After studying the speeches of Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supereme Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran, about the urgancy of using Jihadi management within all fields, the researcher of the presesnt study decided to find a way in order to achive the pioneer media of islamic revolution. Therefore, he tended to create a bilateral relation between madia management and Jihadi management. In the present study, the researcher adopted ranking delphi as research method. Ranking delphi also is clssified within three interrelated and sucsessive phases: brain storming (to achive maximal indicators), narrowing down (to acieve the most important indicators), and ranking (to prioritize the most important indicators). First of all, the characteristics (134 characteristics) of Jihadi media manger identified in interviewing of 21 elites as: media managers, and management and communications professors at the first phase of delphi method. With the most important indecators and characteristics identified in the second phase of delphi method (two rounds) by questionnaire in 3 categories of pentamerous, theire prioritization was carried out in the third phase (two rounds). A questionnaire was used to ranking and by Kendall W coefficient, the consensus of the participants in the panel were measured. The result obtained from ranking delphi method were categorised into three types of characteristics: creativity, qualification and selectiveness, decipline, high motivation, and braveness as the general characteristics; media pioty, having political and cultural insight, being aware of media and its paraphernalia, exploration for the golden point of audiences’ tastes, needs and goodness, and having skills of influencig audience as the media characteristics; and finally, believ in media jihad, insightfulness, God-obidientness, vilayah-centeredness, and sincerity as the jhadi characteristics of media manager.