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In order to fulfill the objectives of national development plans, coordination of national goals with the realities of the region is inevitable. Accordingly, resource allocation should be based on the capabilities and comparative advantages of the regions. so Every region needs a special plan which commensurate with its own characteristics. Therefore, we should first study the existing and past conditions of the region in a suitable scientific method. This study was an applied one conducted in a descriptive-analytical method. Data were collected from the census conducted by statistical Center of Iran in 2006, and 2011. For Determining Comparative Advantages and the identification of basic and non-basic occupational groups done According to basic economic model (Location Quotient). The amount of distributive justice was calculated using the most widely used statistical indicators in the field of the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient. The provinces were classified based on the model of factor analysis, TOPSIS, and Gray relational analysis. Finally, the geographic maps of the comparative advantage of the major occupational groups were developed in ARC GIS environment, at national level as well, which is essential for making appropriate policies about regional development. The results indicate, very balanced spatial distribution of employment in the provision of infrastructure services (Gini coefficient 0.018) and in the business sector with Gini coefficient is 0.353 the greatest imbalance among provinces in the country's, the results showed a big gap between Iranian provinces and the unbalanced development of the provinces. Accordingly, the provinces of Bushehr, Tehran, Mazandaran and Gilan got the highest relative scores and enjoyed more facilities for job creation. On the contrary, the provinces of Sistan and Baluchestan, Lorestan and Khuzestan had relatively lower scores for job creation.

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Determine the desert area needs to achieve the information from natural environment parameters. That their interactions are jointly involved in genesis the desert features. The aim of this research is to recognize and isolate the desert regions of central and east of Iran in the view of geomorphology and climatology. For this purpose after preparing the information layers, the desert introductions index determined in the under study region of geomorphology and climatology. So that in the geomorphology factor, faces of representing desert including sand dunes and sandy plains, sand domes, pan salt, deserts and…and in the climatic factor the rainfall, temperature and annual evaporation, irregularity, coefficient of precipitation, changes and daily precipitation average intensity identified and separated. After that with using geographical information system (GIS), each of the mentioned factors drew and in the next step variables by AHP model were valued. And after that in the GIS were combined. And finally the map of throughout the climatic and geomorphologic deserts of east and central Iran prepared. The results showed that in terms of climatic, the under study region was divided to 4 climatologic areas which the desert region area of under study land from the aspect of climate is 74925.04km, equivalent to 20 percent and in terms of geomorphology 203773 equivalent to 54.4 percent. Conformity height, slopes and slope direction with the geomorphologic and climatic deserts maps, suggest severe impact of height factor than latitude in local wide variations of climate factor and the impact of these elements on specification and forms of dry and semi dry regions and developing the deserts regions area. According to the climate deserts map, implantation of dry and semi dry areas in locations which face with the desert and semi desert is evidence to regional climate affected the topography conditions of east and half central Iran.

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Globalization is a process that nowadays has influenced human communities in different domains. Transformations caused by this phenomenon have been more tangible in recent two decades in nomadic communities. The present study aims to investigate and analyze effects of globalization on dimensions of life of nomadic communities settled in Fars Province. The research employs a descriptive-analytical method and has applied-developmental objectives. The method of data collection is survey research conducted via questionnaires. The sample size was calculated as384 participantsvia Cochran’s formula. Data analysis was conducted via field operations and using descriptive and inferential statistics (one sample t-test and regression model). The results indicated that effects of globalization have been present in all aspects of the traditional settled nomadic communities and there is a significant correlation between effects of globalization and variations in nomadic life of people settled in villages. In addition, the highest effect is on sociocultural field in terms of using satellites, fashion, the social dialect and speech with new generations, and tendency to consumerism. Therefore, it can be stated that the settled nomadic communities are more vulnerable in facing processes of globalization and some fields such as native culture of these communities are faced with some threats.

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The simplest definition of urbanization is that urbanization is the process of becoming urban. Urban climate is defined by specific climate conditions which differ from surrounding rural areas. Urban areas, for example, have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas and weaker winds. Land Surface Temperature is an important phenomenon in global climate change. As the green house gases in the atmosphere increases, the LST will also increase. Energy and water exchanges at the biosphere–atmosphere interface have major influences on the Earth's weather and climate. Numerical models ranging from local to global scales must represent and predict effects of surface fluxes. In this study, LST for Tehran Metropolitan, was derived using SW algorithm with the use of Landsat 8 Optical Land Imager (OLI) of 30 m resolution and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIR) data of 100 m resolution. SW algorithm needs spectral radiance and emissivity of two TIR bands as input for deriving LST. The spectral radiance was estimated using TIR bands 10 and 11. Emissivity was derived with the help of land cover threshold technique for which OLI bands 2, 3, 4 and 5 were used. The output revealed that LST was high in the barren regions whereas it was low in the hilly regions because of vegetative cover. As the SW algorithm uses both the TIR bands (10 and 11) and OLI bands 2, 3, 4 and 5, the LST generated using them were more reliable and accurate.

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Security is a multidimensional and complex concept That to have a vibrant and healthy community, achieving an acceptable level of it, Is a basic requirement. One of the most important aspects of security, Citizens feel secure Against burglary. In rural settlements that Located in the central district of the Rawansar township, Until the last few years, Theft of livestock, crops and agricultural machinery and etc., There is a lot of growth. So that Several Families Due to theft, have lost A significant amount of their capital and A significant number by force The main sources of their livelihoods, sold or Have to migrate from villages. The purpose of This quantitative research, that is of Analytic descriptive study, is a Review and analysis Emotional state security Against burglary and Determinants of it in the Rural settlements that located in central district of Rawansar township. Research statistical population included All heads of rural households Living in the central district of the Rawansar township and Due to the Financial and time Restrictions, in this study, Unable researchers to Review Comments all rural households and with Using the Bartlett et al table, considered 200 persons of them as the statistical sample. The main research tool for data collection, a questionnaire was made That Its validity and reliability Confirmed, With scientific principles. The results showed The most common type of theft among the Livestock in study area was theft and Theft the Agricultural machinery and equipment and Average calculated for a sense of security in the study area was 2.63, That is Indicating poor sense of security. Shows Results the final regression model fitted That Four variable associated with the feel safe among villagers of the central district of Rawansar township, they could Explain 0.57 of the variance in the dependent variable. Identified variables Respectively Most of the standardized regression coefficients Include: Distance to the security centres (-0.321), The distance from the main road (0.278), Social capital (0.273) and Ownership of capital resources (-0.152). Accuracy in Type and The effect of the above variables, can be considered as the Appropriate Tool to solve the problem of a sense of security in the study area.

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The addiction and drug abuse as a social problem is a phenomenon that makes the future of rural communities difficult from different perspectives. In this regard, planning in order to encounter this social problem requires a deep understanding of effective factors of inclination to addiction among rural communities. This research has been organized to identify and prioritize the influential factors at rural areas of roniz district. This research is done according to the functional purpose and descriptive analytical method while data collection procedure was of the library and survey types. The study sample included heads of households who were drug addicts living in villages of the district. In order to analyze the data of statistical method descriptive (Average, Std. deviation) and inferential statistics (Independent-Samples T test, Mann-Whitney U and Friedman) were employed .The results demonstrated that individual (Average=4.28) and familial (Average= 4.25) factors had the most important role in the addiction trend. The results also showed that according to the study sample, important factors for avoiding addiction should be considered in the process of strategic planning, involving the creation of job opportunities and also the development of facilities for free times in rural environments.

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Rural societies, which are meeting more than two-third of food supplies, play an important role in providing food security in Iran. But, there are evidences which indicate that the situation of food security is unsuitable in comparison with urban areas. This situation result from some reasons that have not been considered yet. Therefore, this research is aimed at measuring food security and delineating its future challenges in Iran rural areas. To do this, household House Holder in 24 rural settlements were selected in Badr District as a case study. In quantitative section, for measurement of food security, a standard an international questionnaire from United States agricultural ministry were used, which its validity and reliability had been confirmed in several studies. In this phase, 175 of household House Holder were estimated as statistical sample and their point of views were examined. In qualitative part, data, which were collected from interview with key and knowledgeable, were continued until reaching to theory saturation by using purposeful sampling and snowball method and collected data were analyzed using Ground Theory Method. The results of quantitative section showed that food security is in an unsuitable situation, around 6.3% of persons placed in food security situation, 9.7% of persons in food insecurity without hunger, 25.1% of persons in food insecurity with moderate hunger and 58.9% of persons in in food insecurity with severe hunger. So, based on these results, there isn’t any significant relationship among studied rural areas in terms of food security. The results of qualitative section in relation to food security challenges also showed that there are five main challenges about food security in study area, which have a continuum relationship with each other. These challenges are: weak of policy making, weak of economic situation, continuum, environmental hazards, cultural obstacles, social changes and agricultural unsustainability.

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How and scope of various forms of plasticity between city and rural areas, growth and development of rural settlements as well as internal and external relationships affect them, one of the effects of urban and rural urban migration is on. Rural-urban migration topic has been Consideration intellectuals of different sciences. Migration in developing countries worsened the the situation in hand and create a source of economic problems, social and cultural destination because of the lack of additional facilities is commensurate with the the amount of Gets migration. The aim of the present study was is to investigate role of rural urban migration. The study is descriptive and analytical functional and in terms of the of the nature and method. Statistical population the rural families poshte zilaie county Dehdasht Township. The rural district according to the 2012 census, has a population of 3450 people, comprising 7 village of has a 690 households. The number of samples required for complete the questionnaire using the Cochran formula 220 households is obtained. Library and field for data collection by form (questionnaires), respectively. To analyze the datadescriptive statistics (mean and standard deviations) and analytical statistics (Pearson correlation, regression analysis, Kruskal-Wallis and linear regression) is used The results showed, based on the relationship between the Pearson correlation coefficient mutual urban and rural areas coefficient (0/386) there, also based on the economic dimension analysis with (0.540) have greatest impact on the migration of rural households is.

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The Role of Migrant Networks Continue Migration Process, the Role of Funds by Migrants in the Development of Rural Areas and Funds as one of Continuing Immigration Rarely Considered is Located. The Main Purpose of the Research is to Study Rural Immigration Networks in Karaj Metropolitan and its Role in the Development of Rural Areas of Origin (Kohsar Village).Methodology in this Research, it is an Applied and Descriptive Method of doing this was also a Field Study Using Questionnaire, Interview and Observation and Data Analysis was Performed Using SPSS Software. Based on the Results of this Research more than 85% of Migrants Send their Relative at Least Once a Year. And the Funds are often Used to Meet the Daily Needs of the Villagers. And so these Funds have not had an Impact on Rural Areas. Also, out of 78 Rural Households who Responded to our Questionnaire, 72 were Employed, 61 of which were Occupied by the Agricultural Sector. Based on the Information Obtained from the Questionnaire, Agriculture is the most Important Economic Sector in the Region and the Villagers must be Involved in the Development of this Sector in order to Earn Revenue. But it Seems that with the Continuation of the Current Process, Lack of Investment in the Studied Villages, the Continuation of Migration is Inevitable. Because Economic Investments are not Made by Immigrants, Limited Investment will not Lead to Job Opportunities in Rural Areas. And the Lack of Employment and Occupational Investment in Rural Area cannot have an Effect on the Survival of Rural Populations. In addition, According to the Results, it has been Revealed that Family Communication has been able to Influence the Migration of Villagers. Rural Migrants Emigrate Using Information from the Immigrant Network.

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The participation of citizens in decision-making, planning and all activities and urban affairs, considered by managers, planners and community development experts, especially in the field of urban planning and urban development is located. Among these are effective several concepts in promoting citizen participation as the most important variables that they can be of social capital and management indicators variable. The aim of this paper is to examine indicators of social capital and management indicators by the Increase the participation of citizens in matters relating to urban affairs. Therefore, this article in terms of the purpose of applied research and methods of descriptive - analytic. Cochran formula was used for sample selection which is determined according to the population size on parsabad city and confidence level of 0.95, sample size achieved 322 and for best results of the questionnaires that number rose to 390. In this study, to measure the variables, and respond to hypotheses and impact of each measure social capital and Management indicators measurable on the participation of citizens and citizen participation as the dependent variable As well as direct and indirect effects of each independent variable on the dependent variable, to identify Pearson correlation coefficient And linear regression to determine the Beta coefficient is used to provide information on causality and trends. So in terms of the number of questions for each of the variables is must, Therefore, initially using factor analysis to reduce the number of data (For management variable indicators with the code number 4 variables MI, social capital variables to 6 variable-code SC and for citizen participation variable number 4 final variable code P) has been selected. The results showed that the variables of social capital and management indicators and improving citizen participation is a significant relationship.

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Physical development in Iranian cities has been accompanied with changes in the structure of city, due to the geographical characteristics, human density, population growth and rural migrations. It has been affected in the formation of the unbalanced development of urban. So according to the biological resources situation of the country, it is necessary to be done any planning about development of national and regional with regard to the susceptibilities of the land. This study has been done as an applied research with descriptive - analytic manner. To achieve the goal various documents were used such as geological maps available from region with a scale of 1:100,000, soil map, land use/land cover map, available statistics in related organizations, such as demographic statistics, the opinions of 10 experts and professors in the field of geomorphology, remote sensing, GIS, Expert choice and AHP model. To identify suitable land for future development of Bandar Lengeh 9 criterions were considered that include slope, aspect, elevation, soil erosion, geological, land use, distance to fault, distance from the sea and from the river. The maximum weight among the criterions is owned land use with 0.305. Lands of Bandar Lengeh were classified for future development in fifth classes. Based on the final map can be said that suitable lands for development of the city were mainly in the center and north. The southern and western parts of the city due to the presence of salt domes and badlands and seasonal streams are not suitable for development.

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Assessment and performance management is one of the essential topics in strategic management of human resource. And it is a functional tool for increasing the proficiency of citizens and employees of an organization and improving the performance of cities. Good governance as a basic prerequisite for well-functioning of markets, creating attractive conditions for investment, and allocating sustainable physical investments to improve organizational efficiency and performance of cities is of particular importance. This research was done by using a descriptive analysis, a T-test, and ANOVA. The results show that there is a meaning full relationship between citizen participation and good urban governance model in Aras Free Zone. Confidently, this relationship between citizen participant and good urban governance criteria is 99%. This result suggests that if we establish the bases of good governance in Aras Free Zone, it will firstly provide necessary grounds of participation of citizens, secondly it will increase the amount of citizen satisfaction, and finally it will prevent capital flight of the region.

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Among the first goals, the key points and key goals that play a key role in the network of activities in the new wars, which are implemented using intelligent advanced equipment and targets are targeted at the point. Since a significant part of these points are located within cities, cities and, in particular, cities of the border provinces are also invaded. The main capital of every country is the people, whose maintenance of their lives against threats is one of the main duties of the state. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to build safe havens to protect people's lives during a war-torn crisis. But shelter, if it is built in a single-purpose way, its non-use in peacetime will eliminate its cost-effectiveness and endangers its sustainability. Solving this problem is possible with the construction of multipurpose havens.The purpose of the research is to investigate the factors of reducing the vulnerability and immunization of the organization of living and activities of the city against human threats by using multifunctional shelters, taking into account passive defense considerations in urban planning and development. The research method is descriptive-analytical. All data generated in the GIS environment in the hierarchical process (AHP) has been analyzed. In the next study using the Sensitivity Analysis Model in Expert selection software, 12 locations were selected as multipurpose havens. The results of the research show that among the criteria, critical uses and assets were the most important with 0.217 and 0.174 points, respectively, and in Kashmar 34.4% of the city was in the appropriate area and 15.61% in the zone They are perfectly suitable for locating and constructing multipurpose havens. Finally, 12 locations are identified as multi-purpose shelters and prioritized by using the Sensitivity Analysis model in Expert Choice software.

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Deteriorated of buildings and neighborhoods is characterized by inequality between "services supplied by the fabric and current needs”. Urban deteriorated fabrics which host many residents are facing a critical situation. Urban deteriorated fabrics have been formed overtime and they are now surrounded by new technology and new urban development. Besides, such areas suffer some structural and functional deficiencies and thus they can’t meet the needs of their residents. Vulnerability of houses in deteriorated fabrics to earthquake is quite serious. Infrastructures of urban blighted areas are much less developed than the other parts of the city on average, and economic poverty deteriorated fabrics does not allow people to participate in and monitor the development process. Paying attention to deteriorated fabrics and their renovation and regeneration is of high important for sustainable development of cities. The main objective of this study is to explore potential capabilities of urban deteriorated fabrics. Reviewing some definitions of deterioration from an academic and legal perspective, this study also investigate the renovation of deteriorated fabrics as one of the considerable components in sustainable development. After a historical review of the renovation of global deteriorated fabrics, the renovation and pathology of urban deteriorated fabrics in Iran are taken into account. This study is a qualitative research in terms of research variables and the data used to this end, a descriptive-analytical. The research method is employed and the data are collected through field-documentary techniques. The independent variable is urban deteriorated fabrics and the dependent variable is renovation/rehabilitation of deteriorated fabrics. In this light, renovation/rehabilitation of deteriorated fabrics is taken as a tool to achieve sustainable development. Furthermore, based on a review of the literature, a model is proposed to achieve sustainable development using the proposed measures (renovation). The results show that there are some problems that can account for the failure of renovation measures and they can be explored at structural, institutional, and rational levels as the goals of sustainable development.

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