Man’s opinion concerning the following contradictory issue has always been an important challenging problem: Is man free to build up his own destiny and future life or is he greatly influenced by various powerful and compelling factors and unable to have free will and fulfill his own determination? It is not possible to give a clear and convincing answer to this question before careful examination of the position of mankind in this world. Therefore, in this essay, effort has been made to explore, first, the compelling and possibly limiting factors.Then, the reader has been stimulated to conclude that considering the existence of so many obvious or implied factors, it is not logical to believe that there is exclusively one single way for man to follow. He certainly has different choices to select. For instance, we use our native spoken language for simple communication but we also utilize the same language to express our deep thoughts through making unlimited number of complicated sentences and expressions; this means that hen we are under the pressure of compelling factors in specific situations, we are capable, in the light of free will, to choose one of the different available choices, which seems appropriate. In other words mans different interpretations and comments about one specific event and his individual justification is, by itself, a road leading him to freedom. We conclude that since man, unlike animals and inanimate creatures has his own view about each happening, here lies the source and starting point of his determination and freedom which finally come into existence in the face of different happenings and events.