Summary In the last decade, block caving method have been proposed as the best option for extraction of large volume and low grad deposits at depth. This method is the only underground mining method, which is comparable to open pit mining in terms of cost and production capacity. However, operational experience in large block caving mines worldwide has proven the need for comprehensive understanding of the geotechnical processes in caving. The main condition for applicability of block caving method is the cavability of the ore body and surrounding rock. The inappropriate estimation of this variable can create problems in production and processing, or in the worst case, the project will fail. Analysis of the formed areas by caving is very useful for ensuring the accuracy of prediction of caving in different mines. In this study, using Abaqus 6. 12 software and Drucker-Prager's behavioral model, the effect of mechanical rock mass characteristics on yielded zone at the top of the undercut in the block caving method has been investigated. The mechanical and geometric properties of the joints have been introduced using jointed materials in the model. Introduction In general, cavability assessment methods and caving propagation are divided into three categories; Analytical, experimental and numerical. The most important experimental methods are Matews stability graph (1980), Laubschur graph (1990) and modified Matews stability graph by Madewsly (2002). In continuous numerical research (for example, Lorig et al. (2000), numerical modeling has been performed taking into account the continuous environment equivalent rock mass. In that research, the effect of joint properties on cavability has not been investigated. The discrete methods and software packages base on these methods like UDEC and 3DEC have limitedly been used for cavability assessment. The parameters considered in this paper include strength, stiffness, pre-mining stresses joint frequency, and top coal thickness. Their applications are mostly about the study of surface subsidence and stability of pillars. Methodology and Approaches The details, approach, tools, software, and the method of the research have clearly and briefly been explained in this paper. Results and Conclusions The results show that the height of yielded zone decreases with increasing strength parameters of the rock mass and joints. The friction angle of the joint has the greatest effect on the height of the yielded zone. The joints with dip of 20 degrees have highest height of yielded zone. As the dip of the joints increases, the height of the yielded zone decreases. This decrease occurs in the dip range of 30 to 45 degrees with very low gradient and in the dip range of 45 to 80, with a large gradient.