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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    4 (49)
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Background: The somatosensory system plays an important role in balance control and its age-related declines have been implicated in falls incidence. By stimulation of proprioceptive receptors, whole body vibration (WBV) and somatosensory (textured-surface) training can play an important role in improving balance. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of WBV and somatosensory training on the balance of healthy elderly men.Materials and methods: The study population included 30 healthy men 60 to 80-year old resident in Mashhad city. They were randomly assigned into three groups: WBV training (n=10), somatosensory training (n=10), and control (n=10). The experimental groups practiced their specific protocols for 8 weeks, 3 sessions a week. The vibration group practiced based on the overload principle with the intensity of vibration frequencies of 30–35 Hz with 5-8 mm amplitude. The somatosensory group practiced walking patterns on the textured surface. The balance of the participants was assessed using the limit of stability of the BIODEX device. Dependent t-test, ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc testwere applied in order to investigate intra- and inter-group analyses, respectively.Results: Result showed that there was a significant difference between groups (p=0.001). Tukey test disclosed that in comparison of control group, WBV training (p=0.014) and somatosensory training (p=0.001) improved balance. Moreover, there was a significant difference between the pre- and post-test results of the WBV training (p=0.025) and somatosensory training (p=0.001) groups.Conclusion: Based on these results, eight weeks of WBV and somatosensory training improved balance and reduced their postural sway of male elderly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (49)
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Background: Recently, new risk factors for cardiovascular disease are known that include homocysteine levels and C-reactive protein. Due to lack of consensus on the role of exercise on plasma homocysteine levels, in this study, the effect of one session endurance swimming training on plasma levels of homocysteine and atherogenic index of rats were measured.Materials and methods: Totally, 14 male Wistar rats with weight range of 180 ± 20 g were randomly and matched by weight assigned to experimental (n=7) and control (n=7) groups. Experimental group participated in endurance swimming training protocol for 60 minutes. During the first two weeks familiarity of animals with the practice sessions was done in a way that during these meetings, duration and intensity exercise increased gradually until the rats could swim with overload (5% of their weight) for 60 minutes. Blood samples were collected 24 hours after the main activity of protocol from unconscious mice directly from the heart and with the maximum possible amount. Independent t-test and paired t-test were used for data analysis.Results: The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference in homocysteine levels between two groups (p<0.05). However, there was no difference in HDL and total cholesterol between two groups.Conclusion: The findings of present study showed that one session of long-term endurance swimming with low intensity can significantly impact on reducing homocysteine levels which can result in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (49)
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Background: The immune system is influenced by many factors such as physical activity. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of intermittent severe exercise in hypoxia and normoxia on proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-a, IL-1b) in response to exhaustive exercise.Materials and methods: Totally, 16 male active (age 23.27±2.94years) were randomly divided into two groups: activity in hypoxic conditions (%14O2) and normoxia (%21O2). Maximum workload (Wmax) was determined before training for all participants. The same exhaustive tests were carried out before and after the exercise, which blood samples were taken before and immediately after exhaustive tests. The training protocol consisted of 40min of exercise, 6 days per week, for 2 weeks, which included a 5min warm up, 10 steps of 3min pedaling (one minute with an intensity of 80-85% Wmax, and two minutes at 50% Wmax), and 5min cool down. The first group training was performed in in hypoxic conditions and the second group was in noemoxia. For data analysis repeated-measures analysis of variance was used.Results: The results showed that exercise in hypoxic conditions resulted in a significant increase in IL-6 (p=0.002) than of the normoxia, but no significant difference in the IL-1b (p=0.078) and TNF-a (p=0.072) was observed.Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, periodic extreme exercise in hypoxic conditions could modify cytokines and increase the levels of IL-6.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (49)
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Background: Researchers, coaches and athletes are constantly looking for the most effective and efficient ways to enhance athletic performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the response effects of two resistance training methods with different rest intervals on muscular strength and power and blood lactate level.Materials and methods: Sixteen healthy female volunteers were divided randomly into two groups: constant rest intervals group (n=8, age: 23±3.74 years, height: 164.20±2.15cm, weight: 64.80±4.57Kg) and increasing rest intervals group (n=8, age: 22±2.92 years, height: 166.40±6.47cm, weight: 67.60±3.57Kg). Resistance training was performed three days per week for six weeks. For strength and power measurements, 1RM and throwing medicine ball (5Kg) tests were used, respectively. Blood lactate level was measure through ELISA. ANCOVA, paired-samples t-test and independent-samples t-test were used to identify any statistical differences. SPSS software was used for data analysis and a p£0.05 was considered significant.Results: Data was show that both resistance training methods caused a significant increase in muscular strength and power and blood lactate concentration (p<0.05). However, difference between two methods was seen only for muscular power (p=0.049).Conclusion: The results showed that two resistance training methods with different rest intervals have no different effects on muscular strength and blood lactate alteration. It may be as a result of same mean time of rest and short training period.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (49)
  • Pages: 

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Background: Dietary Supplements consumption among young athlete widely prevails regardless of well documented scientific proof of their effectiveness in improving exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of seven days b-alanine (BA) different doses supplementation on blood lactate concentration after maximal exercise.Materials and methods: Twenty four male students selected from volunteers and randomly divided into three groups of BA supplementation (1: 3.2 gr/d; 2: 4.8 gr/d; and 3: 6.4 gr/d). Participants performed two Wingate test: before and after seven days supplementation (pre- and post-test). Blood samples (6cc) were taken before and after 6min of each Wingate test from median vein for blood lactate measurement. All three groups ingested BA supplement for seven days and stop it 48 hours before post-test. Significant change of blood lactate levels were assessed between and within three groups with one way analysis of variance (one way- ANOVA), and paired t-test (p£0.05).Results: Results showed non-significant changes in blood lactate levels after seven days of different doses BA supplementation (p>0.05).Conclusion: Based on our finding, it seems that short term BA supplementation did not affect blood lactate accumulation following short term maximal exercise test. Further scientific research with higher BA supplementation and longer lasting exercise with different intensity needed for clarification the effects of BA on blood lactate levels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (49)
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Background: Concurrent trainings are a form of exercise conducting two kinds of endurance and resistance training together. The aim of this study was to investigate the comparison of different order of concurrent trainingon plasma Myonectin levels, insulin resistance index (HOMA) and anthropometric characteristics of elderly women.Materials and methods: Forty women with 55-70 year old with no particular illnesses, were divided randomly into four groups: endurance-resistance, (n=9), resistance-endurance (n=10), interval resistance-endurance (n=12) training, and control group (n=9). Height, weight, BMI, WHR and serum levels of myonectin, glucose, and insulin were measured and recorded before and after performing protocol. Experimental groups participated in concurrent training for eight weeks, three sessions every week, 60min in every session. Univariate (covariance) test was used for analyzing of data.Results: There were no significant differences between experimental groups with control group in Myonectin (p=0.534) and insulin (p=0.37). But, there were significant differences in body mass (p=0.02), BMI (p=0.03), fasting glucose (p=0.001) and HOMA (p=0.028). Significant differences were not seen between experimental groups.Conclusion: Older women can take advantage from concurrent training with any orders of them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (49)
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Satellite cells (SCs) are skeletal muscle stem cells and due to their stemness properties capable of self -renewal and differentiating into mature muscle fibers. They therefore have the capacity to contribute to the maintenance, regeneration, and hypertrophy of muscle mass, and be a potential player in the growing field of interventions, the so-called cell therapy, when it comes to restore function in traumatic injuries, debilitating diseases such as myopathies and even age-related attenuation of muscle force. Essentially, physiologic activation of SCs residing in skeletal muscle happens through stretch, exercise, injury and even electrical stimulation. Once activated, SCs undertake two fates: either self-renewal to prevent its own depletion or progress through proliferation, differentiation and terminally playing a major role in muscle regeneration and hypertrophy. This review attempts to focus upon different modalities of exercise (e.g., endurance, resistance, etc.), as natural and normal routes of muscle regeneration and hypertrophy. Moreover, potential application of SCs in cell therapy and skeletal muscle substitute is another domain where this review will shed light into. Finally, published relevant researches carried out in Iran will be spotlighted aiming to depict the current national status in this very discipline of thought.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (49)
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Background: Military and police forces look into physical and other fitness indices as a priority issue to be fit ensures safe and complete accomplishment of missions. A critical survey in national studies published in this regard can unveil strength and weaknesses of forces and may stand as an underpinning need to revolutionize the act of monitoring the basic levels of readiness of the forces.Materials and methods: All papers accessible when searched with appropriate keywords were recruited for this critical review. Most articles were in Persian and only a few were written in English.Results: A quarter of a century has passes since the publication of the first systemic but limited investigation in the field, which gave the evidence of unfitness in those volunteers enlisted as non-commissioned forces of Basij. Studies covered in present review prove that little or no attention has been paid to the main worries of the research principles and this is the very reason that makes any draw of conclusion nearly impossible. Averaging and grouping of the yearly-collected data, mainly carried out for rank promotion, is unjustifiably claimed to bear the national physical fitness criteria (and scores). In addition, this review is targeting to highlight the critical necessity of investment on research offices in main military forces as headquarters of eligible experienced and academically-oriented conductors of research and collectors of data.Conclusion: Moreover, a thorough and multi-centered, multi-faceted study is to be designed carefully to develop domestic physical fitness test criteria and scores based on national needs and priori. To overcome the current shortcomings, establishment of a school whose primary vision and missions are to screen, monitor, quantify and revise the physical fitness for different ranks within the whole spectrum of Iranian military and police forces is strongly recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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