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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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One of the most important fields of political science in which emotions, roles and functions play a significant role is the field of "political leadership". With this interpretation, the present article, seeks to find out what is the relationship between emotions and political leadership? Resultes showed that both political leaders and followers, provide emotional inferences and reactions from the emotions expressed "as social information" and express appropriate behavior to those emotions. In this regard, political leaders in the face of crises, by recognizing the different dimensions of society and the feelings of the followers, they try to control and manage the emotions, cognitive liberation, accumulation of exciting energies and finally mobilization of the followers, pursuing goals, securing national interests and finally overcoming crises.

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دانش سیاسی

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    1 (35 پیاپی)
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اگر سیاست را آکنده از احساسات بدانیم، واقعا چیزی از سیاست باقی نمی ماند؛ زیرا عقلانیت و احساسات به یک اندازه در سیاست تاثیرگذار هستند. یکی از مهم ترین حوزه های دانش سیاست که احساسات، نقش و کارکرد قابل توجهی در آن دارد، حوزه «رهبری سیاسی» است. با این تفسیر، نوشتار حاضر با اتخاذ روش تحلیل «نظریه مبنا» به دنبال آن است که دریابد از منظر جامعه شناختی چه نسبتی میان احساسات و رهبری سیاسی وجود دارد؟ یافته های پژوهش نشان دادند که هم رهبران سیاسی و هم پیروان در تعامل با یکدیگر، از احساسات بروزیافته «به مثابه اطلاعات اجتماعی»، استنباط و واکنش عاطفی ارایه می دهند و رفتار متناسب با آن احساسات را بروز می دهند. در همین راستا رهبران سیاسی در مواجهه با بحران ها، با شناخت ابعاد مختلف جامعه و احساسات پیروان، سعی در کنترل و مدیریت احساسات، آزادسازی شناختی، تجمیع انرژی های شورانگیز و درنهایت بسیج پیروان، پیگیری اهداف، تامین منافع ملی و درنهایت غلبه بر بحران ها را دارند.

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    1 (35)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the function of sport inachieving the goals of the BDS movement,The present study was qualitative (descriptive-analytical) in terms of applied purpose and in terms of data collection,The statistical population included all texts related to the field of BDS movement, sports and the Zionist regime and a statistical sample of 71 selected works in it. The findings of the present study showed that athletes from 23 Muslim countries refused to appear in front of the Zionist regime's representatives in the international arena due to the regime's aggression on Palestinian soil, and in non-Muslim countries due to human rights violations by many famous sports figures. They use the sports space as a lever to increase the pressure on the anti-human policy of the Zionist regime.

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    1 (35)
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Political development does not have a fixed meaning and is related to some other important concepts. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting political development in the research papers available in selected scientific-research journals of the 90s by meta-analysis method. The main question of the paper is what factors have influenced the study of political development in Iran? In response to this question and by analyzing the 48 researches as samples, the paper emphasized that among the four categories of cultural, political, social, and economic factors. The approach of most researchers conducted based on cultural factors. The axis of culturaland ethnic divisions, weaknesses of political culture, and culture-building are considered to be among the most frequently identified concepts in relation to the factors influencing Iran's political development. The Paper intends to collect the salient and common concepts that can be counted in this regard. In addition, the innovation of the present study is to try to combine the researches done in relation to the factors influencing political development by using the meta-analysis method. Analyzing the concept of political development in Iran can help us to identify the various indicators of development in this country. Understanding the components of political development in Iran can help us to identify other characteristics of development such as economy, culture and, etc.

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    1 (35)
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After the Mujahedin victory over the communist regime in Afghanistan in 1992, a civil war broke out between the Mujahedin armed groups. Most of these battles took place between Pashtun forces (Hekmatyar) and Tajiks (Massoud). The motivation that can be imagined for the beginning of this conflict and internal tension can be interpreted as the myth of leadership. The question is, how did the myth of leadership lead to the Civil War? To analyze this issue, the approach of political mythology and Schmidt's understanding of politics has been used. The conclusion of this study is that the myth of leadership led to the distinction between friend and foe and antagonism. This antagonism and alienation turned ethnic groups into political entities and led to war and military conflict. The conquest of Kabul was an icon reminiscent of the whole myth of leadership. Due to the symbolic significance of the conquest of Kabul, conflicts and political tensions have arisen, especially between the Tajiks and Pashtuns over the conquest of Kabul. Due to the symbolic significance of the conquest of Kabul, conflicts and political tensions have arisen, especially between the Tajik and Pashtun peoples over the conquest of Kabul. Once in 1929, with the conquest of Kabul by Habibullah Kalkani, the myth of the Pashtun leadership was questioned. In 1992, the conquest of Kabul was broken by the forces of Massoud and Rabbani. As one of the Pashtun leaders and elites, Hekmatyar felt the historic responsibility to revive this myth. The direct result of this was military tensions in Kabul.

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    1 (35)
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The establishment and development of the press in Iran has had many effects, among which press violence is one of its manifestations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of media violence (a case study of press violence in the Iranian presidential election). The statistical population of this study was Iran, Shargh, Kayhan and Vatan Emrooz newspapers and the statistical sample was articles containing violence in these newspapers. Quantitative content analysis and purposive sampling have been used in the research. The measurement tool was observation and study of the content, how to implement the coding of cases related to violence and the unit of analysis of "word" and "sentence". Findings showed that during the elections, the newspapers in question were different in four dimensions of audience, subject, type of accusation and form of violence.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (35)
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One of the most important solutions for lowering the vulnerability of political participation phenomenon is a multidisciplinary field of research called political branding. Political branding advantages consist of both sides of a spectrum of who choose and who are chosen in a political campaign. In such a circumstance which people’, s involvement with politics and political actors is low and people become more disappointed and doubtful about politicians as times goes, political branding can become a leverage for changing this situation to a more hopeful one for mentioned both sides. Political brand can lower the complexity of political environments for voters to decide, so they would tolerate fewer risks for choosing an alternative among others. When voters are exposed to candidates’,political different advertising, this is a political brand and all its elements that help them to choose more determined. This research tries to assess the effect of political brand elements-including ideology, candidate, policies and slogans-of Iranian political trends on voters’,choice in the 2017 Iranian presidential election. In this research, a questionnaire with 31 items had designed and distributed electronically among a sample of 377 students of the University of Tehran. After that, the statistical analysis was implemented through multinominal logistic regression test and by the 26th version of IBM SPSS software. The consequences of our research show that three of four political brand elements of political trends in Iran-including ideology, candidate and policieshave positive effects on voters’,choice at that time.

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    1 (35)
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After the fall of Saddam, the seminary of Najaf Ashraf, was able to start a new life. In the meantime, the role of Ayatollah Sistani, in this period has been very prominent. The most important components of his personality based on the principle of Islam are: paying attention to the facts and striving to ensure the peace, security and interests of Iraq. Now, considering his prominent religious figure in the Islamic world and the Shiite authority of Ayatollah Sistani, the question in this study is how to analysis his strategic successes by avoiding politics in the equations of power inside Iraq? To answer this question, scholars have used the theory of Islamic realism and have come to the conclusion that: Ayatollah Sistani had achieved an effective and purposeful combination of Islamic principles and international norms that allowed him to establish and strengthen peace in Iraq, through limited and definite cooperation with foreign forces.

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    1 (35)
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Throughout history, government officials and important personalities have always been at risk. The main question of this research is "Is the protection of officials and personalities accepted in Islam"? To answer this question, we referred to the main sources of Islam and this main question was answered by a jurisprudential method. In this study, two different categories of evidence were found,Arguments that agree with and support the protection of personalities and officials in Islam, and arguments that seem to conflict with protection. Following various works and examining the evidence, the result of this research was that protection in Islam is a certain and accepted thing,However, according to the desirable characteristics of the Islamic ruler, the desirable fraternal relations in the community of faith and the beliefs of the believer, conditions and conditions must be set for it. In the meantime, the prohibition of intentional destruction and the order to guard in the prayer of fear are the most important arguments in favor of guarding in Islam. We also see in the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) that he was protected in wars and many bodyguards have been mentioned for him throughout history. Low identification of security in Islam can lead us to the right model for today's complex world.

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    1 (35)
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Politics and sports have a complex relationship. Based on this, an attempt has been made to analyze the pattern of political behavior of Iranian sports managers. The statistical population of the study includes all sports managers in Iran in 2018-2019. Two questionnaires have been used to measure research variables: Political Behavior Questionnaire and Strategic Decision Making Questionnaire. The results showed that the structure of political behavior does not affect strategic decision-making. According to this result, the dimensions of organizational behavior include unprincipled behavior with colleagues, Self-service behaviors in the organization, Use the support group for yourself, Create a strong group in the organization, Meet powerful people in the organization and It is necessary to observe moral requirements that Consistent with political behavior. However, the use of the database for political destinations was not approved in the organization.

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    1 (35)
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The entry of the Mamasani tribe into the geographical space of Shulistan in the late Safavid period brought about the social and political demarcations of the tribes within the framework of separate geographical territories. Accordingly, the four tribes of the Mamasani tribe played a role in the social and political developments of the Mamasani tribe. They created and shaped the political equations of space in intra-tribal and extra-tribal relations. In the process, the five Mamasani tribes formed several clans within their territory. In the meantime, the Khans of the Baksh clan, as one of the fundamental structures of the Mamasani tribe, entrusted the guarding of different parts of their geographical territory to the cod gods of their sub-tribes. Accordingly, the main question of the research is that what role did the gods of the geographical territory of the Bakesh tribe play in the social and political developments of the Mamasani tribe during the constitutional period up to land reform? To analyze the data, researchers have designed a model and proposed it as a basis for analysis. The results show that the social and political action of the Kadkhodas of the Bakesh clan geography is based on the use of the three elements of "inheritance", "ownership" and "power" in the direction of "territory management". "Territoriality" and "territoriality" have been in the social and political developments of the Mamasani tribe. The results of the studies and the results of the research show that the social and political action of the Kadkhodas of the Bakesh clan geography is based on the use of the three elements of "inheritance", "ownership" and "power" in the direction of "territory management". "Territoriality" and "territoriality" have been in the social and political developments of the Mamasani tribe.

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The various dimensions of globalization, especially in developing countries, have posed many challenges at the micro, intermediate and macro levels. One of the most fundamental of these challenges is the issue of political stability. Considering the values and norms governing the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, reformist, principled and moderate governments with discourses of political development, justice and moderation have chosen special methods to deal with it. Accordingly, the main question is what has been the impact of globalization on the political stability of the country during the periods of reform, Conservatives and moderation? The research method is descriptive and correlational. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22. The results of the study indicate that the independent variable of globalization has a significant relationship with the dependent variable of political stability. The Combined Globalization Index explains approximately 51% of the changes in political stability. Given the beta values, the political and social dimensions of globalization have had the most negative impact and the economic dimension has had a positive impact on political stability, respectively.

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    1 (35)
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Various factors affect the level of political trust of individuals. One of the most important of these is social mobility, in which education plays an important role. This article seeks to study the impact of social mobility and education on individuals' political trust. The central hypothesis (Hypothesis No. 1) of the research is that: social mobility (either ascending or descending) can affect political trust. In this study, using a researcher-made questionnaire, the effect of education and social mobility on political trust was measured in three dimensions (trust in the political system, trust in political institutions and trust in political agents). This research was completed on a sample size of 435 questionnaires using telephone questionnaires. The research findings were analyzed using SPSS software. The results show that declining social mobility reduces political trust in individuals, but upward social mobility does not necessarily lead to an increase in the level of political trust. Also, among the three dimensions of political trust, the dimension of trust in political agents has not been significant.

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