Development of pressurized irrigation systems is of great important from optimal water resources point of view. The objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of pressurized irrigation systems development scenarios on agricultural sustainability in Varamin, and to study the effect of government facilities on development of these systems. This study developed a system dynamics model for water resources management in Varamin, Iran. Results indicated that unplanned development of pressurized irrigation systems not only didn’t save the water resources, but it resulted in damaging groundwater resources. Result also indicated, while using surface water resources, if cultivated area did not increase, then development of sprinkler systems leads to increase national income and groundwater level, otherwise with increase of cultivated area results in reduction of gross national income. Development of sprinkler systems leads to improvement of groundwater quality and quantity level with and w/o cultivated area increment, thus, development of sprinkler systems can help to sustainable development only if cultivated area remains constant and water consumption reduces. To achieve sustainable agriculture, it is proposed that the granted governmental facilities to farmers be prioritized. This means that governmental facilities for irrigation development be granted to groundwater users in first priority, the development of micro irrigation systems (type and diameter) due to reduce evaporation, in second priority, mechanized surface irrigation systems, new sprinkler irrigation systems as LESA in the next priority.