Contamination of urban soils can affect the health of people living in urban areas, and the surrounding ecosystems. Urbanization in Iran during the last three decades causes more pollution in major cities such as Ahvaz. The aim of this study is environmental assessment of heavy metal contamination in Ahvaz road side soils. In this study 54 soil samples (Depth from 0- 20 cm) were collected in double side of road side soils in nine junctions (Modares, Zergan, Charshir, Behbahani, Golestan, Khoramshahr, Ahbadan, Sousangerd and Andimeshk) with distances of 1m, 10 m and 30m away from main road, collected samples were then determined by XRF (Lead, Zinc, Copper, Nockel and Chromium) and atomic absorption (Arsenic and Cadmium). The concentration of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn showed a decreasing trend with increasing distance from the road while such trend was not identified in As, Cr and Ni. The soil samples from Modares and Charshir with highest traffic volume had the highest heavy metal concentration. According to the pollution index (PI) road side soils have highest Cd concentration was considered to have considerable contamination in Ahvaz roadside soils, while Cu, Pb, and Zn, Pb, Zn and Cu, but As, Ni and Cr none. In comparison with other cities such as Beijing with higher population in the world Ahvaz road side soils have considered pollution, it may be because of weathering pollution and other industrial activities.