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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study with the aim of investigating the effect of group discussion method on social skills and Academic achievement in primary six students in City Maybod. The research method is quasi-experimental and it is based on pretest-posttest procedure involving a control group. The sample was composed of 32 students of the sixth grade, the number of students were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. Data were collected through the social skills questionnaire and researcher-made achievement test. The results of MANCOVA indicated that there is statistically significant differences between the means of social skills and behavioral problems of the students trained through group discussion method and the students trained through traditional method. Also, the results of ANCOVA indicated that there is statistically significant differences between the means of academic achievement of the students trained group discussion method and the students trained through traditional method. Thus, it can be concluded that the group discussion method has a substantial role in increasing students’,social skills and academic achievement and reducing students’,behavioral problems.

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The present study aims at analyzing the importance of the academic environment in academic self-handicapping with a focused emphasis on the mediating role of academic procrastination and optimism. . The research method is descriptive (correlating –,structure study) and the statistical population includes all the students of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Hakim Sabzevari University, Khorasan, Iran. Out of 1300 students in 2017, 300 were selected using available sampling method. . To collect the data, Dundee questionnaires of, the perceptions of learning environment measurement (Rauf et al., 1997), a questionnaire on educational self-handicapping (Jones & Rudwalt, 1982), one on educational procrastination (savari, 2011), and another on educational optimism (Schö, nen Moran et al., 2013) were distribiuted. The data are analyzed using statistical software SPSS 22 and Amos, as well as the structural equation model. The results revealed that the perceptions of the learning environment have a significant negative effect on the academic self-handicapping (-0/15) and academic procrastination (-0/25),and a significant positive effect on the academic optimism (0/40). Moreover, the academic procrastination had a significant positive effect on academic self-handicapping (0/20). And finally, the perceptions of the learning environment indirectly had a significant negative effect on the academic self-handicapping through academic optimism and academic procrastination (-0/07). Besides, the research model acceptably fits the data all in all(0/01). The results emphasize the importance of positive perceptions of the learning environment, academic optimism, and academic non-procrastination in reducing the amount of students’,tendency towards academic self-handicapping.

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The main purpose of this article is investigation of psychometric properties Trigwell, approach to teaching-revised 22 Items questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed between teachers, of Asalouyeh, Parsian and Shibkooh cities in south zone (Hormozgan and Bushehr) of Iran. From 501 teachers selected with randomized stratified sampling. 298 men and 203 women responded to questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is done with principal components and rotated with varimax method. Two factors is earned consist informational transformation-teacher focused and conceptual change-student focused and There are 11 Items on each factor. Loading factors was than 0/30 and none of items is omitted. Result of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) also showed that two factors questionnaire were good fit of the data to the hypothesized model. Reliability of teachers’,approach to teaching questionnaire is earned with Alpha Cronbach’, s Coefficient method. Alpha Cronbach’, s coefficient dimensions of teachers’,approach to teaching questionnaire consist informational transformation-teacher focused and conceptual change-student focused is obtained 0/858 and 0/862. The result showed that the two factors of approach to teaching questionnaire has acceptable validity and, reliability. This questionnaire can be used in instructional and psychological research for Iranian teachers of middle and high school course. Results of this research is generalized with caution to primary school teachers and university teachers.

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The aim of the present study is to study the effectiveness of group hope therapy on academic procrastination and self-regulation among female high school student learning. A control group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research design was used in the study. The study population consists of approximately 11000 female high school students in Mashhad, in the academic year of 2017-2018. From the population, 30 students were selected by multistage cluster random sampling method and assigned randomly to two equal groups (experimental group (n=15) and control group (n=15)). The experimental group received 8 sessions and two sessions per week of hope therapy (each session lasted for 90 minutes) based on Snyder's method (2000, as cited in Bahari, 2014). Each two groups completed the questionnaires of Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS,Solomon & Rothblum, 1984) and self-regulatory learning strategies (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990) as a pre-test and post-test while a period of one month follow-up taken to complete the questioners. The data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA model. The findings showed a significant difference between experimental and control groups on the variables of academic procrastination and self-regulated learning of female students (p < 0/01). According to the findings it can be suggested that using hope therapy in the learning process can decrease the academic procrastination and increase the self-regulated learning in students and therefore led to academic.

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The main purpose of this research was the assessment of junior high school girl student spatial intelligence. A survey research method was used. The statistical population (N=3430) included all girl secondary school students of region one of Hamedan city in (94-95) school year. Using Ratio Stratified sampling method and krejcie and Morgan table about 346 students (179) of first grade and (169) of second grade were selected as study sample. The data gathering instrument was Khaing &et al (2011) questionnaire. The instrument validity using content validity reported as acceptable by experts and its reliability were computed by cronbach alpha about 0/769. The collected data were analyzed using one sample and Independent t-test The findings showed that the student's spatial intelligence was at moderate level and the mental rotation ability in both grades was lower than visualization and visual memory components and there were significant differences between the second and first grade students in spatial visualization component. In sum it should be noted, through knowing the student amount of spatial intelligence, in addition of providing appropriate opportunity for education and reinforce of Thinking in different way, mental imagine and perception of spatial relations skills, they will be ready for living in uncertain future and make suitable selections.

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The aim of this study as to predict academic performance based on the components of psychological capital and psychological hardiness in second grade female students. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population of the study consisted of 4588 students of all third grade high school students in Qom in 2017-2018 academic year. 357 students were selected according to Morgan table. Luthans psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ), hardiness psychological questionnaire Kvbasa (H S) and mean of scores students were used as a criterion for assessing academic performance. The validity and reliability of these two questionnaires have been investigated and confirmed in previous studies. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics including correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results of correlation coefficient indicated that there was a direct and significant relationship between academic performance with psychological capital and components (self-efficacy, optimism and hope), while there was no significant relationship between academic performance and resilience. On the other hand, there was an inverse and non-significant relationship between academic performance and psychological hardiness. Also, there was no significant relationship between hardiness (commitment, challenge and control) with academic performance. According to regression coefficients, it can be said that only psychological capital has significant predictive power over academic performance. Among the components of hopeful psychological capital, there is a stronger single contribution to predicting academic performance. Thus, in order to improve students' academic performance, it is necessary to develop programs to enhance psychological capital.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of authentic leadership on effectiveness of schools management through the mediation of knowledge sharing. This study is a correlation research. 160 school principals of Zahedan city were studied by using three questionnaires authentic leadership, knowledge sharing, and management effectiveness. For data analysis the Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used by SPSS and Lisrel software. Based on results the direct effect of authentic leadership on effectiveness of schools management (β, =0. 71, t=6. 28), direct effect of authentic leadership on knowledge sharing (β, =0. 65, t=4. 851) and direct effect of knowledge sharing on effectiveness of schools management (β, =0. 28, t=2. 79) was significant. The indirect effect of authentic leadership on effectiveness of schools management was also significant with the mediator role of knowledge sharing (β, =0. 182). Thus can conclude that authentic leadership is positively and significantly associated with effectiveness of schools management both directly and indirectly with the mediating role of the knowledge sharing.

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The purpose of this study was to predict hopefulness based on difficulties in emotional regulation and religious attitudes. Method of the present study was descriptive-correlation study. The sample size was 121 Undergraduate students' Ferdowsi University of Mashhad that were selected as volunteers. Research tools included: hope questionnaire of Snyder (1991), difficulties of emotional regulation (DERS) and religious attitudes questionnaire (2010). Pearson correlation, regression, and patch analysis were applied. Results showed that there are significant relationships between hopefulness, difficulties in emotional regulation and religious attitudes (p < 0. 05), considering path analysis, results showed that religious attitude, reject responses excitement, difficulty handling the targeted behavior, limited access to emotion regulation strategies, lack of transparency in the excitement, the total of difficulties in emotional regulation can be predictors for hopefulness (p < 0. 0001). In addition, according to patch analysis to predict hopefulness were desirable. Thus, the factor of difficulties in emotional regulation and religious attitudes can predict hopefulness.

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This study aimed to investigate on the effect of training compassion focused on affect control in female students in Isfahan. The method used in this study was semi-experimental, of the sort of pretest and post-test with control group and the statistical population were 16522 the female students of 13 to 16 from the year 1394 to 1395. To accomplish the research, 30 female first grade high school students were chosen by accessible sampling method and were randomly assigned to experiment and control groups (15 persons in each group). The experiment group received eight training compassion focused sessions. Participants responded to Affective Control Scale (Williams, et al, 1997) before and after the intervention. Then, a month later (follow-up). The results of the analysis of variance with repeated measurements showed that teaching compassion focused had a meaningful effect on the affect control of the female students (p < 0/05). This result had also continued in the follow-up period (p < 0/05). Due to the results of this study, it could be said that teaching compassion focused leads to the enhancement of affect control of the female students. Therefore, this intervention could be used for the improvement of psycho-cognitive state and affect control of the students.

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