The aim of this research was to determined effectiveness of systemic-constructivist couple therapy on interpersonal processing and relationship closeness in distressed couples. The method of sampling was purposive-volunteer and among couples who referring to private (Ravan Asa, Rayan, Pishgam, Neysi and Javadolaeme) and governmental (the police force consultation center) clinics in Ahwaz, 4 couples were selected according to include and exclude criteria, and cut of point in the Spanier dyadic adjustment questionnaire. The method of research was non concurrent multiple baseline design and couples complicatedInterpersonal Processing Scale and Relationship Closeness Questionnaire in baseline, treatment and follow-up stages. The data analyzed with visual analysis, reliable change index, percent improvement formula, and normative comparison. The result showed that this type of couple therapy can increase interpersonal processing (35. 86%) and relationship closeness (34. 85%) in the treatment, and also following stages. Then the systemic-constructivist couple therapy can affect the interpersonal processing and relationship closeness in distressed couples.