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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This Article tries to answer this question about high school girls: Is there a difference between mothers’ role’s expectations from their daughters and the girls’ role’s expectations from themselves regarding the passage of leisure time which could be considered as a generation gap? The used theoretical framework is a combination of Margaret Mead, Engel heart and the theory of role expectation. According to this framework, changes from modernization occurring in society lead to the changes in the process of socialization in girls and ultimately lead to miss answering the roles’ expectations exist traditionally. This difference in mothers’ role’s expectations from their daughters and the girls’ expectations from their roles is a kind of gap or a generational split. In order to answer this question, a mixed method is used. In this method, a qualitative research with interviews and a quantitative method with the tool of questionnaire spread among high school girls and their mothers in Garmsar city are executed. The results show that higher educated mothers have a less distance to their daughters and also those girls using universal media have a more generational distance to their mothers. In this city, we consider a generational distance instead of generational gap. Among the most important reasons of this phenomenon is the concurrent impressionability of mothers from universal media. But the expansion of this distance and emergence of a generational gap in this city is probable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (13)
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A review in women’s movements show that woman’s contemporary civil claims’ discourses and related researches have emerged from a convergence point of multiple thought streams and social movements. These discourses came to existence from two movement streams and two theoretical fields in west. Also important institutes like the government solely or in relation with other institutions in constipation of women’s civil claims’ discourses, have had a critical role. Women’s civil claims in Iran are not only affected by the western women’s claims but also particular internal and historical factors. In a country like Iran the government has a central role and dominancy, so the changes in women’s fields have crucially affected by this field of power. The governments have always tried to keep women in a recession status or use their potential for their wills. So the least efforts of the governments were to keep women in their favors. In contrast, women have showed that in the past hundred years, they experienced the resistance discourses. We discussed the women movements and their related discourses challenges against the power institutions in Iran.

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    1 (13)
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The main question of this study is that, considering the social, economic, cultural and politic inequalities among ethnicities, what are the main and profound reasons of ethnicities’ trans-ethnic dependencies in Iran? The main reasoning of this study is the existence necessity of factors and elements which are appear to be prevailed in a higher level of ethnic terms and relations from the beginning of the emergence of ethnicities in Iran; which with holding a great role in formation on ethnic terms, with generating a higher level of intra-ethnic relations in Iran’s social system, despite the conflicts and ethnic oppositions, established social terms and relations throughout different historical periods in a macro level. The data and information gained from the study, resources, researches and the writings related to this research’s topic make it possible to acknowledge the aforementioned profound factors based on the aforesaid reasoning.The lack of water resources and the territorial limitations which are effective on the livelihood methods, political and economic threats from inside and outside which are derived from regional and geopolitical situation of Iran, religion element and its effect on the emergence of trans-ethnic relations, the cultural values and beliefs and ceremonies, related traditions, the centered managerial and political structure, the close bondage between superior economic occasions and managerial and political positions, the historical persistence and sustainability between the form and kind of one-way managerial and political relations (top-down) in Iran’s society structure, the formation and development of terms and relations based on stratification and full nonformation of social groups (folk-like social relations) are among the significant profound factors which seem to be effective on the formation of ethnic terms and relations, trans-ethnic emergence and social affiliation proportionate to dominant social system in Iran.

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    1 (13)
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The phenomenon of human capital immigration to other countries is a dynamic process which is affected by different factors. It is wrong to inference that personal decisions and limited interests are the only factors for the emergence of an immigration wave from under developed and developing countries to advanced world. In other words, this group movement that has its ups and downs according to factors like time, space and different elements, is the outcome of peoples’ ideas and decisions to gain welfare and better facilities and more effectiveness without any kind of maliciousness. But what is important here is the durability and consistency of the immigration and the tendency to reside in the destination country. In this research we tried to investigation the Iranians tendency rate of immigration to Dubai and residency in this emirate. The research method is a mixture of predicative, analytic, field and qualitative methods and the statistical population is the Iranian residences in Dubai with high, medium and low level of jobs. The sample size is 200 with the use of Cochran’s formula which is gathered through a proportional stratified sampling technique from 450000 Iranians in Dubai. The data were analyzed with the use of Kendall’s Tau-c and Cramer’s V statistics. The research findings show that there is no congruence between Iranians immigration to Dubai and their tendency to reside there. Regardless of a heavy fever of immigration to Dubai amongst Iranians in the late 1980s, we now see a decline in that tendency and residence in the late 2000s. The effective factors of this phenomenon and positive and negative relations among the variable s are discussed in this article.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (13)
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The main aim of this study is the investigation of fertility and effective factors on it. The statistical population is the kordish women in Andimeshk. A sample of 254 is taken with the use of Cochran’s formula. The sampling technique was random sampling. The method of data collecting was predicative and survey with a questionnaire. The data were processed with SPSS. In order to investigate the relationships among variables, Pearson test, spearman test, one way ANOVA, path analysis and multiple linear regressions were used. The results show that men and women’s level of education have a reverse and negative relation with fertility. There is a positive relationship between peoples’ attitude toward fertility and the amount of fertility. There was no relationship between the income and the amount of fertility. The one way ANOVA analysis shows that there is no significant difference between the amount of fertility among women and job status. The multiple linear regressions show that independent variables define approximately 47.2% of the fertility variable. Women’s level of education, men’s job status and peoples’ attitude toward fertility have a greater part in defining the kordish women’s fertility in Andimeshk.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (13)
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This article tries to answer two main questions by comparison; how much is the tendency toward the cultural programs in universities among students? And what are the effective factors on these tendencies? This research is executed in the level of correlation, casual and survey. The data are collected by a researcher-made questionnaire which was distributed among respondents after the evaluation of validity and reliability. The statistical population is all students of human sciences faculty of Shahid Beheshti university east Tehran branch of Islamic Azad University. A sample of 359 from the former and 169 from the later were taken with Cochran’s formula. The variables were the amount of piety, tendency toward western culture, awareness of cultural programs, the evaluation of conformity of cultural programs with students’ needs and the evaluation of planning and executing cultural programs. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16 and the Hypotheses were analyzed by appropriate tests and statistics. The research findings show that the more tendency toward western culture the less their tendencies’ are toward universities’ cultural programs. Students’ tendencies toward universities’ cultural programs were the same in both universities. The students of Islamic Azad University, east Tehran branch had a more positive evaluation of conformity of cultural programs with their needs.

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    1 (13)
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This article’s aim is fundamentally applicable and descriptive which is the assessment of students’ cultural-social needs in Shahid Rajaie University. Statistical population is 350 BA (BS) and MA (MS) students divided into 165 men (46%) and 185 women (54%). This sample is gained from 7 faculties of the university with a stratified sampling technique. The research method is a researcher-made questionnaire based on a five-level Likert scale with 48 questions in 8 elements such as religious, national, social, educational, studious, political, artistic and athletic needs. In order to test the internal validity, the questionnaire was distributed among experts of psychology and educative sciences. Also the reliability of the questionnaire was tested with cronbach’s alpha of 93%. The data analysis is executed using statistic indices such as mean, standard deviation and t-tests. The research findings show that the students’ cultural needs are respectively social needs (26.5%), political needs (25.73%), studious needs (23.92%), religious needs (22.43%), educative needs (22.2%), national needs (21.81%), athletic needs (19.4%) and artistic needs (14.2%). Also the result of the comparison between BA (BS) and MA (MS) students show that there is a significant difference the two only in social needs. According to students’ sex, there is a significant difference among social, national, educative, studious and artistic needs between girls and boys. But there is no significant difference between them in religious, athletic and political needs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (13)
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The role of immigrants’ social capital has been neglected generally and particularly in rural development. The immigrants’ social capital has an important role in the emergence of sustainable institutions as new institutes serving the immigration rudiments and destinations. Some immigrants make networks and sustainable institutions (birthplace councils) by centering on particular activities or by residing in particular areas and through communications. This article investigates the role of social capital on the emergence of immigrants’ sustainable institutions (birthplace councils) as new institutes for rural development. In this research we investigate the role Daryaanis’ social capital in Tehran as the quantitative part of the research and then with a qualitative method using interviews and focus group discussions, the effects of their social capital on the development of Daryaan are evaluated. Of course the main focus of this work is the quantitative part. This part is quantitative with survey and questionnaire. The statistical population is Daryaanis in Tehran. The results show that in linear regression, variables such as trust, tendency, interaction and co-operative norms have positive effect on the emergence of birthplace councils. In other words, the 50% of the variance is defined by these variables (R2=0.504). Also the qualitative results show that these councils have an important role in social, economic, cultural and somatic development of Daryaan village and regional development of the area.

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