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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Sectarian and religious conflicts are an integral part of the developments in the Middle East. The emergence of failed states such as Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and powerful transnational non-state actors such as al-Qaeda, ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Taliban, Sahwa, Ansar Allah movement, Yemen, Lebanon and... In addition to changes in behavior and activists of international and regional actors, Has changed the political order and security of the Middle East and  provided for the creation of a new order. The main question of this paper is the Isis’s role f in political-security relations in the Middle East as one of the most important sectarian groups. ISIS is the outcome of the al-Qaeda group whit policy Takfiri- Slfy, Following the restoration of the caliphate and Sunni - Shiite conflict - is the most important element of the ISIS.

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مساله پژوهش حاضر بررسی و تحلیل کارکرد و وظایف «دولت» در قبال مردم از منظر اندرزنامه های دوره میانه با تاکید بر سیرالملوک است که به دلیل جایگاه اجرایی مولفش مهم ترین و اجرایی ترین آداب الملوک این دوره محسوب می شود. از این رو، با رویکرد تفسیرگرایانه متن تلاش می شود بدین پرسش پاسخ داده شود که از منظر مولف سیرالملوک، دولت چه کارکرد و وظایفی در قبال مردم / رعیت دارد؟ در پاسخ می توان این مدعا را مطرح کرد که دولت در این متن زمانی هدف مطلوب خود را می یابد که توانسته باشد کارکردها و وظایف خود را درباره جامعه به انجام رسانده و آن را به سوی آبادانی و سعادت سوق دهد که در واقع این امر، مستلزم تحقق سایر معانی دولت یعنی بخت، اقبال و ثروت در جامعه است.

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Rent and “Rentier States” are interesting topics in different fields of the social sciences. In political and International relations theories a “Rentier State” refers to a government that gets all or most of its income from foreign sources, selling natural resources and foreign aids. In this paper our main assumption is that such governments as a special domestic politics are likely to have a special type of foreign policy. Furthermore, Iran has been chosen as an example of a rentier state by selling oil as the most important commodity since 1978.The main question of this paper is “How revenues from oil selling has affected the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran?”. The possible answer is “Rentier income from oil is the major factor of internationalism and Idealism in Iran's foreign policy and distanced this country from isolationism, economism and realism.In conclusion, by examining data from 1978 to 2013 the results show that along with rising oil revenues, the governments tend to internationalism and realism in their foreign policy orientations and depending on the character of Cabinet leaders in each period, gain international prestige by economic and cultural tools.

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سیدعبدالحسین لاری از مراجع بزرگ عصر قاجار در فارس به شمار می آید که اقدامات تاثیرگذاری در تاریخ انقلاب مشروطیت از خود به جای گذاشت. او هر چند با انتشار رساله های متعدد سیاسی به دفاع از مشروطیت پرداخت اما تلقی او در حمایت از نظام مشروطیت با نظر عالمان دیگر تفاوت داشت و نظرات او با اندیشه سیاسی طرفداران مشروطه مشروعه مانند شیخ فضل اله نوری نزدیک تر بود، اما در عمل در نقطه مقابل آنها قرار گرفت. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی ماهیت تشکیل مجلس و ویژگی ها و اهداف آن در اندیشه سیاسی سیدعبدالحسین لاری با استفاده از روش توصیفی- تحلیلی است. یافته ها و نتایج این پژوهش نشان می دهد که سید لاری از تشکیل مجلس شورای اسلامی که ریاست آن را فقیه جامع الشرایط برعهده بگیرد حمایت می کرد و اعتقاد داشت قانون مجلس باید بر اساس قوانین شرعی اسلام به نگارش درآید. به همین دلایل با استناد به آیات قرآن و کلام معصومان، مخالف خود با مشروعیت سلطنت را اعلان داشت و حتی حکم جهاد علیه حکومت محمدعلی شاه قاجار صادر کرد.

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The majority of literature in studying the impact of advanced communication and information technology on the concept of sovereignty have concerned the challenges facing the sovereignty. The main focus of this study is to survey how new technologies have developed and brought changes into the concept of sovereignty. The concept has had different definitions: sometimes has been extended to include any subject, but at another time under the influence of certain phenomena viewed as limited. This study, explaining the concept of sovereignty, extends to information era and makes a hypothesis that the advanced communication and information technology , providing people with  free access to information and increased awareness and reducing the cost of process and transmission of information, Has paved the way  for the emergence of new actors in International Relations. With the empowerment of these new actors, the sovereignty lost its traditional sense (absolute, indivisible and permanent) and developed into responsibility. In regard to the impact of technologies on the concept of sovereignty, we can distinguish between two types of sovereignty:  legal and operational sovereignty. The paper concluded that the constitutional sovereignty has been challenged by the information revolution while the operational sovereignty has faced enormous technical and cost challenges.

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Conflicts in the current world occur in two forms of cyber and military. Cyber attacks, such as armed conflict, must fit into the framework of humanitarian law. The principle of neutrality in cyberattacks and the maintenance of human rights standards in cyberattacks to the main centers of the states must be in keeping with the civil rights of the civilians and in accordance with the distinction between military personnel and civilians directly involved in the war. Equity in behavior or reaction in a cyber conflict is one of the principles that must be observed. When an attack causes the loss of life of civilians, injury and damage to them, damage to objects.

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European Union is one of the most important and the most prominent actors of international system which is among the most effective and the most successful actors in order to provide international peace and security, and to make regional integration. Due to the importance of mutual relations between Islamic Republic of Iran and European Union, at this survey, we try to study the principles of European Union’s foreign policy toward Islamic Republic of Iran by using library method and reviewing written sources. Also this survey tries to find a suitable answer for the question that what were different approaches of foreign policy between these two actors during the history? By the assumption that in recent years the emphasis of Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy toward the west was changed based on constructive interaction, our studies show that after negotiations between two sides, and in the shadow of removing sanctions and the return of political space based on constructive interaction, there will be a platform to reduce obstacles in front of political relations, and to start a new era in front of European Union and Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Following the US attack to Iraq on 20 of March, 2003, and the collapse of Baas regime, the Iraq political structure has been revolutionized, and a new political structure emerged. The major players of the new structure were Shiat, Kurds, and Soni groups. Social gaps were the major criterion for such classification. The first gap is the ethnic one dividing Iraq to to two Kurd and Arab communities. The second gap is the religeous gap causing two communities of Shiat and Soni to be formed. Accordingly, the Iraq's society has been divided into three nearly distinct and divisible parts of Shiat, Soni, and Kurd. Taking the ethnic-religous clashes and gaps in the existing Iraq society into consideration, some socio-political thinkers believe that the solution to this problem would be the Federalism political structure. Despite the fact that there were some opponents to this view, the suggestion was incorporated into the Iraq constitution. The major purpose of the present paper is to investigate the power triangualation in new Iraq based on the Federalism system. Thus, considering the nature and type of the issue, use was made of discriptive-analytic method and the library sort of collecting information was utilized to collect the required data.

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