Bullwhip effect phenomenon is what reduces the efficiency of the supply chain. The effect occurs when demand changes in the supply chain face with a lot of volatility. So far, several key factors have been identified as causes of this phenomenon. Since the steel industry, is the basic one, its efficiency is of great importance. Therefore, in this study influencing factors on Bullwhip Effect in the industry will be identified and ranked so that by identifying the most important factors in its creation, proper decisions can be made to deal with this costly phenomenon. This study aims to review several reasons of the effect, identified by various authors. Then its impacts on the steel industry supply chain are mentioned. With views of experts from the steel industry, among the factors identified in the occurrence of the Bullwhip effect, by applying fuzzy Delphi method in the industry the most important ones are identified. The factors in previous phase, in the structure of SCOR model, are matched with the processes of this model then, ultimately, prioritized in order of importance with FANP method in aspect of SCOR criteria by the experts of the steel industry.