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Research in Medicine

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Background: Gag is a common complication during dental surgeries that can make the treatment problematic or even impossible. Previous studies have suggested various non-medicated interventions, such as distracting the patient, behavior therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, and some medications such as application of sedatives like Nitrox ide %30, Midazolam, and oral Metobenzamid as well as herbal substances, such as date extract and ginger. Using elaeagnus angustifolia extract for removing Gag reflex is another method which has received very little attention in literature. Thus, we made an attempt to examine the effect of elaeagnus angustifolia extract suck pills on gag reflex in the Dentistry Faculty in 2015. Methods and materials: A clinical trial was performed on 45 patients. Case group (Experimental 2) sucked the elaeagnus angustifolia extract tablet and control group received no intervention and placebo group (Experiment 1) was given a simulated non-extractable drink tablet similar in color and size to those of the original sample. The main condition for inclusion in the study was reflex of nausea and their consent to participate in the study. The tablet was manufactured ex vivo and then examined for nausea in random patients with mild stimulation of the palate with patients showing the appropriate level of feeling on a Glascow scale ruler. The patients with level 10 of nausea sucked the pill for 4 minutes and then we immediately stimulated them using abselang to measure the nausea on the patient's ruler. Results: The pre-intervention and mild subtype of nausea reflex were 10. 6 in the control group, 10. 8 in the placebo group, and 10. 8 in the case group and 14. 8, 15. 2, and 15. 4 in the mean group, respectively. Finally, in the severe subgroup, the values obtained were 18, 17. 6, and 17. 4, respectively, with insignificant differences (P <0. 09). Conclusions: It seems that elaeagnus angustifolia extract can reduce Gag reflex. However, we suggest that more extensive studies be carried out in this area.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Considering the prevalence of color changing of shade guides resulting from the use of disinfectants, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of two disinfectants Desomed and Deconnex +53 on Vitapan shade guide. Methods and materials: The present experimental–, in vitro study was conducted on a total of 30 A2 shade tabs. In the case group, 10 samples were merged in each of disinfectants and 10 sample were placed into distilled water as control group. Color selecting process was performed for 5 days, 3 times a day, by dentist. After 480 repeated cycles of this procedure, according to CIELab system, primary color of 10 samples were measured using Konica Minolta spectrophotometer as the control group. Also, color indices were measured making using of Vident spectrophotometer in the CIELAB system. Statistical analyses were performed running Two-way ANOVA. Results: The rate of color change indices showed that the color changing (Δ, E) indices for Deconex+53 and Desomed were 1. 23∓, 0. 55 and 3. 69∓, 1. 3, respectively. Thus, the Δ, E of Desomed was twice more than that of Deconex +53. Our results revealed that the discoloration of Desomed was statically significant and higher than that of Deconex (p<0. 001). Conclusions: It can be concluded that Desomed has more color changes compared with Deconex in similar conditions.

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Research in Medicine

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Backgrond: Medicinal plants are promising therapeutic agents. Antimicrobial agents from plants are compounds that kill microorganisms or stop their growth. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis, Zataria multiflora, and Mentha piperita on biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium. Materials and Methods: For the purpose of the present experimental study, extracts of these plants were prepared and their effects on P. aeruginosa growth were assessed using disk diffusion technique and the results were compared with disk diffusion results of kanamycin, imipenem, penicillin, and cephalexin. Then, the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and the Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of extracts were determined separately. The effect of these extracts on biofilm formation was assessed via staining with crystal violet %1 and acetic acid %30. All tests were repeated three times and statistical analyses were performed using SPSS, v. 16. Results: We found that all three plant extracts at the concentration of 3 mg/ml had antimicrobial properties. The diameter of inhibition halos of extracts of R. officinalis, Z. multiflora, and M. piperita were 15, 19, and 11 mm, respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration of R. officinalis was 75/0 mg/ml and the minimum inhibitory concentration of Z. multiflora and M. piperita 5/1 mg/ml. Also, the results showed that R. officinalis reduces and inhibits biofilm formation at concentrations of 5/1 and 3 mg/ml, respectively. But, Z. multiflora and M. piperita only reduced biofilm formation at concentration of 3 mg/ml. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the alcoholic extract of R. officinalis with a concentration of 3 and 1. 5 mg/ml is a potent inhibitor against P. aeruginosa biofilm formation.

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Research in Medicine

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Backgrond: Fertility refers to a couple›, s ability to have children. Sex hormones are secreted by the gonads and are one of the important factors involved in the reproductive process. Basil (Ocimum basilicom L. ) is an annual aromatic plant of the mint family, has antibacterial, anticonvulsant, hypoglycemic, hypoallergenic, improved immune response, antioxidant and anti-depressant properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of basil leaves on sex hormones (estradiol, progesterone, prolactin) in rats, which was performed at Mashhad Azad University in 2016. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was performed on 24 female Wistar rats weighing approximately 230-200 g were randomly divided into four groups and were treated with extract of basil (100, 250, and 500 mg / kg, respectively). Extract was fed by using gavage method to the rats in 7 consecutive days and then every female rats were placed inside the separated cages for mating. Mated rats were considered as positive samples by observing vaginal plaque To evaluate the changes in sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and prolactin), blood samples were obtained from orbital sinus in three stages and were sent to the laboratory. Quantitative data were analyzed by using ANOVA, T-Test, Post hos and minitab softwares at significance level of P <0. 05. Findings: The hydroalcoholic extract of green basil leaves increased the hormone estradiol and progesterone in the prepregnancy stage and also the prolactin hormone in the two stages before pregnancy and pregnancy (p100 = 0. 005), (p250 = 0) and (p500 = 0. 003). Estradiol decreased in the experimental groups of 250 and 100 mg / kg (p250 = 0. 041) (p100 = 0. 033) and also the level of progesterone at a dose of 250 mg / kg in pregnancy (p250 = 0. 0). Conclusion: The use of basil hydroalcoholic extract seems to have a dose-dependent effect on sex hormone levels.

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Research in Medicine

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Background and Aims: Type 1 diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is due to a lack of insulin secretion caused by the destruction of beta-pancreatic cells. The genus Perovskia-L belongs to the Persian mint family, with pharmacological effects, such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, treatment of infection, and so on. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of extract of Bromelaceae on blood glucose and biochemical factors in male diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: In the experimental study, 60 male Wistar rats weighing 250-200 g were randomly divided into 10 groups of 6 rats each: control, healthy receiving glibenclamide, healthy treated with 300, 150 and 600 mg / kg. Body extracts of diabetic rats, diabetic control (hyperglycemia), positive control (hyperglycemia treated with glibenclamide), hyperglycemia treated with 300, 150, and 600 mg / kg body weight of extract were divided into two groups. After 14 days of gavage, blood samples were taken from the animals and biochemical factors, such as glucose, insulin, triglyceride, cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol, were measured. Results: The results showed that the hydroalcoholic extract of Bromzebal reduced the mean glucose in the diabetic group from 11 ±,234 to 5±,140 in the treated diabetic groups, the mean cholesterol reduced from 2 ±, 114 to 5 ±, 80, and the mean triglyceride from 3 ±,114 to 14 ±,70. Also, LDL reduced from 2±,82 to 5±, 44. Moreover, hydroalcoholic extract of Bromzebal significantly inhibited increased glucose levels (p<0. 001), triglycerides (p<0. 001), and cholesterol (p<0. 001), and a significant decrease was observed in LDL levels in treated diabetic mice as compared with untreated diabetic animals. Conclusion: It seems that hydroalcoholic extract of Precambrian has a controlling effect on blood sugar and modulates blood biochemical factors in diabetic animals and is likely to be effective in the treatment of diabetes.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Nowadays, considering the occurrence of various diseases as a result of inflammation, finding a solution for inflammations caused by various factors is very important. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of endurance training and complementation on the levels of CD22 and TRL4 in obese wistar rats. Methods and materials: In an experimental study, 40 Wistar rats of two-month age range, were purchased from Pasteur Institute of Karaj and divided into four groups (each group including 10 animals) of high-fat diet without intervention, endurance training group, only olive supplement, and the olive supplement group with endurance training. Animals in the training groups underwent a two-month endurance training program (%80 maximal oxygen consumption). Also, in the olive oil supplement group, one gram of olive oil per kg body weight was fed daily through oral gavage. ELISA method was used to evaluate serum TLR4 and CD22 levels, Shapiro-Wilk test was used to evaluate the normal distribution of samples, and one-way and two-way ANOVA were run for the purpose of between groups comparisons (p<0. 05). Results: The results showed that two months of endurance training alone do not have a significant effect on inflammation )TLR4 (P=0. 09), CD22(P=0. 16)) in obese male Wistar rats. However, consumption of olive oil alone significantly reduced TLR4 (P = 0. 009) and CD22 (P = 0. 008). This is while two months of endurance training with oil consumption had no significant effect on TLR4 (P = 0. 09) and CD22 (P = 0. 10). Conclusions: It seems that consumption of olive oil can reduce obesity-induced inflammation (TLR4) to some extent. However, further research is needed to fully reveal this.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common chronic diseases and the second most common cause of deaths from cancer in the world, which is associated with many physical and psychological complications. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of unified transdiagnostic treatment on psychological distress and meta-emotion beliefs in colorectal cancer patients comorbid with stress. Materials and Methods: In the present experimental study with pretest, posttest, follow-up design, and a control group, 30 members of colorectal cancer patients comorbid with stress were selected using convenience sampling method. The experimental group received 8 unified transdiagnostic treatment sessions weekly while the control group received no treatment. Both groups were assessed in three phases: pretest, posttest, and a two-month follow-up. The assessment tools consisted of stress-anxiety-depression and meta-emotion scale. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS running Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Comparison of psychological distress [P <0. 001, Z =-3 / 268], positive meta-emotion beliefs [P<0. 001, Z=-3 / 432], and negative meta-emotion beliefs [P<0. 001, Z=-156. 3] between the experimental and control groups revealed significant differences among pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. Conclusion: It seems that unified transdiagnostic treatment can be effective in reducing psychological distress and improving the meta-emotion beliefs in colorectal cancer patients comorbid with stress.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Breast Cancer (BC) is the most common cancer in women. Polymorphisms of some genes have been implicated in many diseases such as breast cancer. COMT involved in estrogen metabolism reduces activity by three to four times by altering valine amino acid to methionine and may be at risk for breast cancer. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between Val158Met polymorphism of COMT gene and BC in a group of Iranian women. Materials and Methods: In the current case-control study, 96 patients and 96 healthy individuals were selected. The DNA of their white blood cells was extracted using salt saturation method and the genotypes of the participants were determined via RFLP-PCR. The data were analyzed using chi-square and logistic regression tests. Results: There was no statistically significant relationship between mean age and cigarette smoking. The AA mutant genotype had a statistically significant relationship between the two groups. Examination of dominant and recessive genetic models also revealed that this polymorphism is associated with a high risk of BC and increases the risk of breast cancer by 3. 1 and 2. 8, respectively, compared with the control group. Also, carriers of allele A were 3 times more likely to develop BC. Conclusion: This polymorphism appears to be related to the risk of breast cancer in Iranian women and the presence of the A allele may be considered as one of the risk factors for breast cancer.

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Research in Medicine

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Background and Aim: According to the study of patient's complaints about dental treatments and the fact that patients' complaints have been less about dental implant treatment, this study aimed to investigate the dental complaints in implants treatment and related factors during 2018-2016. Materials and Methods: Following a descriptive method, the relevant permissions were obtained after referring to the Forensic Medical Commission of Tehran. The files of all the dentists were evaluated during 2016 until 2018. Then, the files related to the complaints about tooth implantation services were separated. The patient relevant factors were evaluated and documented such as age, gender, and the reason of complaint, as well as dentist related factors including age and gender. Afterwards, the judgements of the commission were determined including exoneration or obvious negligence and the frequency of each judgement in the samples. The real judgement frequency (CI) was estimated and the roles of relevant factors were statically determined using the Chi Square Test. Results: Amongst all dental services complainers, one-third (%30) of the files were related to the tooth implantation services during 2018-2016, that included inappropriate implant installation (%58), damage to the implant surrounding tissue (%29), high service costs (%6), and other problems (%7). Also, the complainers were %50 women and %50 men and the dentists were %9 women and %91 men. Moreover, the judgements of Forensic Medical Commission were exoneration in %45 of the cases and negligence (%55) in the remaining cases. Conclusion: This rate of failure in implant services was high, especially for non-specialized dentists. The results of the present study suggest taking necessary actions to reduce the problem.

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Research in Medicine

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Background and Aim: Opium use is a common cause of lead intoxication in Iran. The present study was conducted to determine the blood lead levels in oral and inhaled consumption of opium. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out between 1396-1395 on 200 patients with lead intoxication in Loghman-Hakim Hospital. We recorded and evaluated the patients' demographic information, type of opioid (oral or inhalable), blood lead levels, and treatment outcomes. For statistical analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and correlation coefficient were performed using SPSS software, version 18. Results: Based on the obtained results, %97 of the patients were oral opium users. The mean (standard deviation) of blood lead levels in oral opium users was 34. 29( 108. 86) ppm and in inhaled type, 11. 44(33. 37) ppm. A significant correlation was found between the blood lead levels and age of the patients (r = 0. 002, p=0. 2). There was no significant statistical difference between the sexes, the method of opium use, the outcome of the patient, and the serum level of lead (p >0. 05). Conclusion: Based on our results, the mean blood lead levels in inhaled and oral opium consumption are close to each other. Also, considering the public perception about the safety of inhalant use opium, it is suggested that to increase public awareness of the harms of inhaled use, in addition to oral consumption, educational prorams be planed by administrators and health care providers. Also, studies with more inhaled opium users should be carried out to statistically compare blood levels of lead in two groups of oral and inhaled consumptions.

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Research in Medicine

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Backgrond: Dyspepsia and digestive disorders are common, debilitating, and costly. Moreover, little information is available about the role of stress management in the treatment of dyspepsia. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of stress management on cognitive emotion regulation and general health of patients with dyspepsia. Materials and Methods: We conducted an experimental study with pre-test and post-test as well as control group. Using random sampling method, 30 patients with dyspepsia were selected from among those referred to digestive Clinics in Tehran city in 2019 and were assigned to experimental and control groups (15 in each group). The experimental group received stress management trainings, but the control group did not receive any intervention. The research instruments were cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire of Garnefski and Kraaij and general health questionnaire of Goldberg and Hillier. The reliability indices for the cognitive emotion regulation and the general health questionnaire were 0. 70 and 0. 81, respectively. As the hypothesis of normality of the data was not confirmed by Shapiro-Wilk test, non-parametric (U-Mann-Whitney and paired Wilcoxon test) methods were used for data analysis in SPSS, version 22. The significance level was set at 0. 05. Results: The results showed that in the study of mental health, dimensions of physical symptoms (P=0. 001), anxiety and insomnia (P=0. 034), social dysfunction (P=0. 005), depressive symptoms (P=0. 028), and in the dimensions of cognitive regulation, in putting into perspective (P<0. 001), positive refocusing (P<0. 001), positive reassessment (P<0. 001), acceptance (P<0. 001), refocus on planning (P<0. 001), self-blame (P<0. 001), blame others (P<0. 001), focus on thought/rumination, and catastrophizing (P<0. 001), there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group after the treatment. Also, at the significance level of 0. 05, in the experimental group, significant improvements in health status and emotion regulation were observed after the intervention. Conclusion: Stress management is a reliable model for improving cognitive emotion regulation and general health of patients with dyspepsia.

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Research in Medicine

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Background and Aims: Previous studies have shown that shoulder muscle fatigue has direct effects on scapula and humerus motions. Hence, kinematics of the shoulder joint depends largely on the muscles around it. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of some shoulder girdle muscles fatigue after a resistance training session and a volleyball training session on scapular resting position and scapulohumeral rhythm ratio in volleyball players. Materials and Methods: In a experimental study, a total of 30 male volleyball players were randomly selected. The fatigue protocol consisted of a resistance training session (front and back barbell shoulder press, wide grip lat pull-down, machine shoulder press, and chin up) and a volleyball training session. Two inclinometers were used to measure humeral abduction and scapular up or dawn ward rotation in scapular resting position, °, 90, °, 45, and °, 135 shoulder abduction in frontal plane. The participants performed humeral abduction with dominant shoulder in frontal plane. Scapulohumeral rhythm ratio was calculated from division humeral abduction to upward rotation of the scapula from scapular resting position to °, 90, °, 45, and °, 135 from °, 45 to °, 90 and from °, 90 to °, 135 humeral abduction in frontal plane. In the first session, scapular kinematic measurements were performed and then one of the fatigue protocols were performed randomly and finally scapular kinematic measurements were performed again. On the second session, other fatigue protocols were performed. Paired sample t-test was used to determine the difference between pretest and posttest. The level of significance was set at α, < 0. 05. Results: The results showed that shoulder girdle muscles fatigue after a volleyball training session has no significant effect on scapular resting position and scapulohumeral rhythm ratio (p=0. 14). Also, it was found that shoulder girdle muscles fatigue after a resistance training session has no significant effect on scapular resting position but it has a significant effect on scapulohumeral rhythm ratio in °, 135 shoulder abduction (p=0. 03). Conclusion: It seems that excessive shoulder girdle muscles fatigue can result in scapulohumeral rhythm ratio dysfunction and shoulder disorders.

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Background: Breast cancer (BC) is the most common visceral cancer among Iranian women with 13400 new cases annually. A few studies have reported that BC patients with p53 expression had different prognosis and clinical outcome. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare clinical outcome and prognostic factors in Iranian breast cancer patients with p53 expression. Methods and materials: In a longitudinal study, 801 BC patients who had referred to and were followed by Cancer Research Center, from 2003 to 2017, were divided into two groups: 300 patients with p53 expression (positive) and 501 patients without p53 expression (negative). Then, clinical outcome and prognostic factors for these two gr oups were evaluated and compared. Results: The patients with positive and negative p53 represented %37. 5 and %62. 5 of the cases with the mean ages of 44. 2 years (SD=9. 4) and 47. 7 years (SD=10. 9), respectively (p<0. 0001). There were more advanced stage and lymph node involvement, more positive lymphovascular invasion and Premenopausal status, higher degrees of negative estrogen receptor (ER) status, and positive human epidermal receptor 2 (HER2) expression in patients with positive p53 in comparison to those with negative p53 (p=0. 0162, p=0. 0047, p=0. 0296, p=0. 0339, p=0. 0374, and p=0. 0494, respectively). In patients with positive and negative p53, five years disease free survival were %81 and 86. 4 %, (p=0. 0413) and five years overall survival wer e %70 and 76. 8 %, respectively (p=0. 0323). Conclusions: Our study showed better clinical outcomes and favorable prognostic factors in patients without p53 expression compared with those with p53 expression.

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Backgrond: Angiogenesis is an essential step in transmitting tumors from dormant to malignant. The use of some angiogenesis inhibitors can be effective in treating cancer. Some changes in cancer cells can be treated with plant extracts. Azerbaijanis belong to the mint family. Salvia species have been used in traditional Iranian medicine and in some other countries against various infections, inflammatory diseases, and cancer. The aim of the present study was to determine the anti-tumor effects of Maryam Goli Azerbaijani extract on colorectal 26 CT subcutaneous cancer in Balb / c mice. Materials and Methods: In the current experimental study, 26 CT cells were injected to the right side of 18 Balb / c mice to induce colon carcinoma. When the size of the tumor became (350 ±,50) mm cubic meters, 18 mice were randomly divided into 3 groups, each group consisting of 6 mice: controls and alcoholic extracts were injected with 50 and 100 mg/kg. The group containing the aqueous extracts of the Azerbaijani Sage herb was injected on a daily basis for 14 days. To monitor the therapeutic effects, the parameters of the stopping rate in the growth of the tumor, the relative volume changes, and the doubling of tumor volume were evaluated. After sacrificing the animals at the end the 14th day, tumors were dissected for histological study. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution, mean, and standard deviation tables. The normality of quantitative variables was examined using the Kolmograph-Smirnov method (KS test) and to determine the difference between different groups, I-Whitney test was run in SPSS, v. 16. Also, the graphs were plotted using Excele 2007. Findings: Alcoholic extract Salvia atropatana reduced average relative size of tumors in the treatment group dose 50 mg/kg fom 1468 ±,78 to 900 ±,34 and the average relative size of the tumor at a dose of 100 mg/kg from 1468 ±,78 to 492 ±,78 compared with the control group. Also, alcoholic extract with a dose of 100 mg / kg had the greatest effect. On the 14th day of treatment, there was a significant decrease in the mean tumor volume compared with the control group in the therapeutic group receiving alcohol extract with a dose of 50 mg / kg (P <0. 01) and in the treatment group receiving the alcohol extract with a dose of 100 mg/kg (P<0. 001). Conclusion: It seems that the alcoholic extract of Salvia atropatana has an anti-angiogenesis activity and a significant inhibitory effect on tumor growth.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Research in Medicine

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Background and Aims: Congenital anomalies are among the leading causes of miscarriage, some of which can be diagnosed before birth. These abnormalities can be detected via simple methods, such as ultrasound as well as screening tests that are easily available before birth, and if possible, using methods such as abortion that can prevent births with such abnormalities. The aim of the present study was to measure the possible complications of both CVS and amniocentesis in mothers with suspected chromosomal or thalassemia anomalies. Materials and Methods: A descriptive-cross sectional study was conducted on all mothers suspected of having a fetus with chromosomal or thalassemia abnormalities referred to Ali Ibn Abitaleb Hospital in Zahedan between October 2015 and October 2016. Totally, 150 mothers were divided into amniocentesis group (n= 100) with a mean pregnancy age of 15 weeks and 4 days and CVS group (n= 50) with a mean pregnancy age of 13 weeks and one day. The procedures were performed by a radiologist. Before conducting the procedure, the mother underwent an ultrasound to assess the health of the fetus, regardless of age, placental abruption, and amniotic fluid. After the operation, each patient was monitored for 14 days to take action if complications, such as vaginal bleeding, amniotic fluid leakage, miscarriage, PROM, and chorioamniovititis, occured. The data obtained was finally entered into SPSS, v. 18, and analyzed using T-and Fisher statistical tests. Results: Only two complications, i. e. amniotic fluid leakage and vaginal bleeding, were observed in a total population of 150 mothers. The incidence of vaginal bleeding in the CVS group was two (4%) and in the amniocentesis group one (1%) (P= 0. 465). Also, the complication of amniotic fluid leakage was one case (2%) in CVS group and two cases (2%) in amniocentesis group, which accounted for P-value = 0. 632. No cases of abortion, PROM, and chorioamnionit were observed. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the complications of this method in amniocentesis are not significantly different from those of CVS, therefore, both methods can be used to diagnose prenatal pregnancy in high-risk pregnancies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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