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Financial Economics

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During recent decades, in the literature of environmental economics along with economic effects and knowledge spillover’s FDI, the relation between foreign direct investment and the quality of environment has been a topic of considerable importance. In these studies it is assumed that in the globalization conditions, the existence of relax environmental regulations in developing countries have become an interesting comparative advantage for inflow of polluting foreign capital. These discussions have led to the formation of pollution haven hypothesis. The hypothesis points to the fact that developing countries especially those active in polluting industries, mainly tend to export polluting industries to those countries which have weaker environmental standards. In this respect the main objective of this research is to explore the relation between FDI and quality of environments that is, to test pollution haven hypothesis.To do so, first countries are divided in terms of development into three groups: high income, middle income and low income countries. Then using a simultaneous model based upon panel data and generalized moment method (GMM) for period 1996-2005, direct and indirect effect of direct foreign investment upon the quality of environment through three channel, direct effect, production scale effect and the effect of industrial combination in host country has been explored. Finally, the results show that the pollution haven hypothesis in countries with middle and low income, as developing countries, is confirmed and inflow of FDI in developed and developing countries has different effects upon the quality of environment ones.

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Financial Economics

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Since tourism revenues play an important role in the economic performance of national economies, specifying factors affecting it and examination of demand for tourism have economic significance. A partial adjustment model of short run and long run demand for tourism short run and long run demand for tourism has been specified. The period of study is 1370-88 and the estimation method is OLS. The Short and Long Run elasticities of demand for tourism with respect to price are 0.72, 0.53. The results indicates that transport expenditures has no significant effect on demand for tourism but The number of tourist in iran, World GDP, Real exchange rate plays an important role.

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Financial Economics

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In many developing countries the government is dominated on economic and thus they implement monetary policy to follow high and sustainable economic growth. The object of this survey is to investigating the effect of domestic banking credit on economic growth during 1979-2008.In our model in order to continue review literature, based on endogenous growth models, credit allocated to private and public sector defined as index of financial development. In addition government expenditure on human resources inter in model as index of endogenous variable. In order to estimate model we use vector auto regressive models (VAR) and our result indicated that banking credit allocated to non-governmental section and expenditure on human resources had the positive effect on economic growth, but banking credit allocated to governmental sector had reduced long-run economic growth.

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Financial Economics

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Today, critical factors of economic growth have become one of the important and controversial issues among economists. Despite increase of such important factors as production inputs, innovation, technical changes and application of likely vacant capacities in economy, one of the major challenges in economic growth is a legal and institutional environment in which economic agents both enterprises and investors are operating. The low level economic growth of amoung Middle East during the last decades despite presence of opportunities, capacities and facilities including oil resources, it seems that one of the existing obstacles is business environment for economic agents in this region. For this purpose, this research investigates overall effects of business environment on economic growth in the selected countries of this region. The research is carried out as Panel Data Econometric Model for the period 2004-2010. The Results show improvement in business environment index has led to higher economic growth in these countries, although this situation among the countries is of varying intensity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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The joining World Trade Organization (WTO) is the highest scale of relation with world economics. The joining World Trade Organization (WTO) has various effects on economy of countries. In this study, we study effects of joining (WTO) as adummy variable on the two life insurance indexes (life insurance density and life insurance penetration). Selected countries joinedto (WTO) in1995 and was studied in time period 1990 to 2007, Using panel data method. The goal of this study is to show the effect of joining to (WTO) on the two life insurance indexes in Developing Countries. The results show that joining (WTO) has positive and significant effects on life insurance indexes in Developing Countries. based on this result we can hope whereas Iran join to (WTO) and as a result experience trade liberation, It can with use of experience of Developing Countries in preparing necessitude of economic, rightful and political decries the probable negative effects and in long run notice the positive effects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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Locate Since the investment components of national production is therefore investments, should follow any particular methodology that the amount of capital and profits back to the point of maximum desire. In this article provinces of the indicators defined terms having the priority investment in agricultural activities and field ranked analysis of different areas of investment for national and regional programs running capital projects is provided. To do this technique factor analysis and numerical taxonomy analysis and cross section data from general agricultural census results in and population and housing 1385 used. Fars results showed that under most 1382 agricultural and boyer ahmad kohgiluyeh minimum capital formation has the ability. Reports by the ministry of commerce of buying wheat farmers in different provinces in recent years also confirm this result.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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In this paper, demand liability insurance in Iran is estimated. Thus the importance and effect of variables such as national income per capita, Inflation rate and compensation liability insurance per capita, on demand of Liability insurance in Iran have been measured. Data is including all provinces and territories time period is 1386-1357 (1978-2007).According to results the relationship between national income per capita and demand of liability insurance is positive and significant. With an increasing percentage of national income per capita, Liability insurance demand increasing 1.6 percent. This means that the liability insurance is luxury goods.Also relationship between per capita compensation and Liability insurance demand is positive and significant. With an increasing percentage of per capita compensation, Liability insurance demand increasing 0.24 percent.Furthermore, relationship between inflation and demand for insurance liability is negative and not significant. گوش کردنخواندن با قواعد آواییدیکشنری - مشاهده فرهنگ لغت با جزئیات

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Financial Economics

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Most studies have engaged in inspecting the effect of foreign direct investment or public expenditures on economical growth separately but the mutual effect between the variable was not considered. The outcomes of present study demonstrates that in developed countries, the enlargement of government size is because of forming proper infrastructures, health and public goods, which this fact causes the absorption of more investments and leaves more effect on economic growth. But in developing countries the enlargement of government due to the enhancement of governmental companies budget and also the lack of sufficient infrastructures, and political stability and countries changing of rules and regulations causes that the mutual effect of direct foreign investment and public expenditures on economical growth become negative.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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