This article’s aim is fundamentally applicable and descriptive which is the assessment of students’ cultural-social needs in Shahid Rajaie University. Statistical population is 350 BA (BS) and MA (MS) students divided into 165 men (46%) and 185 women (54%). This sample is gained from 7 faculties of the university with a stratified sampling technique. The research method is a researcher-made questionnaire based on a five-level Likert scale with 48 questions in 8 elements such as religious, national, social, educational, studious, political, artistic and athletic needs. In order to test the internal validity, the questionnaire was distributed among experts of psychology and educative sciences. Also the reliability of the questionnaire was tested with cronbach’s alpha of 93%. The data analysis is executed using statistic indices such as mean, standard deviation and t-tests. The research findings show that the students’ cultural needs are respectively social needs (26.5%), political needs (25.73%), studious needs (23.92%), religious needs (22.43%), educative needs (22.2%), national needs (21.81%), athletic needs (19.4%) and artistic needs (14.2%). Also the result of the comparison between BA (BS) and MA (MS) students show that there is a significant difference the two only in social needs. According to students’ sex, there is a significant difference among social, national, educative, studious and artistic needs between girls and boys. But there is no significant difference between them in religious, athletic and political needs.