Through analysis of particular women's cases, this paper attempts to provide a picture of reflexive nature of modern life and its Iranian actors in Iran. To demonstrate the nature of modern life in Iran it uses self-reflexivity as its prominent example. Particular women's cases, as socio-cultural and politico economic strata of modern societies, have shown that they also indicate reflexive functions at various levels. Generally, the most evident places where the self-reflexivity is crystallized include areas such as communication of one with his/her self, in ceremonies, with one's body, in marriage, in occupation and in other areas where women are present in public and- private spheres. In order to provide a reliable picture of particular women's cases of self-reflexivity and their changes in Iran, we used texts written by particular types of women, which include memoirs and autobiographies of women and novels that have been written by women about women.
Methodologically, as De Vault (1999) expects us, it would help to refer to those narratives about women that have been provided in women's language is opposed to language of their otherness (men). The questions of this paper are: how these particular types of women have found themselves being on the process of reflexivity? And, in what conditions have begun reflexivity of their self? Finally, where examples of this reflexivity can be observed? Using these questions, we would try to find the answers provided by these women. In order to do this, first through a selective study of these women's writings, a picture of process of reflexive changes in the course of history will emerge. In the course of our research it became evident that a 'process of reflexivity can be really observed in these writings. In order to identify these fields four types of women's reflexivity among these particular women were identified as follows: 1- lack of reflexivity 2- reflexivity in rituals 3- reflexivity in private sphere, and finally 4- reflexivity in public place. We expect that this analysis would contribute to production of knowledge in some area of history of Iranian social relations focusing on self-reflexivity of particular types of women, which is an area rarely touched before.