Journal Article
فارسی Version
Development and validation study of the suicide screening questionnaire-observer rating (SSQ-OR)
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Psychological resilience among older Japanese adults with mild cognitive impairment during the covid-19 pandemic
review study on the trends of psychological challenges, coping ways, and public support during the COVID‑19 pandemic in the vulnerable populations in the United States
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Is auricular stimulation actually useful in reducing preoperative anxiety?
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Social Touch, Social Isolation, and Loneliness in Borderline Personality Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Unraveling the effect of ambivalence over emotional expression on subjective wellbeing in Chinese college students in romantic relationships: A multiple mediation model
The relationship between fear of recurrence and depression in patients with cancer: The role of invasive rumination and catastrophizing
Status of stigma on the health care workers related to COVID-19 at the first wave of the pandemic in Iran: A qualitative study
Mental Health in Young Detainees Predicts Perpetration of and Desistance From Serious, Violent and Chronic Offending
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Relationship between negative emotions and job burnout in medical staff during the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic: The mediating role of psychological resilience
Targeted Memory Reactivation During REM Sleep in Patients With Social Anxiety Disorder
Presenting a new framework to improve engagement in physical activity programs for children and adolescents with social, emotional, and behavioral disabilities
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The Protective Effect of Health Literacy on Reducing College Students' Stress and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Obsessive-compulsive disorder during the COVID-19 Pandemic-A systematic review
Childhood trauma and non-suicidal self-injury among Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of psychological sub-health
Clergy's viewpoint change toward mental health and stigma on mental illness: A short course training
Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Loneliness and Isolation During Social Distancing and Its Effect on Mental Health
Viral Anxiety Mediates the Influence of Intolerance of Uncertainty on Adherence to Physical Distancing Among Healthcare Workers in COVID-19 Pandemic
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Behavioral Inhibition in the Second Year of Life Is Predicted by Prenatal Maternal Anxiety, Overprotective Parenting and Infant Temperament in Early Infancy
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Quality of life in adult patients with congenital heart disease: Results of a doublecenter study
Relationships Between Mental Health, Emotion Regulation, and Meaning in Life of Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Prevalence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress in war-and conflict-afflicted areas: A meta-analysis
Families with violence exposure and the intergenerational transmission of somatization
Religion and the mediating role of alexithymia in the mental distress of healthcare workers during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in a psychiatric hospital in China
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Factoring and correlation in sleep, fatigue and mental workload of clinical first-line nurses in the post-pandemic era of COVID-19: A multi-center cross-sectional study
The relationship between alexithymia and mobile phone addiction among mainland chinese students: a meta-analysis
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Is Not Associated With Abnormal Autonomic Nervous System Function: Hypothesis and Theory
Investigating the Feasibility, Acceptability and Efficacy of Using Modified-Written Exposure Therapy in the Aftermath of a Terrorist Attack on Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Afghan Adolescent Girls
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ASD and ADHD comorbidity: what are we talking about?
The effectiveness of self-esteem-related interventions in reducing suicidal behaviors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The psychological challenges of emergency medical service providers during disasters: a minireview february 2022
Influence of Prenatal Drug Exposure, Maternal Inflammation, and Parental Aging on the Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Management of ADHD in Prisoners-Evidence Gaps and Reasons for Caution
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Glutamatergic neurons in the amygdala are involved in paclitaxel-induced pain and anxiety
The use of mobile games in the management of patients with attention deficit hyperactive disorder: a scoping review
Childhood emotional abuse and cyberbullying perpetration among Chinese university students: The chain mediating effects of self-esteem and problematic social media use
Covid-19 and increased risk of physician suicide: a call to detoxify the US medical system
A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Network Analysis of the Residual Symptom Structure Following Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Escitalopram, Mirtazapine and Venlafaxine for Depression
Online group psychodynamic psychotherapy-The effectiveness and role of attachment-The results of a short study
Multifarious linkages between personality traits and psychological distress during and after COVID-19 campus lockdown: a psychological network analysis
Autism Spectrum Disorder and IQ–A Complex Interplay
Effects of stressors of COVID-19 on Chinese college students’ problematic social media use: A Mediated moderation model
Gut microbiome characteristics of comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and functional gastrointestinal disease: Correlation with alexithymia and personality traits
Mental illness, culture, and society: dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic