Critical discourse analysis is an approach toward textual commentary that equips the members of the society with the efficient capacities and understandings fundamental for an effective citizenship in the domain of language. CDA tries to depict those aspects of discourse which are heavily rooted in ideology and their relations with hidden power which the majority of people are not aware of. In contrast with the linguistic realization of a text, the sociosemantic realization presents a more comprehensive representation of a text. As such, this study aimed at the principles of representing and depicting the social actors in Persian discourse based on Van Leeuwen’s (1996) model. For this purpose, a text titled “The Iranian kids and the Afghan kids: Where are these kids’ hometowns?” and taken from Iran newspaper, was analyzed to depict the sociosemantic features in the text benefiting from. CDA tenets. The analysis indicated that sociosemantic features such as exclusion (suppression and backgrounding) and inclusion (passivation and activation, determination and indetermination) are utilized to a great extent in the Persian text and they provide the readers with a more crystal-clear picture.