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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (10)
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Undoubtedly, the most important population issue in the rural areas of developing countries, such as Iran, is the depopulation of rural areas. Population stability is the result of growth of global awareness about the environmental, social, economic, poverty, inequality and concerns about a healthy future for humankind. Consequently, the present work investigates the effect of government population policies on the population stability of rural areas around Kerman city. The method of this investigation is the descriptive-analytical and its tool is the self-made questionnaire and excel software. The method of data collection is as the survey and documentary. FAHP and FVICOR models are used for analyzing obtained data. According to the results obtained in the regression analysis, population stability of 20% has been explained by population policies as a predictor variable. Therefore, the relationship between population policies and population sustainability is significant at the level of 99%. Results from the used models and among the investigated factors, the maximum and minimum weights are assigned to the social factor with the weight of 0. 562 and the economical factor with the weight of 0. 190, respectively. Based on this, it can be concluded that the social criterion has the most important effect among the influential factors. In the implemented prioritization of the villages, the highest rank in the terms of three factors is assigned to Qanatghista and Arababad villages and also, the lowest rank is assigned to Sekeng village. It seems that the government›, s population policies have been effective in the stability of population of the mentioned villages, however, these have not been impressive in the other villages.

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    2 (10)
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In Iran, drought is the main cause of the water crisis. On the other hand, the study of the economic structure of rural areas of the country shows that agriculture is the main axis of livelihood and the only pillar of rural economy. Drought can reduce the vulnerability of rural farming households to external shocks. Accordingly, the present study identifies strategies for diversification of economic activities in rural areas exposed to drought. The research method is descriptive-analytical in terms of structure and practical in terms of nature. The statistical population of 133 villages had more than 20 households, which were selected as a sample based on the sample size determination formula of 15 villages and the research tool was completed with the help of 46 local experts. Data analysis was performed using two strategic management tools SWOTQSPM. Based on exploratory studies, 19 strengths and opportunities were identified as advantages and 27 weaknesses and threats as constraints on the diversification of economic activities in rural areas exposed to drought. The results showed,According to the scores obtained from the matrix IFE = 2. 99 and EFE = 3. 24, in order to diversify the economic activities of rural areas exposed to drought, aggressive strategies (maximum / maximum) are optimal. According to the QSPM matrix, the strategy of “, efforts to develop and expand the activities of the industrial sector (small conversion and complementary industries) based on agricultural and livestock raw materials in the village”,is a priority. Given that the diversity of economic activities leads to the sustainability of livelihoods in rural areas, politicians and rural planners can accelerate the “, diversification of activities”, , especially in the non-agricultural sector, by adopting appropriate strategies with each region.

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  • Issue: 

    2 (10)
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The present study, while examining the effective and deterrent factors in the organizational structure of rural development management in Guilan province, has analyzed the role of coordinated management of rural development planning in this province and as a result has proposed the “, Coordinated Rural Development Planning Management Council”, . A sample of 81 specialists, managers, experts of different departments of rural affairs of Guilan province, using Morgan table and randomly and systematically selected and data related to research variables were collected using a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed based on theoretical foundations and study of articles and finally after the corrective comments of respected professors and for better reliability was confirmed using Cronbach’, s alpha with the number 0. 82. The present article is descriptive-analytical in terms of practical purpose and quantitative and qualitative in terms of methodology. The information obtained from 37 items using SPSS technique to prove the theory and provide solutions based on 5 main indicators of sustainable rural development and 5 coordination indicators Inter-organizational analysis. The results show that by creating a coordinated management of rural development planning, sustainable rural development of Guilan province can be achieved.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (10)
  • Pages: 

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The present study investigates and analyzes the role of the coastal city of Konarak in the development of its surrounding villages. This research is “, applied”,in terms of purpose and “, descriptive-analytical”,in terms of implementation method. The statistical population of the study is 20 villages around Konarak with a population of over 10, 000 people. The sample size was calculated using the Cochran’, s formula of 382 people. Data collection tools have been library and field. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect field data, which was randomly distributed among the respondents. The required data were collected in the form of 4 indicators and 24 sub-indicators. In order to analyze the inferential findings, one-sample t-test, multivariate regression and path analysis test and to determine the level of development of the surrounding villages of Konarak city, fuzzy hierarchical analysis method and fuzzy TOPSIS model have been used. The results of one-sample t-test show that the economic index with an average of 2. 910 is lower than the desired level and the cultural index with an average of 3. 233, the social index with an average of 3. 059 and the infrastructure and communication index with an average of 0. 071 3 are above the desired level. The results of route analysis indicate that the economic index with an overall effect of 0. 742 and the infrastructure-communication index with an overall effect of 0. 621 have the greatest impact on the development of peripheral villages, respectively, and the cultural index with an overall effect of 0. 199 has the least impact. Also, the results of regression test show that, based on the obtained significant level (Sig = 0. 000), there is a significant relationship between the functions of the coastal city of Konarak and the development of surrounding villages.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (10)
  • Pages: 

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The purpose of this study is to identify, explain and measure the obstacles to the development of production cooperatives in border areas with a social and economic approach. This research is quantitative and its nature and purpose are practical and in terms of data collection is also a survey. In this study, 25 obstacles were identified regarding the underdevelopment of production cooperatives at the borders. which after using factor analysis, the Kaiser criterion was used to determine the number of factors. Based on this criterion, 4 factors(Individual, social and cultural factors, administrative and supportive factors, financial and economic factors, security and political factors) with a specific value of more than 1 were identified and identified as extractable factors. According to the statistical indicators using the main factor analysis method, these 4 factors could explain a total of %92. 672 of the total variance of the variables. The results showed that Individual, social and cultural factors with a total factor load of 6. 055, administrative and supportive factors with a total factor load of 4. 711, financial and economic factors with a total factor load of 2. 928 and security and political factors with a total factor load of 1. 407, Respectively, the most important obstacles are the development of production cooperatives at the borders. Therefore, it is suggested that for the development of production cooperatives in border areas, given the specific conditions of these areas, a multidimensional perspective should be considered.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (10)
  • Pages: 

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Over the past decades, the attitude to the role of rural industries as an influential factor in the economic construction of rural areas, has led to these industries as a basis for the development of rural areas. However, these industries have brought many positive and negative effects in the surrounding rural areas, which requires scientific study. The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic effects of the activity of industrial towns on the surrounding rural settlements in the Shahid Salimi industrial town of Tabriz. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In terms of collection methods, it is a field-library research. To select villages in terms of economic impact, 14 villages within a 10 km radius of the industrial town were selected, which according to the 2016 census had a population of 15084 people and 4629 households, using the Cochran’, s formula, 306 rural households were selected as a sample. Then, SMART PLS 3 software was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the most important economic effect of the establishment of Shahid Salimi industrial town in the surrounding villages was the creation of added value of agricultural products with an average of 0. 366.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (10)
  • Pages: 

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Today, land use change is an effective process in geographical space. Land use change is a growing phenomenon that has changed the rural environment,These changes in the rural environment have hampered rural development programs based on improving rural conditions and rural life in all its dimensions. These changes, which often occur as a result of human activities, have become one of the most important problems in the new environment due to the lack of a principled program, neglect of sustainable development and lack of sustainable management. The present study has been compiled with the aim of investigating and analyzing land use changes in rural settlements of Birjand. In order to achieve the above goal, three series of satellite images that have been prepared and analyzed for each of the studied villages (Hajiabad, Amirabad, Chehkand and Aliabad) during 2000, 2010 and 2020. The research method is descriptive-analytical and also for preparing and analyzing data from the cloud computing system of Google Earth Engine, Envi software and Arc GIS software and also for predicting the changes of Horizon 1420, Idrisi software has been used. The results of satellite images show that during the period 2000 to 2020, extensive changes have been made in the physical texture of the study area. In this period, the area of land built in the villages of Hajiabad, Amirabad, Chehkand and Aliabad from 21/96, 22/01, 7/21 and 5. 52 hectares in 2000 to 183. 77, respectively., 129. 62, 99. 07 and 21. 08 hectares have changed in 2020,And the area of barren land that has been surveyed in the group of other lands has decreased. Also, the results of Horizon 1420 forecast show that the major land use changes in the next 20 years will be in the field of built and residential lands.

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