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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Financial Economics

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In recent years, Information and Communications Technology has the greatest impact on different aspects of human's life including effect of this technology on all economic sectors. In particular, ICT has increased Total Factor Productivity in many countries of the world especially developed countries from the second half of the 1990s. ICT capital has characteristics of knowledge commodity. Hence, it is able both through capital deepening and by its overflowing effect to affect productivity. This paper investigates ICT impact on TFP using Panel Data Method for the sample of selected developing and developed countries within the time period 2003-2008. Results of this study indicate that ICT internal investment and ICT external capital or the very ICT overflow, both, have positive and significant effect on TFP both in the sample of all the selected developing countries and in the sample of developed countries. In addition, effect of human capital on TFP in both samples of developed countries and selected developing countries was found positive.

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Financial Economics

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This paper deal with to estimate the effects of influencing factors on absorption of the private deposits in state owned commercial and development banks in Iran banking system. The model includes two groups of variables according to Friedman's money demand theory and individual saving literature. In First, the macroeconomic variables include national income, real banking rate, foreign exchange rate and real state price index and the seconds are, banking industry specific variables including, number of branches, credit volume and the number of bank employee. Two models in the form of panel data (FE) was used to estimation the role of effective factors on private deposits in six commercial and four development state owned for 1378-86 period in iran. the results show that, national income, real banking rate and the credit have positive effect and foreign exchange rate and real state Price index have negative meaningful effect on the bank deposits and number of branches and number of employee don’t have any meaningful effect on private deposits in those banks in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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Improved prices of energy carriers in the country’s economy especially the industrial sector have a high sensitivity. Steel industry, including energy-intensive industries, capital-intensive and requires high technology that high share of energy production (about 8%), causing the increasing prices of energy carriers, affect production cost and product sales. Therefore, due to the late and former communications industry with other industries, price changes on other economic sectors and industrial steel works will also be important.The results show that the prices of energy carriers with direct effects on the cost of steel industry.It is being provided if none price package as reform process, improving production technologies and improving energy use patterns is not applied simultaneously with price reform policy, Accumulation due to cumulative effects of increased prices of energy carriers, there is the possibility of bankruptcy and closure of industrial units.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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Since the process of economic development rests on the five-year program is to develop. Implement these programs require financial resources and liquidity expansion that can to lead to negative economic effects may include swelling. The optimal paths of liquidity determining based on the objectives of develop programs. Therefore, the comparison of used this path can help to policy makers.Accordingly, the aim of this paper to forecast optimal path of liquidity during developed fifth. So, Liquidity volume is extracted using the results of simultaneous equations based on the structure of the economy in optimal control theory. In this regard, we tried to estimate the simultaneous equations system by a three-stage least squares method using a time series of variables during the period 1963-2007, and the optimum amounts to forecast during the period 2008-2015. In end, optimal path of liquidity by used liquidity growth rate based on development plans goal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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Total Factor Productivity is a various factor affecting on economic growth. This study also reviewed studies on total factor productivity, examines the effect of human capital, openness of the economy, inflation and terms of trade on Total Factor Productivity (TFP) for panel data for the region Southwest Asia countries in the 25-year ago ( 980-2005). Countries that have been studied include Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, Egypt, Bahrain and the Israel. These countries were selected because of their importance in the regional outlook of Iran. These countries are classified in two groups, including the member states OPEC and Non-OPEC.According to the estimates of variables, human capital and openness of the economy has strong effect on total factor productivity. The human capital has a higher elasticity (1.67) against open economy variable (with elasticity 1.33) in all countries. In the group OPEC countries, open economy variable has a higher elasticity (2.83) and human capital inelastic (0/93) is against. Openness of the economy plays in total factor productivity in this group. Openness of the economy variable has a positive impact and high elasticity (3.2) in Non-OPEC countries. In the first step these countries should go towards creating a competitive and open economy infrastructure then go towards improving productivity. To achieve Vision 1404 goals, we need to move towards an open economy.

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Financial Economics

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Inflation or in other words the increase of public price’s level is one of the important and effective variable in each country’s economy that in different courses especially in high prices had imposed unfavorable and detrimental effects on countries’ economy. But the major and the most important detriment due to inflation is the distrust of scale of inflation’s rate in future. Except the economic factors such as inflation and production and ect, political factors can put economic factors in unreliable conditions. For example, political instability, war, people’s distrust in case of economic decisions and totally each decision or policy that causes distrust in economy atmosphere is effective in inflation uncertainty. In this article, we calculate the scale of uncertainty inflation during 1358-1386with use of collection of “Fuzzy logic” and the two input variables, “inflation” and “money growth rate” used with base year’s prices. At the following section, Robert and Alexander’s economic growth model has been utilized to investigate the efficacy of the inflation uncertainty on the economic growth for the time being. (In this model inflation uncertainty variable has been used instead of inflation variable). The results of the present study using OLS method for calculating the mentioned patterns shows that inflation uncertainty hasn’t meaningful affected on the economic growth. The positive effect of investment share, export share in GDP on the economic growth and share of public section expenses were other results of the present study. The important point that should be noted here is that measuring and specifying the exact amount of inflation uncertainty and surveying relationships between them and its efficacy on other variables can be an appropriate way in making correct decisions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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The Minimum wage determination and its effects in different economies is an important subject. The reason of that was originated by the impacts of minimum wage on the employment of enterprises and its inflationary effects in an economy as well. In this paper we review the minimum wage regulations and international related conventions. Then the different effects of minimum wage are investigated. Finally the main objectives of wage determination will review.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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The Trips selection will become even more important nowadays especially as online trips in large trips databases can be used to give online travelers a better choice of trips than can be found off-line.The process of selecting a trip is considered as one of the most difficult stages a traveler goes through, especially with tens of trips of similar goals, different prices and detailed characteristics in the market.This paper is interested in proposing a Decision Support System to select the optimal Trip that meets each traveler's preferences; using Case- Based Reasoning techniques ' CBR', and calculating similarity between the traveler's preferences and the trip characteristics.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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