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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Financial Economics

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This study presents an integrated intelligent algorithm for ranking credit customer in different industry sections. The algorithm has two basic modules that is A2 method which suggested by Hosseininasab et al in 2012 and data envelopment analysis (DEA) with three phases: design, execution and performance assessment. In the design phase, a hierarchical structure of the problem based on A2-DEA method (artificial neural network (ANN), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and DEA) is built and different criteria's are determined based on reviewing of literature. In the execution phase, the proposed method is tested by real data of large bank in Iran. Finally, performance assessment of proposed method is done in third phases. To show the applicability and superiority of the proposed algorithm, two hundred customers of a large bank in different industry sections are studied. This is the first study that uses present an integrated intelligent algorithm for ranking credit customers. This proposed method is compared with A2 method separately. The implementation results show that this method is significantly valid for ranking credit customers. Comparison of methods shows that although AHP and DEA have benefits, they also suffer from limitations, which can be avoided by the A2-DEA model, also improves the time and cost needed for implementing in comparison.

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Financial Economics

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Monetary policy is one of the effected variable on stock price index in valid stocks of the world. Since the effects of these variables cause some results such as income distribution changes and welfare items in each society, so the exploration and evaluation of these effects are very important. In the recent study it has been tried to probe the effect of the above variable on nominal and actual Tehran stock exchange price index according to season data in 1369-1387.Data analysis in this study has been done according to Vector Auto Regressive model, Impulse Respone Function and Variance Decomposition. The results show that monetary policy has positive effect on nominal and actual index of stock.

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Financial Economics

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Since one of the effects of development in the last century has been the excessive pressure on natural resources and environmental degradation, therefore, in the concept of sustainable development which has been proposed globally by the experts and theorists, one of the integral components of sustainable development is Maintain in environmental standards and efforts to reduce environmental hazards of development. So that the environment is considered a key element of sustainable development and without a healthy environment there wouldn't be a human development in real sense and according to this the issues related to sustainable development and improving the human development index with paying attention the environment factor should be considered. Because, despite increasing revenue and consequently the increase of educational infrastructure, the Human Development Index level will rise. But environmental pollution emanating from economic growth, not only has negative impact on the process of development of countries but also affects the quantitative and qualitative aspects of human life and and the life expectancy which is the standard measure of health status and one of the major components of the human development index. since developed countries contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in the process of economic development, therefore in this study, the impact of environmental pollution on the human development Index in developed countries in both direct and indirect ways through channel of life expectancy and using panel data during the period of 2000-2010 will be studied.

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Financial Economics

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Taxes are the most common and important source of funding for the provision of public revenues and one of the most effective government's fiscal policy tools. Government through taxes gives many social and welfare services to the serving people and many economic and social activities and events. High share of oil and the low share of tax proceeds in combination of state budget resources will couse not only adverse effects such as dependence of earnings of the country on export of one product, but also exclude the economy from the possibility of more efficient use of taxes for fiscal policy. In the present study, an attempt is made to analyse empirically the main factors affecting the ratio of taxes to GDP, as an accepted index of global studies, by employing time- series econometric techeniques over the period 1387-1357 in Iran. The size of the agricultural sector as the most important part using tax exemptions, along with other factors such as budgetary dependency on oil revenues, cultural factors and organizational motivation factors for the collection of taxes, the size of the underground economy and the income distribution have been considered in this study. Application of analytical-descriptive methods and econometric OLS method showed that expansion of oil revenues and the share of agriculture have the inverse relationship with the level of tax receipts to GDP, and organizational motivational factors are directly related.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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The low cost of oil and increasing global price of oil in recent years, the cost to the government of Iran has taken on the economy. Oil revenues account for this purpose in different expenditure categories (military, social security, education, arts and culture, health care), the Iranian economy has been studied. Pressures of international economic sanctions because of the recent to limit Iran's nuclear program to Iran's energy industry investment opportunities and restricting Iran's oil exports, has been created. Care, education, culture and arts, social security. To answer this question, the VAR econometric model and the data of the years 1965-2009 have been used. The result suggests rather military spending and Social Security Administration responded Vagary oil shocks are important. Another Iranian government social spending does not show significant response to the oil shock. The high sensitivity of military spending, to show unexpected negative shocks. The consequences of this policy are straight.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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Due to the fact that economic globalization process is rapidly expanding, it is apparent that improving in competition through the industries and manufactories is necessary. So one of the important subjects need to study is effects of productivity and efficiency on economy.In this research we assessed and estimated impacts of total productivity and it’s components on basic metals industry of Iranian factories by Data Envelopment Analysis method (DEA) and Malmquist Index index. Using compilation data of industrial workshops which have ten workers or more in, we computed technical improvement, technical efficiency change, net technical efficiency change, measure efficiency change and total productivity change in this industry. The results show the average yearly productivity growth has been 2.2% during 1386-1374. The average of productivity components, technical efficiency and technology, was have estimated 14% and 86% respectively. It is necessary to mention that determinant factors of technical efficiency that are measure efficiency and net efficiency have had the growth of 21% and -7%. Therefore the most effective factor on total productivity change in Iranian basic metals industry was technical change which indicates a positive annual growth average. (That has experimented as average a yearly positive growth).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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Over time, and by the expansion of theories and different models related to economic growth, new variables are proposed as growth origin and attract the attention of economists. Amongst, the position and the role that is allocated to capital and investment in growth and development models is continuously reviewed and investigated in terms of complexity and investment diversity and its streams. Regarding to the importance of foreign direct investment on economic growth of countries, many researchers investigate the effect of FDI on growth and affecting factors on establishment and attraction of FDI.In this article, we investigate the effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth of MENA region countries (Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Jordan, Tennessee, Turkey, and Yemen) within 1992 to 2010. For this purpose, econometrics of integrated data method has been used. The results of the estimation of the model show that the effects of foreign direct investment on economic growth of member countries, within the given years, are positive and significant. The effect of openness of the economy and capital inventory has also positive and significant effect on economic growth of member countries, within the given years.

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Financial Economics

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This paper analyses the impact of trade openness on non - oil economic growth for the opec countries in 1998-2007. In our empirical work, we have used the panel data technique. we find that openness has had a negative impact on economic growth in this region over this period.The variables used are labor force, money (m2), government expenditure, capital. we have found that an increase in labor force and a decrease in government expenditure have supported economic growth in the opec countries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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