Women entrepreneurship is one of the signs of a developed nation. The purpose of the present study is to explain the Structural Equation Model of the factors affecting women entrepreneurship and their role in sustain development in Mazandaran Province. Iran for this purpose, the literature of women entrepreneurship and constant development was reviewed, among 1511 research population, 291 opinions were used. Data collection tools included documents, interviews and questionnaires. A reliability coefficient of 91 percent, in the framework of non-experimental survey method was achieved. The Structural Equation Model explaining the effective factors on women entrepreneurship was used, based on statistical correlation tests, direct and indirect correlations between variables and also interactional regression in the format of path analysis using SPSS and Lisrel. The results of the study indicated that, among the four groups of variables explaining the process of women entrepreneurship within the framework of a Structural Equation Model, (i.e. the personal, occupational, behavioral and environmental variables,) the generality of the derived model was proved. Based on structural model’s coefficients, the behavioral variable affected on women’s entrepreneurship process more than others and from this point of view the other three variables are less significant. The last part of the article includes discussion and comparison, conclusion, practical, managerial, and further research suggestions.