Curriculums and educational materials are considered as one of the main bases of each science and knowledge’ learning phenomenon. They come to existence in the form of books or any scripts and educational tools; they develop in the light of progressing and specialization of sciences; hence there is an increasing need on the half of learners to achieve innovation and changes based on educational status and specific needs of attendants. After being separated from Syntactics, morphophonemicsas a branch of Arabic language has acquired various educational books especially by pioneers like “Ebn-Hajeb”; these worksnot only completed and arranged a systematic form for this science, but also they tried and still try to facilitate the education of this science to especially non-Arab individuals.AlSarf (1) Book written by “Dr. Ahmad Pashazanous” is among the latest works aiming at educating morphophonemic analysis and verbs in Morphophonemics. Based on investigation and criticism of Quran language’ educational texts and sources, this study tries tofairly investigate its outstanding features and privileges in comparison to other written works regarding morphophonemics on one hand, and express some of its present shortcomings existed in different parts of this book, like definitions, expressing problem and subject, exercises, referring to texts, fluent Arabic language, and finally referencing to the previous main sources on the other hand.