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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Poetic measures are among the most beautiful literary figures of modern poetry. “Poetic Measures” has been first introduced by the author under the serial number of 197 in the college of literature of Tabriz University in winter 2006.This article is to study scientific identification, investigation and analysis of poetic scales in modern poetry. Having studied the works of the selected modern poets and gathering and investigating the typical examples, we come to the conclusion that modern poets have also used this literary figure, and innovation in the structure and content of this figure is more conspicuous in our times. The usage of this figure in the works of Simin Behbahani, Hamid Sabzevari, Mehdi Akhavan Sales, and Shahriar has been more than the other selected poets.

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In this article, Jamalzadeh’s story “Gholtashan Divan” is criticized through sociology approach. To make the reader familiar with the subject and theme of the study, a summery of the story is introduced first and then a brief discussion on literature sociology is presented. Having emphasized the appropriateness of this work for social analysis, we have proved that Jamalzadeh appears in this story not as a “sociologist”, but as a “social critic”.The next part of the study deals with discussing the structure of the story and bolding one of its elements, i.e. characterization in form of an ancient binary opposition. Jamalzadeh has presented the binary opposition of God and Satan, whose symbolic characters are analyzed in this study to make them overpass the boundaries.At the end, the performance of these two opposing characters at the end of life, i.e. death, is criticized and judged to show how human values are ignored in a depraved society.

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The concept of evils and deficiencies in system of existence and its relation to God’s wisdom and justice has been for a long time the center of attention of philosophers and theologists. Apparently, Plato has been the first one who has introduced the subject of mortality of the evil in theology, and subsequently, Aristotle has also approved his master’s theory. Muslim theologists have been able to delve deep into this issue, and through their topdown outlook, they have revealed some significant mystery about it. In this study Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari’s viewpoint on this issue is investigated in his works, especially “Saadat Nameh”, and his mystical and thoughtful answers to the issues of the evil and deficiencies in the world of existence are presented. According to Sheikh Shabestari, The System of Existence is “The Most Perfect and Beautiful”, and any pure and unprejudiced outlook would see all beautiful, even the evils.

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Stories are of literary works that exist in all cultures, among which are Persian and Arabic cultures. Because of the similarity of Persian and Arabic languages, they have influenced each other deliberately or undeliberately throughout history. Mahmud Dolatabadi and Yousef Edris are two modern professional writers who share a lot in thought as they have lived in similar situations like benefiting from similar governments of Iran and Egypt, the same religion, i.e. Islam, and almost the same education in Muslim families. Therefore in the works of these outstanding story writers, there are lots of common characteristics such as anti-colonialism, criticism of the government, outward description of characters and happenings of the story, and using colloquial words and terms. Anyhow there are some differences in the structures of their stories for example in Yousef Edris’s stories we face the repetition of verbs in short sentences whereas Dolatabadi uses short sentences without verbs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The concept of “The Transcendental” is the term Plotinus ascribes for “the One” to make it transcend all diversities, limitations, and personifications.This transcendency makes a great distance between the source of the existence, “the One”, and the other creatures; and accordingly this distance would bring into a challenge the most basic tenets of mysticism, i.e. “relation” and “love”. Plotinus mystic thought is basically philosophical, and in his mystical approach toward philosophy, there is no trace of excitement, ardor, and zeal that are the characteristics of Eastern poetic mysticism. Though Plotinus’s ideas have influenced the eastern mysticism and philosophy, his mysticism is originally based on Greek philosophical thoughts. The notion of “the transcendental” is an adoption from the idea of “good nature” in Plato’s and Plotinus’s thoughts. Adopting this concept and detaching “the One” from all humane characteristics such as thought, love, will, blessing, and mercy, would bring into being the concept of a God which is alien, extremely far, and silent. This article is to study the concept of the transcendent to investigate the source of existence in Plotinus’ thought, and the way it is used in transcending “the One”. Following the transcendence of God to “the One”, the notion of “creation” would also turn into “grace” so that there will be no need to God’s determination and awareness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Comparative Literature, which refers to the study of literary relations among different nations, holds as its duty to study common elements of the literature of different countries. Development of the relations among the countries was the outset of comparative literature which has been to identify moral, emotional, sensual, and intellectual similarities.Iran and Pakistan are two countries that share a great deal in culture, religion, thought, etc. All these similarities between Iran and Pakistan can be traced in the two countries’ literature, myths, stories, social culture, anecdotes, poetry, music and other arts rooted in the common culture between the two.Though literature has changed throughout time, still the modern literature benefits from valuable innovations and creativities both in prose and poetry, and the modern literature reflects the social matters that exist today, and that is why modern people are not interested to ancient literature. Modern Literature reflects the issues of modern times and ancient literature had been reflecting the matters of ancient times. This article is to study common themes and subjects of the modern poetry of Iran and Pakistan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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