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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Bioethics Journal

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One of the major disasters era of postmodernism is environmental crisis that many factors are involved in causing this global catastrophe. This crisis is a crisis of knowledge not a biological crisis. The role of ideas and philosophical foundations is in creating this crisis or provide a solution to solve the very important and necessary. We believe one of the main causes in creating this crisis is philosophical foundations and ideas of Francis Bacon. On the other hand Mulla Sadr's philosophical ideas and principles have high potential in solving this crisis .The aim of this research is to explain the role of cognitive reasons in the fields of scientific methodology, anthropology and cosmology at the birth of environmental crises and achieving philosophical solution to solve this problem. In fact, the implementation of the philosophical foundations philosophers of the sixteenth century scholars will be facing with an Islamic solution -according to Mulla Sadra.

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Bioethics Journal

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No harm is one of the four bioethics principles that sometimes it and beneficence are defined as one principle. This principle, beside other bioethics principles, is used as an ethics code in modern biotechnologies especially in new achievements in medicine.This principle states that use of modern biotechnologies should not harm to any person even the nature and animals. This principle has a long history in Islam so that we can say it is contemporaneous with it.In Islam it is called la-zarar act that governs all of Jurisprudence as a universal act.Since the jurisprudence supervises on all of interactions and personal and social relationships, naturally it involves this ethical principle that is related to human behavior wit himself / herself and with other congeners.

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Bioethics Journal

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The aim of current research was to study the role of ethical climate (atmosphere) in staffs’ job involvement dimensions. The research method was descriptive (kind of correlation) and was based on structural equations modeling. The statistic universe consists of all staffs of Tehran welfare organization at 1393 that were 270 people.The sample volume was considered 160 people due to statistical universe that this volume was confirmed based on statistical power higher than 8/0 and significant level near to zero in analyzing hypotheses. Sampling method was relational ranged random that based on center and calculated amount from each range (class) proportional to statistical universe volume, the number of sample was defined for every center. The tools of collecting data included two questionnaires of ethical climate in organization (Vector and Cullen 1988) and job involvement (Schaufeli 2002) with Likert’s 5- degree scale. So all questionnaires had much reliability. According to research findings, ethical climate has meaningful and positive effect on job involvement dimensions. In other words, employers with high ethical climate (good ethics) in organizations have high job involvement.

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Bioethics Journal

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One of the most challenging issues in medical ethics is the nature and scope of patient autonomy in treatment process. Autonomy that it usually is defined as independence or self-government, is the respect to independence of a patient and his right to choose the treatment and other medical attentions. Autonomy has two positive and negative aspects: The negative aspect is that the patient's independent decisions should not be violated by others; the positive aspect, on the other hand, includes a respectful behavior in the presentation of information and facts, confidentiality, informed consent, and helping the patient with enough understanding and support so as to protect his independent decision making.The important question is what is the scope of the patient's autonomy? It seems that the principle of individual autonomy is not an absolute principle but it can be overturned in some circumstances. The principle of autonomy may be revoked at least by the principle of no harming oneself or others. Although the patient has no moral right to harm himself by his decision, the main argument in the question of patient's autonomy in medical ethics is not the moral value of the decisions made by the patient, but the doctor's responsibly regarding the patient's decisions. Thus, whenever the decision made by the patient harms to him, in the case of patient insisting on his decision, other people have no right to prevent him from exercising his will.This is because of a moral point of view that the professional responsibility of the doctor towards the patient is defined in terms of benevolence. For a person who wants to observe the moral code, being benevolent is a matter of a person who asks for help in the first place, and if/ when a person refuses to receive help or benevolence, other people have no obligation towards him. Indeed, the foundations of regarding the principle of respect for patient would be respect for whatever decision the patient may make, even if the decision might seem unwise or harmful as far as the doctor is concerned.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background: Almost all health-related disciplines, especially nurses daily faced with Ethical issues that for their resolve need to have ability for moral reasoning. The purpose of ethics in the nursing profession to improve health care and caring of patients. Ethics in Nursing Education has an important role in improving the quality of care, Ethical problem solving, decision making process and the acquisition of professional identity of nurses. This review article was conducted to examine the status of ethics education in nursing education in Iran.Methods: Articles and related resources in this research using ethics, education, nursing and Iran keywords and fusion words from databases Magiran, Irandoc, Medline and CINAHL were searched and selected.Result: After review of literature, attention to ethics education in nursing(Ability to solve ethical dilemmas, acquiring of professional identity), challenges of teaching ethics (lack of qualified teachers in the field of education, elimination of courses in nursing ethics…), Factors of influencing on teaching of professional ethics ( personality traits, values and Lack of awareness codes of professional ethics), methods of ethics education (critical thinking, interdisciplinary training, group discussions and using ethical decision making models) are essential.Discussion and Conclusion: According to economic and social changes and the dramatic changes in the nursing profession more attention to ethics is inevitable. The factors may need to professional nurses with critical thinking, clinical decision making and moral reasoning increased. Undoubtedly, the development ethics education can be a major contribution in advancing the professional competence in nursing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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Marriage, of important social etiquette in human civilization that stability and continuity of the human species will be realized through it. Hence the moral teachings of Islamic law and reproduction of the purposes of marriage to come. But whether or not marriage is reproduction requirements, proposed two ideas that seem to refer to marriage, reproduction is demanded. But today, modern methods of childbearing anti-belief that it is necessary, widely spread and causes changes in people's lifestyle. The lifestyle of the Prophet and the Imams (AS) suitable for permanent marriage and family formation reproductive pattern is considered to the Muslim community, following the example of the practical life of innocent citizens of their responsibility to engage survival of the species and A family full of freshness, vitality and dynamism to realize and increase production and raising children, competent to finance their worldly life and the Hereafter funded the provision of their reproductive life.

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Bioethics Journal

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One of the controversial subjects in the context of intellectual property discourse is the use of patented inventions in research and experiment. Since the underlying knowledge and technology of an invention is a valuable source for furthering research and discoveries, many commentators hold the view that the scope of experimental use exception should be widened. Conducting a comparative study on a number of laws in four countries, this Article posits that such expansion and limiting the patent holders’ rights could upset the balance struck between the costs of inventing and patenting on the one hand, and exclusive rights, on the other hand. This would subsequently undermine the rationale of the patent system which is to encourage innovation. Thus, exceptions should be kept minimum and legal mechanisms which entail inventors’ authorization should be upheld.

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