Various cell types, total and differential counts of hemocytes in different life stages of larva, pupa and adult of elm leaf beetleXanthogaleruca luteola were investigated. Five types of hemocytes based on the morphology were identified; Prohemocyte, Plasmatocyte, Granulocyte, Oenocytoid and Spherolucyte. Differential count showed the plasmatocyte as the most abundant cell type in Ist, IInd, III larval instar and adult insect as 39, 39.5, 46.5 and 44.5 percent, while the granulocyte was the most abundant cell type (59.5 percent) in pupa. Total hemocyte count was calculated and it was found to be 620±40.4, 940±50.3, 1253.3±29, 1956.6±34.8 and 1326.6±43.3 in Ist, IInd, III larval instar, pupa and adult insect. The identification of cell types and their characteristics could be used as a basse for further investigation on the immunological system of this important pest.