In a Mobile Ad hoc Network, MANET, nodes move in the network area; therefore, the network topology is randomly and unpredictably changed. If the network topology is not controlled properly, the energy consumption is increased and also network topology probably becomes disconnected. To prevent from this situation, we have to use desirable dynamic topology control algorithms such as k-edge connectivity methods. In this paper, we try to improve the three following parameters according to the k-edge connectivity concepts: (1) network performance, (2) reduce energy consumption, and (3) maintain the network connectivity. To achieve these goals, as a new method, we enhance k-edge connectivity methods using an improved definition of node density. We will call the new method as: Node Density Based k-edge connected Topology Control (NDBkTC) algorithm. For the first time we use the node density definition dynamically. The new method, computes the node density based on a new equation which consists of the following factors: the relative velocity of nodes, distance between nodes, the number of nodes and the transmission range of nodes. The results show that our new method improves the network performance compared with the existing methods.