Competition is one of the most essential elements in the market, since there is no market without competition, nor are consumer rights and national development guaranteed without it. If there is functional guarantee of competition in the process of supply and demand, there would be no problem in horizontal or vertical markets. However, if disturbances arise in the competitive behavior of the market, and certain actors or institutions - misusing the absence of necessary grounds, and legal as well as supervisory vacuums- turn to monopoly or to establishing their own position, or misusing their dominant position, the market would suffer direct disturbances in terms of quality and price. It would also give rise to various serious problems facing the market and other economic actors. These problems may lead to the destruction of producers or distributors and consequently to problems in social security.To reach this goal, competition law on the one hand, encourages the competition system to regulate the market, and on the other hand, starts to counter and fight anti competition behavior under the monopoly law. The present article seeks to compare the two competition laws of Iran and France, thus reviewing similar mechanisms of French law viewing the birth of this legal field in Iran and the weak points in its legal framework.