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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a life-threatening heart disease which appears with heart failure and function reduction of left ventricular in late pregnancy or in the first five months postpartum in women with no history of heart disease.Case Report: The report is about the fourth pregnancy of a 31-year-old woman who has had 3 healthy children and has not been observed by any Gynecologists and Obstetrics or health center during pregnancy and admitted to hospital for delivery. According to her medical history, the mother had no disease and had Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) in previous pregnancies. The patient with placental abruption, Fetal distress and failure of progression diagnosis was transferred to the Operating Room (OR) for Caesarean Section (CS).After Caesarean Section, she was involved in dyspnea and acute pulmonary edema during recovery. Having been diagnosed with post-partum cardiomyopathy by cardiologist, the patient was transferred to ICU and died less than 24 hours.Results: Physicians, evaluate to the cardiologist.Conclusion: Physicians, midwives, nurses, and also patients should be aware that a pregnant mother could be at the risk of a severe cardiomyopathy with acute onset heart failure, despite her clear medical history of heart problems. In Prenatal care, therefore, it is necessary for physicians and midwives to pay attention to the symptoms of dyspnea on exertion and functional class of pregnant mothers and in case of reduced performance, the mother must be referred to the cardiologist.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and com-pare effect of the specific- police training and resistance training on physical performance of police officers.Materials and Methods: In this study, 34 policemen, with a mean age of 30.53±3.50 years old, were selected from Lordegan city and were divided into two groups randomly, including police-based training (n=17) and resistance training plus police-based training (n=17), respectively. Both groups trained for eight weeks, three sessions per week which each session lasted 45 to 60 minutes. Special training program included a combination of common police exercises involving endurance, sprint, obstacle crossing, and horizontal modified pull-up, Swedish swimming, climbing a stepladder, climbing wall and smooth it down. Resistance exercise program included training by the use of weights and dumbbells with a constant presence of a bodybuilding coach. At first, height and weight measurement, and then modified pull-up test, 4×9 agility test, 60-meter sprint test, sit-up test, Wells flexibility test, 2400-meter running test were done. Student's t test was used to analyze the data in order to compare the mean of the dependent and of the independent groups within groups and between groups.Results: The results showed a significant difference in the strength of the abdominal muscles, shoulder girdle strength, cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, agility and flexibility between the two groups (p<0.05). Also, no significant differences were observed in terms of speed and endurance chest muscles (p<0.05).Conclusion: In general, it seems, compared with resistance training exercises, specific training exercises are more effective on physical fitness factors according to the pressure put on more muscle mass and also focuses on continuous aerobic exercises.

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Background: This descriptive survey research aims to develop the Nonviolent Communication Questionnaire (NVCQ).Materials and Methods: The subscales' items of NVC including Observation, Feelings, Needs, Demands and Empathy were validated. All items were evaluated and established by psychologist. The first draft of the questionnaire was conducted on 80 individuals and the data were analyzed. Items with less than 30% load were excluded. Then, the questionnaire was conducted on 500 Police Special Force Officers. In order to verify the construct validity, two questionnaires comprising the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Communication Skills (CSQ) were conducted along with the re-search questionnaire.Results: The first draft of the questionnaire has conducted on 80 individuals and Items with less than 30% load were excluded from the questionnaire and the results confirmed the scale validation (Cronbach's alpha =0.94). Then, the questionnaire was conducted on 500 Police Special Force Officers (Cronbach's alpha =0.95). The results showed significant and negative correlation between the NVCQ (the researcher-made questionnaire) and the BDI (P=0.01) and significant and positive correlation between the NVCQ and the CSQ (P=0.01).Conclusion: The results show that the researcher-made questionnaire is a valid and reliable questionnaire to measure NVC.

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Background: This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between emotion regulation with stress factors in addicted women of Karaj city in 2014.Materials and Methods: Research method was applied from the aspect of goal, and was descriptive-correlation from the aspect of data gathering. The population of the study consisted of all addicted women of Karaj city, 98 women of which were considered as sample by using Cochran formula and random sampling method. Data collection was carried out through 2 standard questionnaires of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, Gratz (2004) and Coudron Stress Scale. Data analysis was carried out through SPSS 20 software in two aspects of descriptive and inferential (Pearson correlation coefficient, and Step-wise regression).Results: Results showed that subscales of difficulties in emotion regulation (non-acceptance of emotional responses, difficulties engaging in goal-directed behavior, impulse control difficulties, limited access to emotion regulation strategies and lack of emotional clarity) had a significant correlation with stress of life and stress individual character (P<0.05) and there was no significant correlation between lack of emotional awareness and stress factors. Also, regression analysis demonstrated that limited access to emotion regulation strategies predicted stress of life and difficulties engaging in goal-directed behavior and lack of emotional clarity predicted stress individual character.Conclusion: It can be said the experience of stress and failures in emotion regulation can increase experience of life stressors.

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Background: Divorce as a social problem sometimes leads to psychological disorders lowering quality of life. Hence, psychological interventions, especially in females as a vulnerable group, are appreciated in some cases. The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of schema therapy on quality of life and psychological well-being in divorced women.Materials and Methods: Thirty divorced women, from Urmia, participated in this study and were randomly placed in two groups of experiment and control, 15 each. First, quality of life and psychological well-being state of participants were assessed by relevant questionnaires, (WHOQOL-BREF and GHQ, respectively). Then, intervention therapy consisted of 10 sessions of one hour was carried out for the experimental group only. Afterward, the quality of life and psychological well-being status of both groups were reassessed by questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed using several variable covariance methods.Results: According to the data, experimental group showed a significantly higher statues for evaluated factors (quality of life and psychological well-being) after schema therapy intervention compared to control group (P<0.05).Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that schema therapy can improve the psychological state and quality of life in divorced women. The data in this study supports the use of schema therapy as an effective intervention to cope with psychological distress of divorce.

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Background: Investigating and understanding psychological factors related to Symptoms of Borderline Personality in people with borderline personality disorder can be an important step towards identifying the causes of it. Thus, the current study was conducted in order to investigate the role of distress tolerance and self-compassion in predicting Symptoms of Borderline Personality in people with borderline personality disorder.Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with-in correlation and prediction method. All men with borderline personality disorder, referring to the psychiatric section of Imam Sajjad (AS) Hospital of Tehran in the first half of 1393 (April-September, 2014), compromised the statistical population of current study. 94 people were selected from this population by convenience sampling and were asked to respond to questionnaires of Symptoms of Border-line Personality, distress tolerance and self-compassion. Then, data were analyzed via Pearson correlation test and multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 18.Results: The results showed that the Symptoms of Borderline Personality have negative correlation with total score of distress tolerance (r=-0.40; p<0.001), and components of regulation (r=-0.41; p<0.001), evaluation (r=-0.33; p<0.001), and total score of self-compassion (r=-0.56; p<0.001), and components of self-kindness (r=-0.42; p<0.001), common humanity (r=-0.38; p<0.001), and mindful-ness (r=-0.35; p<0. 001), but have positive correlation with self-judgment (r=0.48; p<0.001), and isolation (r=0.41; p<0.001). Also the results of regression analysis showed that 20% of variance of Symptoms of Borderline Personality was explained by distress tolerance (F=5.44; p<0.001) and 40% variance of it was explained by self-compassion (F=8.99; p<0.001).Conclusion: These results showed that distress intolerance and low self-compassion can play roles in Symptoms of Borderline Personality in people with borderline personality disorder. .

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Background: Causes of non-childbearing tendency is an important question in social decision making in each society. According to the importance of childbearing in Iran, this study was done with the aim to consider the factors affecting childbearing tendency in Tehran police personnel.Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was done on 384 married police personal in Tehran in 2014. In this study, subjects were selected by using two-stage cluster sampling and responded to both the demographical questionnaire and the expectation, attitude and childbearing tendency questionnaire whose validities and reliabilities had been confirmed. In this study, data were analyzed suing SPSS version 20 software and were reported by independent t-test, analysis of variance and Pearson correlation.Results: This study consisted of 384 persons, 181 (47%) female and 203 (53%) male -185 (48%) line personnel and 199 (52%) staff personnel) with the mean age and work experience of 34 and 11 years, respectively. The positive percent of expectation, attitude and childbearing tendency were 94%, 85%, 77.3% respectively. Results showed that variables; low work time, spouse ethnicity, official or contract employment status, active worker status, expectation and attitude toward childbearing, increasing before marriage family size and military grade, ideal age for childbearing, less spouse age difference, increasing ideal number of children showed positive significant relationship with childbearing tendency, and sex, age, work experience, family birth rank, marriage age showed no significant relation-ship with childbearing tendency.Conclusion: According to the results, reinforcing the need for enhancing and raising children is necessary and it needs to be planned. Also, because of the positive relationship of attitude and marriage expectation with childbearing tendency, essential cultural works are emphasized to improve these two areas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate allele frequency of 15 autosomal STR (short tandem repeat) loci for 50 unrelated healthy individual from Kurdish ethnic population of Kerman-shah province in Iran.Materials and Methods: Genetic profile prepared utilizing ABI AmpFl STR Identifiler TM kit. These 15 STR loci included D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, VWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA.Results: There were no deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium except for two loci of D7s820 and D19s433. Based upon the allelic frequencies, several important forensic parameters were calculated including: power of discrimination (PD), polymorphic information content (PIC), power of exclusion (PE) and matching probability (MP(.Conclusion: This study confirmed that investigation of these loci for paternity population studies and handling of criminal cases could be used. We compared the allele frequency spectrum detected in this Kurdish population from Kermanshah with allele frequencies from 8 other datasets on three populations with Iranian origin, ie. Iranians in USA, Iranians in Dubai and Fars ethnic group and 5 neighboring populations from Azerbyjan Republic, Pakistan, Iraqi-Kurdistan, Iraq and Turkey. It was concluded that the population of present study had least similarity with Azerbyjani (12 loci) and most similarity with Turkish (15 loci) populations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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