Capital is an important component of bank funding, allowing the bank to hedge against the undesired economic fluctuations and circumvent default risk, continuing to gain profit. The banks that have excess capital (defined as bank’s required capital minus the risky assets) in the face of economic fluctuations have better performance. In this paper, we study the impacts of the nominal and real shocks through the behavior of excess capital on bank lending in a panel of Iranian banks during the period of 1385 - 1393, using GMM approach. The results show the positive effect of the interaction between nominal shocks and excess capital on bank lending, as well as interaction between real shocks and the excess capital having negative effect on the bank lending in Iran. In other words, in a tight monetary regime, the excess capital has negative effect on bank lending and restricts the lending power of the banks. However, in expansionary monetary regime, this impact is smaller. On the other hand, more excess capital increase the positive impact of nominal shocks on bank lending, while decrease the impact of real fluctuations on lending.