In Watershed management after of design planning stages, the most important step, select the best plan is among the watershed. In such circumstances faced with a decision we are affected by several criteria. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most comprehensive systems designed to make decisions with multiple criteria. Based on AHP technique to solve the problem or problems in the basin studied the first became selected number of options including: 1- Plan A- includes mechanical operations, 2- Plan B includes the biological operations and 3- Plan C- construction projects and services. Then in order to choose the best plan were considered four criteria including costs, soil conservation, flood reduction and water quality. Then Based on opinions of university professors and experts was attempted to evaluate options by couple comparison matrix by Expert choice software. The results showed that for cost criteria, biological operation were ranked as the best alternative plan with the relative weight 71.7% and the rate of inconsistency 0.09, for soil conservation criteria, mechanical operation were ranked as the best alternative plan with a relative weight 55.9% and the rate of inconsistency 0.08, for reducing flood criteria, biological operation were ranked as the best alternative plan with relative weight 58.2% and rate of inconsistency 0.03 and to water quality criteria, biological operation were ranked as the best alternative plan with the relative weight 59.2% and rate of incompatibility 0.01. After calculating the weight of each project respect to all of criteria, became specified contribution each of criteria in determining best plan. That most important criteria, is cost with relative Weighing 60.3% And best plan, Biological operation with relative weight 60.2% respectively.