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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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processing industries is an important activities in agriculture that expansion it in rural region result poverty, migration decreasing and creation of employment this region. A restraint on prior expansion industries is credit restricting. Thus investigation and recognition effective factors on credit demand can help to expansion industries, present research have been performed for estimation credit demand function and its efficiency in processing industries. For per foment research have been used statistic dates relation to manufacture, rural development Azerbaijan eastern state in 1388. Function credit demand at in this research is used "coup" model. Result represent estimation credit demand function, with assumption constant other condition if inputs (sum variable inputs) price increase amount 1 percentage, demand decrees amount 1.463. Output and input relation acted on demand amount for credit equivalent and contra. So with increasing output price demand in cress for credit whereas with increasing input price demand decrees for credit. magnitude labor and amount use of machinery coefficients were positive if variable Varity 1 percentage regularly 1.22 and 2.11 percentage create positive oriented demand for credit whereas manufacture substructure level coefficient is negative and Results investigation impact piece wage rate present on demand amount for credit that whatever is piece wage lower demand well have for credit. Other side with increasing in wage rate demand elastity for credit ratio output price is contra input price and result present estimation credit efficiency that all of producers consume credit no optimal in a way that of aggregate consummation credit this industries, 142941 thousand Rails was surplus and is been use no optimal. Efficacy average computed manufacture in credit consumption with use COP and TIMER criteria, 46.7. Thus averagely producer, 73.89 % as consumption credit applied as surplus and over need. efficacy average consummation credit was in this 42 manufacture, 46.7 %. That presents this units don, t act in using as permeated alones effective. Consumption credit surplus average was 3212883 that is presenter none optimally use it.

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A growing population and increase of unemployment and are the cause of increase gap between different classes in society. These factors lead to growing unofficial employment rates and decrease in average income, especially in rural areas. The severe problems oblige developing countries to adapt new entrepreneurial strategies.In Iran entrepreneurship is a new concept and little knowledge and skills are in place. The aim of this paper is to forecast the success of rural entrepreneurs using and artificial neural network case study focused o Kermanshah City, Iran. The sample exists of 68 entrepreneurs and the research data has been collected via census. The software used is MATLAB.The inputs for constructing the neural network are; Innovation, risk, independence, internal locus of control, family contacts, credit possibilities, governmental regulations and education. Internal satisfaction, creating growth and stability of job opportunities and satisfaction of serving society are considered as the targets of the neural network.

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Iran, in tourism attractive point of view is one of the best ten countries through the world. In this way, tourism planning in all levels is needed for achieving success in tourism planning and development. Because of the importance of tourism industry in social - economical development, the economists have called it "unseen export". This is a descriptive-analytic study, and by using SWOT Technique, we make possible strategies for developing tourism in Piranshahr. One of the present study goal is recognizing Piranshahr tourism capabilities and offering suitable strategies for developing this city, developing models usage in tourism planning in Iran, and presenting piranshahr as a tourism attractive city in national and international level. According to piranshahr special and strategic location because of locating in financial road of Iran-Iraq and other countries surrounding Mediterranean Sea, Tamarchin Official Custom Office, Granite Mines, industrial town, security and etc., we can present it as a national and international tourism area. The results of this study show that according to offered strategies for developing tourism in Piranshahr, we can present it as a tourism area because of various attractive. Moreover, in economical and security perspectives, piranshahr designation as a Free Trade Zone will make it a special location in Iran, Piranshahr, and border residents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Drought as a natural disaster creates most financial damage to agricultural community. Therefore, vulnerability assessment is a first step in drought risk management. The purpose of this study was to assess the socio-economic vulnerability of wheat farmers during drought in Sarpolezahab, Islamabad, and Javanrood Townships in Kermanshah province. This study used a survey design and collected data from 370 wheat farmers using multistage stratified sampling techniques. Face to face interview was used to collect data from farmers who experienced drought during 1386-1386. Socio-economic vulnerability indices were selected from literature review and pilot study. Vulnerability formula proposed by Me-Bar and Valdez (2005) was used to assess socio-economic vulnerability of wheat farmers during drought. Results revealed that Javanrood farmers had high economic vulnerability coefficient (3.37) whereas Sarpolezahab farmers were most vulnerable in terms of social indices (3.28). This study has implications for drought management in Kermanshah province. Based on finding, if drought mitigation is the ultimate goal of policy-makers, resource allocation for drought affected areas should be based on vulnerability level of farmers.

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Drought is a random characteristic of natural phenomena, brought about by the irregulardeficit or shortage of available water, affects injuriously the plant growth and reduces their yield. Drought does not begin when rain ceases but rather only when plant roots can no longer obtain soil moisture in needed amounts. To estimate the intensity and the frequency of droughts will help to reduce the injurious effect of drought. In this Study we used the water- budget methods and Thornthwaite's aridity index and its standard deviation for Shiraz during 1951-2009 to show the frequency and the intensity of drought effects in this place. During this period this station is faced 35 times different type of droughts on that five time severe and from the years of 2000 its severity and intensity is increased. We also find out that every ten year this station will affect 3 times severe type of drought. The most severe drought was the years 2001, and it was repeated lower intensity in the year of 2008.

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There are three recommendations in the geomorphological investigations; I, Historical suggestion; II, Catastrophic suggestion and III; Systemical view. The method of this article is estimating of energy adornment (Input, Output) on the basis of cybernetics reaction interval the throughout basin on basin river. basin input including precipitation, solar radiation, tectonic and basin output containing basin geomorphological land forms. Throughout basin in basin containing subsystems. These subsystems portions are virtual subsystems and topo subsystems. The objective of this thesis is specifying the stability and equilibrated state of basin. Since the input of basin energy is involved of positive entropy then by virtue of this article, basin is situated in thermodynamic equilibrium and because the basin feed back is negative and entropy of energy on basin is positive, then basin is situated by stability geomorphological condition. Consequently the best land use course of basin river (distance between planning, risk management and critical management) is critical management.

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Public and private sector tourism industry in Are complementary and there is not one of them Because other inefficiencies, it should Public sector and private sector in any one place Placed to control the growth and prosperity of this industry. Be. The long-term planning and program Strategic planning with short-term programs May- an area for development by The tourism industry and infrastructure development Will provide. tourism opportunities in our country There are many who have dealt with Is not. Macroeconomic management and industry experts The first letter will be Tourism opportunities Identified in the comprehensive plan and Include tourism and private investment in capital In hard infrastructure such as hotels, restaurants and attractions, and the government provided development of soft infrastructure such as education, And creating a culture of security in the country to expand. This article has tried to play a role in Tourism infrastructure as a factor affecting develop the tourism industry is the major concepts. The state of infrastructure in this case Examined the causes of infrastructure failure Tourism in the country to achieve predetermined goals Have also been criticized. Finally Addressing the causes of growth failure in this area Than other regional countries, in ways This will solve the problems of the industry. Research And descriptive-analytical approach to information gathering If you use library resources and finding a Is a field. data and statistics to Using the model for analysis SOWT The results were analyzed and evaluated Is. Research results suggest that the government Field of venture capital to be private capital investors and puts the hard way Not easy for them. Investors were also Long-term investment in industry development Tourism and related activities in the fields Arrival of foreign tourists and therefore the creation of income Country could provide.

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