 4) in follow-up, which was not statistically significant. Also, the mean (SD) of quality of life in the experimental group was 78 (1. 5) in the pre-test, which increased to 87. 1 (2. 6) in post-test and 86. 5 (2. 2) in follow-up. However, the mean (SD) score of the control group in the pre-test (1. 7) was 77. 7, which was 78. 7 (1. 7) in post-test and 78. 5 (1. 6) in follow-up, which was not statistically significant. The mean (SD) of psychological well-being in the experimental group was 55. 7 (2. 2), which increased to 69. 6 (2. 3) in post-test and 68. 4 (2. 1) in follow-up (P<0. 001). However, the mean (SD) score of the control group in the pre-test was 57. 2 (1. 7) which was 58. 8 (2. 1) in post-test and 58. 5 (1. 8) in follow-up, which was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The study showed that acceptance and commitment group therapy was effective in reducing disease severity, increasing psychological well-being, and improving the quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, this therapeutic approach can be used in the physical and mental health of patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

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Background and Objective: Self-differentiation is one of the characteristics of a healthy person so that people with high levels of differentiation have better psychological adjustment. The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of Bowen's system therapy and the combination therapy of Bowen's system and neurofeedback on increasing self-differentiation level. Materials and Methods: Theis semi-experimental study was of pretest-posttest design with a follow-up and a control group. Participants included students of higher education centers and institutions studying in Bojnourd city in 2019-2020. Among all centers, five were randomly selected. Then, among the students of these centers, 39 students who scored a standard deviation lower than the average in their initial screening test were selected and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. First, a pretest was performed among all three groups by performing the Drake Differentiation Questionnaire (DSI-SH). Then, the first experimental group received nine 60-minute sessions of Bowen's system therapy and the second experimental group received nine 60-minute sessions of Bowen's system therapy along with fifteen-20minute neurofeedback treatment sessions. The control group did not receive any intervention. Finally, a posttest was performed again for all three groups in the two-months follow-up. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 24 and analysis of variance with repeated measures. Results: In the Bowen's system therapy group, the mean (SD) self-differentiation score increased from 62. 7 (9. 2) in the pretest to 77. 8 (12. 0) in the posttest and 79. 7 (9. 7) in the follow-up, p<0. 01. In the combination therapy of Bowen's system and neurofeedback group, the mean (SD) self-differentiation score increased from 64. 6 (9. 0) in the pretest to 97. 9 (6. 3) in the posttest and 100. 2 (5. 37) in the follow-up (P<0. 001). In the control group, the mean (SD) self-differentiation score varied from 57. 90 (6. 9) in the pretest to 58. 5 (7. 1) in the posttest and 58. 5 (8. 0) in the follow-up, which was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Using Bowen's system therapy and combination therapy of Bowen's system and neurofeedback, the level of differentiation can be improved. Nevertheless, combination therapy of Bowen's system and neurofeedback is more effective than Bowen's system alone.

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Background and Objective: One of the abilities that seems to contribute to the success of people in their occupation is the flexibility of career path. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of career path counseling based on hope on career path adaptability. Materials and Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental method with pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The study population included all unemployed job seekers with a diploma grade who referd to technical and vocational training centers for receive training and skills in Tehran. Sixty people participated in the study. Participants were randomly divided into two groups of 30, including an experimental group with a hope-based career path counseling approach and a control group. Data were collected using a career path adaptation questionnaire. At first, the questionnaire was administered to both groups as a pre-test. Then, a hope-based training package was performed on the experimental group in six sessions. No intervention was performed in the control group. Statistical analysis of covariance using SPSS-22 software was used to analyze the data. Results: In the experimental group, the mean (SD) of career path adaptation increased from 70. 7 (3. 9) in the pre-test to 79. 4 (3. 6) in the post-test (P<0. 001). In the components of career path adaptation, the experimental group increased the mean (SD) in terms of concern from 32. 5 (3. 5) in the pre-test to 37. 1 (3. 1) in the post-test (P<0. 001). Also for Control from 12. 3(1/2) to 15. 6(2/3), for curiosity from 13. 1(1. 3) to 17. 5(1. 3) (P<0. 001), for trust from 12. 7(1. 6) to 16. 4(1/2) were increased (P<0. 001). No difference was found in pre-test and post-test scores in the control group. Conclusion: The study showed that hope-based career path counseling increased career path adaptability and its subscales including concern, control, curiosity and trust.

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Background and Objective: Social adjustment in adolescents is one of the signs of mental health. Factors such as resilience and compassion can be effective in creating and strengthening it. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between resilience and self-compassion with social adjustment among female high school students in city of Kalachay Materials and Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted with participation of 186 female high school students through available sampling in city of Kelachay. Data collection tools were the Conner-Davidson resilience, Neff Self-Compassion, and Clark social adjustment questionnaires. Data were analyzed using multivariate regression and correlation tests and SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 21. 0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., USA). Results: The mean (SD) scores of resilience was 85. 8 (8. 1), self-compassion 108. 5(11. 2), and social adjustment (8. 9). There was a significant positive relationship between resilience and social adjustment (r=0. 69),and between self-compassion and social adjustment (r=0. 84). The resilience variable was able to predict 48. 6% and the self-compassion variable 78. 8% of the changes in students' social adjustment. Conclusion: The study showed that there was a relationship between resilience and self-compassion with students' social adjustment. That is, the more resilient and self-compassionate students are, the greater their social adjustment.

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Background and Objective: The importance of quality of life in children with intellectual disabilities (ID) is receiving increasing attention nowadays. Considering the role of parents in improving the quality of life of children with mental disabilities, the present study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based life skills training on the parent-child relationship among parents with ID children. Materials and Methods: The research design was experimental with a pretest, post-test and control group. The statistical population of the study was the parents with ID children who were training in schools in Shiraz in 2021. The parents were matched based on age and level of their literacy. The sample size is 30 parents who were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned into experimental (n = 15) and control (n = 15) groups. The intervention was performed in 8 sessions of 120 minutes (one session per week) for experimental group. Data were collected using a child-parent relationship questionnaire and analyzed using multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance and SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 22. 0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., USA). Results: The mean (SD) of conflict resolution in the pre-test was 47. 66 (6. 11) which increased to 51. 86 (8. 18) in the post-test the experimental group. Also, the mean (SD) of the child acceptance in the pre-test was 36. 93(4. 47), which increased to 41. 00 (5. 85) in the post-test (P=0. 001). In the control group, the mean (SD) of conflict resolution and child acceptance in pre-test and post-test were not different. The univariate correlation analysis showed that there is a significant difference between the dimensions of the parent-child relationship between the control and experimental groups in the post-test (P<0. 001). Conclusion: The study showed that mindfulness-based life skills' training is effective on conflict resolution and child acceptance in their parents of children with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, the use of this intervention in the field seems to be beneficial for families with children with ID.

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Despite medical successes in improving health, a problem has emerged that prevents people from achieving health, that is the lack of universal access to medical services. Iran has come a long way from the introduction of modern medicine to its establishment, but universal and equal access to health has not yet been possible. Therefore, a review of different contemporary eras seems necessary to analyze the right of universal and equal access to health through the changes that have taken place in the health system.

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