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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Financial Economics

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In this study, to determine the factors affecting the cost of money in Sepah banks of Semnan province, we investigate the relationship between the cost of money as a dependent variable and the cost of long-term deposit, the cost of short-term deposit, cost of savings, operating costs, Exchange rate, inflation rate and oil price as independent variables during the period from 2001 to 2016. Considering the results of model estimation with the help of Eviwes software, inflation has been recognized as the major factor in the cost of money. Therefore, in order to control and manage the full cost of the money, it is necessary to pay attention to channels of increasing inflation. Political instability is one of the important factors affecting the exchange and inflation rates in the Iranian economy, which requires the cooperation of monetary authorities and the central bank with the government to control the fluctuations of exchange and inflation rates through appropriate programs.

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Financial Economics

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Capital Market is a major part of financial Market, in fact it is considered as one of the main streams of financing in an economy. Effect of capital Market is mainly in liquidation, economic growth and development; this has been considered very important in Iran based on suitable growth of capital Market. If there is not a logical relation between financial markets and other sectors of economy, the probability of economic disfunctionality increases. Capital market has a significant impact on economic growth of countries, considering its major role in gathering and directing resources toward opportunities in productive parts of economy. Additionally some economists believe that the difference between developed and developing economies, is not about technology but it lies in existence of integration and breadth of capital market. Therefore, in this research, we conduct analysis on role of capital markets in financing and economic growth during 1988-2014 for Iran and collective of developing countries with use of statistical methods and econometrics of panel data and we have studied their impacts on economic growth. The results show that financing through Capital market is meaning-full and has positive impacts on economic growth in both short-term and long-term, and the grade of financial market development will help and boost the effectiveness and impact of capital market in economic growth.

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Financial Economics

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Internet and information and communication technologies (ICT) have effective rolling economic and financial Transactions in each country. ICT in multiple forms such as increasing economic growth and productivity of the economy, promoting trade of goods and services and reducing inflation and transaction costs, have been positive out comes in the economy. Present study aims to use the data of eighth banks, including Bank Melli, Mellat, Saderat, welfare, trade, industry and mining, Sepah and Eghtesad in the period 2000 to 2013, analyse impact of the Internet on the banking system productivity. For these two indices, the number of internet banking customers and online transactions number is used as an indicator of the presence of the Internet in the banking system. Also, the rate of return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) included as the dependent variable in model and after applying data stationary test and co-integration test between model variables via Pedroni co-integration test, using panel data method, four separate models estimated using panel data and the following results were obtained. The number of internet banking customers and online transactions has positive effect on the efficiency of the banking system in Iran. In the long run, all other factors being constant, if the number of Internet customers increased by 1, 000 units, there turn on assets and return on equity increase0. 18 and 0. 16 percent, respectively. Also, the increase in the number of Internet transactions by 1000 units, there turn on assets and return on equityincreases0. 17and 0. 13 percent, respectively.

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Financial Economics

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This study aims to compare effect of financial crisis on momentum transfer and volatility spillovers in stock exchanges of developed and developing countries with Iran during 2003-2017 on daily basis. For this, at first the existing structural changes in volatilities are found using modified iterative cumulative sum of squares algorithm endogenously to recognize financial crisis in the markets; and then, the research hypothesis – momentum transfer and volatility spillovers from developed and developing financial markets to Iranian capital market-is tested through multivariate GARCH model. The results, obtained by application of bivariate generalized conditional heteroscedasity method as diagonal BEKK (Baba, Engle, Kraft and Kroner) suggest that momentum transfers and volatility spillovers between developed and developing countries and Iran are one-directional.

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Financial Economics

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This study applies microstructure approach to exchange rate in order to study the relationship between dissemination of unofficial information in social media on increasing informational homogeneity and exchange rate volatility and the effect of quality of public information on this relationship. Based on our simulation results, in situations of low-quality macroeconomic data releases, we observe exchange rate volatility because of formation of herd behavior. On the other hand, with high-quality public information about the state of macroeconomic variables, there is no significant relationship between informational homogeneity of economic agents and exchange rate volatility. Finally, in the case of mid-quality public information, there is an inverse U relationship between informational homogeneity of economic agents and exchange rate volatility.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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Non-shared revenues, because of the direct dependence on cash payments and, consequently, the creation of a cash flow for the bank and also a low risk with respect to shared revenues, has encouraged most banks to make such revenues. Therefore, in this paper, the factors affecting the non-shared bank revenues in Iran with an emphasis on physical, electronic and human infrastructures within the framework of a system dynamic panel model using data from 26 banks were studied. the results show that liquidity, direct investment, number of SWIFT branches, and number of branches have no significant effect on non-shared bank revenues and in contrast, return on assets, gross domestic product, e-banking and human capital, have a positive and effect and inflation has a negative significant impact on non-shared bank revenues. Accordingly, modification of the structure and pattern of using physical infrastructure and strengthening of electronic and human infrastructure can have a significant effect on the increase of non-shared bank revenues and increase of net profit of a bank in the position of an enterprise.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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In this case study, initially has designed on the base of usage of events approach and signal extraction model of precaution for identifing systemic banking crisis in the Iranian economy, and Non-Performing Loans(NPL), inflation rates, exchange rates and liabilities of banks to the Central Bank with regardes to the explanatory power as The systemic banking crisis guidance indicators that appropratefor financial system were identified. Consequently a logit-binary model on the base of indector was designed Markov Switching Model system to assess the possibility of systemic crisis in Iran's financial system, which was identified the sign of occurrence of banking crisis in 1993 from year ago in Iran's economy. It is designed with the use of a Early-Warning Systemsand, referring to the International Monetary Fund's financial crisis database, can be described as the era of systemic banking crisis and its overlap with the national debt crisis and the currency crisis in the Iran's banking system.

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Financial Economics

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Payment systems have been transformed with technological change, so that many exchanges and financial transactions take place without using paper money. These developments have led to changes in money demand and its sensitivity to the variables that have influenced money demand function. Therefore, the present paper has been examines the impact of the growth of electronic payments on the share of currency in money based on the demand model of Baumol Tobin and using the principles of the money supply model in the five selected countries including Iran during the period 2000 to 2015. The results show that the development of electronic payment instruments has a negative impact on the share of currency in money.

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Financial Economics

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The purpose of this study was to investigate and prioritize factors affecting university financial development with emphasis on Tehran University based on exploratory mixed research model. First, based on grounded theory, the model of financial development of the university was compiled using a statistical society including 15 experts. The validation of the model at the qualitative stage involves these methods: Member Checking, Data Triangulation, Investigator/ Researcher Triangulation, Peer Checking. The modeling of structural equations using PLS method is used for quantitative validation of the model and studying the relationship between the components. The statistical population of this section is the financial managers of Tehran University, which was selected by simple random sampling. The findings confirm the effect of the model components on financial development of the university. Considering factor loads, the greatest impact on the university financial development is due to the component of financial resources. Among the sub-components and based on Friedman's test, financial resources diversification has the highest priority.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Safari Saeede | RAFATI MARYAM


Financial Economics

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The present research examines the role of economic and electronic banking factors on private bank deposits selected. Statistical research community includes the selected private banks, which include Banks Eghtesad Novin, Saman, Parsian, Pasargad, Mellat, for the period 1386-1393. For this purpose, the deposits are divided into two parts: current and Ghrz Al-Hassaneh deposits, and long-term deposits, and the Panel data method is used to estimate the models. using the method of Panel data, the results of the estimation of the model in the selected banks for deposits of the current and Gharz Al-Hasanah indicated that the real per capita income, the number of branches, the number of POS and ATM devices variables, have positive and meaningful effect on volume of deposits but the variable impact of the inflation rate on the deposits is not significant statistically. As well as the results of the estimation of the model in the selected banks for long-term deposits indicated that, the effect of the rate of profit on long-term deposits, the number of bank branches, the number of POS devices, real per capita income variables on long-term deposits volume is positive and significant, while The impact of the variable rate of inflation based on the volume of long-term deposits of the selected banks is negative and in terms of meaningful statistics, but the number of ATM machines on the long term deposits, statistically is not meaningful.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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